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Jaguars Helmet Concept


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I do not think this would work because its a gold shape on a gold helmet, and it would offer the viewer very little contrast. I fear this would look like a big black blob from a distance. I must say i like the current helmet better.

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Especially since the Jags seem enamored with adding as much black as they can to the uni sets they wear.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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As a Jags fan, that is a travesty. I love the black helmet. I don't see why people hate it so much. It looks gorgeous! It certainly looks better than Silver, Gold, Teal, or White.

Sorry, didn't mean to outright bash your concepts, but I get a little hostile when it comes to the Jaguars.

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As a Jags fan, that is a travesty. I love the black helmet. I don't see why people hate it so much. It looks gorgeous! It certainly looks better than Silver, Gold, Teal, or White.

Sorry, didn't mean to outright bash your concepts, but I get a little hostile when it comes to the Jaguars.

"There there shut up boy..."

- Homer J. Simpson

That's cool. I just think the logo looks TOO transparent thats all.

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i think the current helmets are one of the best in the league. theyre simple and classy in a time when helmets are too modern(panthers) or just outright lame(ravens). the effort is there, but they look like usfl or cfl america helmets.

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if anything, id go opposite and try it on a white helmet with a black facemask. i think the reason theyre going as black as they are is because of their only mistake: teal. they got caught up like so many at the time. a nice rich green would do as well

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As a Jags fan, that is a travesty. I love the black helmet. I don't see why people hate it so much. It looks gorgeous! It certainly looks better than Silver, Gold, Teal, or White.

Sorry, didn't mean to outright bash your concepts, but I get a little hostile when it comes to the Jaguars.

I agree.

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As a Jags fan, that is a travesty. I love the black helmet. I don't see why people hate it so much. It looks gorgeous! It certainly looks better than Silver, Gold, Teal, or White.

Sorry, didn't mean to outright bash your concepts, but I get a little hostile when it comes to the Jaguars.

I agree.

count me in

too many people on this board want to change things that look good as is, and thats a shame

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a gold helmet with leapord spots would be awesome...

here is why i dont like the gold helmet:

there are two other teams who use an all black helmet with no stripes and a logo- atl and baltimore. Of those two, you could argue baltimore should go purple but I think theirs looks fine.

Of course black helmets LOOK good. Black jerseys look damn good too, its just a shame that everyone is getting black jerseys, thus diminishing the uniqueness and great classic look of teams like the Steelers and Raiders and even the Saints.

Heck, you could give any team a helmet with just a logo, that is the color of their darkest primary color used, and it would look good.

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I don't know, the Boston Celtics roads, Oakland Raiders homes & Yankees homes are pretty close to untouchably perfect

...and I would change things on all three of those...

(three of my least-favorite uniforms of all time)

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