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I wasn't glad the Colts lost until after the game

I watched four quarters of Manning running around and the Colts offense looking confused..

He ran a two minute drill that looked like a flag football game and was far from Montana or Elway-like

He kept winging the ball instead of trying to get his kicker a decent spot for a FG (a 46 yard FG to tie puts a lot of pressure on the kicker)

And then he says after the game "i want to be a good team mate. but..."

and throws his offense line under the bus

Nice leadership..I have to say Brady showed a lot more class after he lost..

The Mannings have big egos but still have a long way to go to be considered great

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It was pathetic it showed he does not have any guts and does not have what it takes to win.

He now has a black mark on his career it will not come off until he wins a Super Bowl, although now I dont think he ever will win a Super Bowl.



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Anytime you say something like, "I'm a team player, but..." or "I'm not racist, but.." or "CC97 advised me about calling you a social outcast again, but..." It usually means that the next sentence is going to be stupid.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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WelL Peyton is a horrible team player you win as a team you lose a team now I will say Tarrick Glenn was horrible a couple of flase starts but be a team player Peyton dont single out you line take the hit show come class. If you want the credit you need to take the blame and Peyton Manning passing the buck there showed me he does not have it hes a gutless choker.

I lost so much respect for him not by the loss but his comments after the game.



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He?s no worse than Brady or Leinhart for their own foot-in-mouth comments.

Its all part of the after-game, mic-in-the-face press hounding. A guy who just took the best team into the playoffs, and is coming away with a loss should be able to have some time to decompress, scream, yell, act like a fool before he needs to have his words broadcast around the world, to have his reputation torn asunder.

I don't hate on this guy like some of you do. I guess you must not like his Tennessee days or something. This is, as far as I can tell, the only thing he's said negative. I mean... does one truth said in desperation doom you to being "a gutless choker?"

I don?t think so. His line did suck. Should he have shut the hell up, and taken it like a team man? Sure. But because he didn't, he?s a loser, a choker, a wimp, a jerk, and a moron? No, that?s just silly.

Running and jumping with all your might to a conclusion is just republican.. I mean, stupid.

Same thing.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Im not the only one saying this.

Manning has been attacked in similar ways, by Terry Bradshaw and Ron Jaworski who know more about football then me or you.

Manning threw his line under the bus and that will win him no friends in the NFL and will win him no credibillity, and I bet a whole lot more people in and out of footbal feel the same way.

Manning could not beat Florida in College, and now cant win a playoff game. He is a choker, until he wins the Super Bowl that lable is right on his forehead.



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Running and jumping with all your might to a conclusion is just republican.. I mean, stupid.

Same thing.

Nice job bringing political biases into this thread when there is absolutely no need for it. Now it's you that looks stupid.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Im not the only one saying this.

Manning has been attacked in similar ways, by Terry Bradshaw and Ron Jaworski who know more about football then me or you.

Manning threw his line under the bus and that will win him no friends in the NFL and will win him no credibillity, and I bet a whole lot more people in and out of footbal feel the same way.

Manning could not beat Florida in College, and now cant win a playoff game. He is a choker, until he wins the Super Bowl that lable is right on his forehead.

well, i'd take him out here in SF, if he's that bad.... :D

PS---I have searched everywhere- where's the complete Peyton quote where he whacks the O Line?

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The quote was basically he had protection problems its been played all over ESPN, usually with Manning getting hammered as he deserved.

Im not saying that the line played good they were horrible, but its not a place for a player to say it to the press, even if it is the star player, win as a team lose as a team and what Manning did in calling them out was weak.



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I think we all need to keep these comments in perspective, at least he didn't say that the offensive line was the "one that got tired at the end of the [game]". He also didn't say the Steelers were "ripe for the picking" or that "the whole world loves [Joey Porter]."

So what point am I trying to make through all this? The Colts O-line was bad yesterday. Manning shouldn't have called them out, but their inability to stop the blitz was the key in yesterday's loss. And if Favre said it, we'd probably call him courageous for having the boldness to call out his team. But I digress...


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(to the tune of "Meet the Flintstones")


Peyton Manning

Biggest choker in Colts history

In the second quarter

he'll get lit up like a Christmas tree

He'll cry

Everytime that he gets beat

We'll laugh

While we're chanting "Cut That Meat!" :cursing:

When you play with Manning

Lose the playoffs for the 6th time

Just like his O-Line

He'll watch the Game from home

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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I see the point of he should have known better than to say it. We all make that sort of mistake on occation. For instance, me with the republican barb. Trying to be funny, but came out like a stab in the abdomen. Shouldnt have said it. But I can't unsay it.

I think that calling Manning "a gutless choker" is overstating it in a similar way.

Manning didnt say his line lost the game. He didnt say the Pittsburgh defense made the line look like little punk bitches. He actually said, "we had some protection problems tonight."

1. THEY DID. They allowed more sacks than they did all year.

2. He said "we" and I think he meant we. He calls protections at the line, so he is partially responsible. The Joey Porter sack, he lined up outside the tight end, and came directly at Manning, unabaited. Thats not the line's fault,t hats Mannings for not seeing that and calling over an extra bloacker. And I think he'd tell you the same thing.

3. He never mentioned the line. He was talking about the TEs, the RBs, the line, himself. The Colts team had protection problems.

When I watched ESPN tongiht, Michael Irving, Dan Patrick, and Mike Ditka all weighed in and said he most certainly did NOT throw his line under the bus.

Sure, some questionable charachters there, but nonetheless, guys who know something about football. So its not 'everyone' who thinks what he said was reprehensible.

All in all, I believe it is just as bad or worse to call a guy "a gutless choker" as it was to say "we had some protection problems."

Maybe thats just me.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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People have the right to their opinions and my opinon is Peyton Manning is a gutless choker, who needs to win a Super Bowl to redeem his career.

If you dont feel that way fine, thats how I feel.



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I am no Republican and i didn't call him a gutless choker..

I think the Colts have a chance to still be a great team and i agree that none of us know what it is like to have microphone stuck in your face when something real bad happens to you..

Having said that, I don't think Manning is "great" QB or leader yet..That loss could be demoralizing to that team and he should be a leader and not a "divider"

The line might have been not picking up the blitz, and Peyton did have some clutch plays but with the game on the line he was bad..on a big stage..

He got sacked..he didn't pick up secondary receivers..he didn't direct a decent drive..he had two minutes to get his team down the field and try to get field position and he threw a wild pass into the end zone hoping for pass interference and a pass that was to no one and should have been intercepted..He had people open on short routes..

He left his kicker with a 46 yard field goal to tie the game..

He didn't rise to the occasion in the big game (again)..and then he pointed at the blocking

Maybe next year

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I don't hate on this guy like some of you do. I guess you must not like his Tennessee days or something. This is, as far as I can tell, the only thing he's said negative. I mean... does one truth said in desperation doom you to being "a gutless choker?"

Name one big game Peyton has won in college or the NFL.

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My take on Peyton Manning...

He's a darn good QB and is racking up some impressive numbers in the REGULAR SEASON. He's pretty much becoming the 2000s answer to Dan Marino.


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It was pathetic it showed he does not have any guts and does not have what it takes to win.

He gets it from his father, the biggest loser in the history of pro football.

The poor guy, it's just in his genes and there's nothing he can do to eradicate the lineage that he was born into.


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