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Haslett's whining


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I totally agreed with Haslett's views a few weeks ago when it was announced the first Saints "home game" would be played at Giants Stadium, and I got taken to task for not being sensitive to the hurricane victims. Wether the Saints won or lost doesnt matter. I still think they could have played it somewhere neutral. That was a total road game for them to have to play. Not fair IMO.


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I'm with Haslet. Giving the Giants this home game was crap.

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I'll admit the Saints are getting a raw deal, but Haslett's ineptitude has spanned several seasons. On any field that team would have stunk up the place on Monday Night.

That being said, the Alamodome holds 59,000 for football. In Houston, the Astrodome and Reliant Stadium hold 60,000 and 69,500 respectively. There were other options, and maybe the NFL tried to grandstand this by sending the game up to East Rutherford, eight miles from Manhattan. Too bad for the Saints, but it's time to suck it up and get ready for next week. Your home schedule has been adjusted. The unknown has been answered. The telethon raised a crapload of money for the victims. Game on.

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But he blamed the Saints turnovers because of it?! :therock:

Well, you never know. It's amazing what the crowd can do to energize a defense, throw a QB and a WR off the same page, and force silly penalties -- which seem to just pile onto an already bad start.

I think his complaint is legitimate. The NFL handled this poorly, as if painting 'Saints' on the field was supposed to cancel out the crowd.


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Whether or not Haslett has a legitimate gripe isn't the issue. The game is over, there is nothing to be done about it now, and he is still griping. He is coming across as being extremely insensitive, and it is sounding like sour grapes. We already knew what he thought about the decision, so it's time to move on.

(Personally, given the timeframe needed to make a decision and knowing what they knew at the time, I think the NFL made a reasonable decision. Not a perfect decision, but a reasonable one. In hindsight, another choice might have been preferable, but no one has that luxury.)


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Yes, the game should have been played somewhere else.

Yes, I'm sick of Haslett's whining.

However, I don't mind the whining as much as the timing of it. Why didn't anyone say anything before the fluffing game? Joe Horn was on TV everyday yet didn't say anything about the team's displeasure. They wouldn't have said plop if they had won.

I really wanted to root for the Saints this year, but this show of "character" perfectly illustrates why this team underachieves every year and why they consistently lose to teams they should beat. They are not strong willed or strong minded.

Congratulations on looking like jackasses to a public that was more than willing to embrace you!

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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My take...

I agree with the Saints that the game should have been somewhere else than the Meadowlands...

I disagree with Haslett trying to use it as THE reason why the Giants slapped them around the field Monday...I think those 6 TOs they had did a lot more damage to their chances than having to play their home opener in the swamps of North Jersey.

I had a feeling they were up plop creek without a paddle when they fumblefluffed the OPENING kickoff. Don't matter WHERE you do something like that, be it home or on the road, you give up a quick 7 to the opponents, you're already behind the 8-ball.

So Jim Haslett can take his reasoning for the loss and kindly stick it where the sun don't shine.

Also, greg brought up a great point....the Saints win the game, you don't hear ANY of this.


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NY hosts St. Louis on 10/2.

N.O. visits St. Louis on 10/23.

The league could move the Giants / Rams game to St. Louis, returining the Giants to having 8 home games. (and the Rams 9.)

Then, they move the Saints / Rams game to San Antonio (or LSU), returning the Saints and Rams to 8 home games.

Why not? Everyone would be even.

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NY hosts St. Louis on 10/2.

N.O. visits St. Louis on 10/23.

The league could move the Giants / Rams game to St. Louis, returining the Giants to having 8 home games. (and the Rams 9.)

Then, they move the Saints / Rams game to San Antonio (or LSU), returning the Saints and Rams to 8 home games.

Why not? Everyone would be even.

This makes entirely too much sense.

I suggest that we form a posse and have this man stoned to death for such a radical exercise of logic and good sense.

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In retrospect, they should have played the Giants/Saints game in Philadelphia.

It's within a couple hours' drive of the NFL headquarters in NYC, since that apparently was super-important in the fund-raising capabilities of the event (was it really?)

While it wouldn't have necessarily been a pro-Saint crowd, it REALLY would not have been a pro-Giant crowd, save for the handful of South Jersey transplants from further up the NJ Turnpike that probably would have found a way to get into the Linc.

Philadelphia cares as much about pro football as just about any city in America, to the point where people would turn up on short notice to a game between two NFL teams that counted, especially if one of the teams was one to actively root against.

Since we can't get in the time machine and make this happen, the whole Saints/Giants/Rams three-way referenced above should be implemented. Somebody tell me that someone at the NFL offices at least knows about these scheduling possibilities.

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NY hosts St. Louis on 10/2.

N.O. visits St. Louis on 10/23.

The league could move the Giants / Rams game to St. Louis, returining the Giants to having 8 home games. (and the Rams 9.)

Then, they move the Saints / Rams game to San Antonio (or LSU), returning the Saints and Rams to 8 home games.

Why not? Everyone would be even.

This makes entirely too much sense.

I suggest that we form a posse and have this man stoned to death for such a radical exercise of logic and good sense.

Tickets are already sold, and I dont see the NFL giving refunds any time soon.

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