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What stadium name do you want back?


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Joe Robbe Stadium = Pro Player Stadium

Jack Murphy Stadium = Qualcomm Stadium

Astros Field = Minute Maid Park

Oakland-Alameda County Colliseum = Network Associates Colliseum

Candlestick Park = 3-Com Park at Candlestick Point

Comiskey Park = US Cellular Field

San Jose Arena = HP Pavillion at San Jose

Citrus Bowl = Alltell Stadium

Anaheim Stadium = Edison International Field of Anaheim

Riverfront Stadium = Cinergy Field

BONUS CHOICE: Royals Stadium = Kauffman Stadium

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Keith/xlr8r/anichanger/Red Dragon/...whatever the heck you have decided to call yourself this week...it's bad enough that you're fixated on lists and polls, but would it be too much to request THAT THEY ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH LOGOS AND/OR UNIFORMS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


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Ok you guys are jumping down his throat for posting the poll but then you go ahead and answer it.  You complained that it bumped informative topics down will your bumping them down to.  So why don't you just give him a break.




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...So why don't you just give him a break.

The problem here is that this kid (yes, he's a kid) has a very long and ugly history of proliferating sports message boards with list after list of NFL realignments, stadium lists, and other off-topic crap.  And frankly, most of us are sick of it.  If you go to the Helmet Project's message board, Charles has even posted Keith's IP address on the header - so that you can easily see when he's posted.

This has been going on for WAY too long...

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...So why don't you just give him a break.

The problem here is that this kid (yes, he's a kid) has a very long and ugly history of proliferating sports message boards with list after list of NFL realignments, stadium lists, and other off-topic crap. And frankly, most of us are sick of it. If you go to the Helmet Project's message board, Charles has even posted Keith's IP address on the header - so that you can easily see when he's posted.

This has been going on for WAY too long...

thanks, PANTONE for explaining, these "rookies" really dont know what they are getting into, i nearly had it on the fanhome board, the post/poll that did it was "Which sport do you think should be part of the Olympics?" Frankly, i thought WHO CARES!?, then that led to many more posts/polls like it and his eventual ban from the fanhome board. :laugh: Us "veterans" can only tolerate this stuff for so long.  :;):

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I am not quite understanding your logic here either...

Candlestick & Riverfront are gone... Citrus Bowl hasn't been renamed, and you didn't spell Joe Robbie correctly...

Corporate naming is definitely one of the TOP 5 worst things to happen in sports the past 10 years, no doubt...

Comiskey would seem to be the front runner here, but in a town where most people are from/grew up in, a park that has kept the name for close to a hundred years, is NOT going to be called anything, but Comiskey by the faithful...

Based on that I voted for "The Murph" out of the few choices that were given to me...


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An interesting side point here is how are these stadiums recorded in historical data? Minute Maid Park has already changed its name once for instance. The name of Enron Field will be pretty meaningless to anyone in say 50 years.

Wisden (the famous cricket record book) deals with the growing number of sponsorship deals with cricket grounds by just referring to the place name, and if it has two grounds the old pre sponsors name, however so many of these American sponsored grounds are completely new!

Just a thought!!!


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