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Knicks about to fire Larry Brown


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According to ESPN News the Knicks will buy out the remainder of his contract. Amazing Larry Brown is canned and Isaiah keeps his job. This team is run by a bunch of clowns, what a mess.



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This is hilarious! He bails out on the perfect situation to take his dream job, only to get canned after a year? I'm loving it! I've never been much of a fan of Larry Brown. Great coach, but I greatly dislike the fact that he always has one foot out the door.


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I agree with that sentiment but its coming from the Knicks they are unhappy with how he crtiicizes players. Oh to make it even better Isaiah will become Coach/GM. Can you say 9-73.



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Isiah as coach/GM? That's cute. Perhaps he could be the worst in the league in both regards. He had a great team when he coached the Pacers, and, in my opinion, was ultimately the reason they bowed out in the first round. In 2003, he had Reggie Miller, Jermaine O'Neal, Brad Miller, Ron Artest, Al Harrington, and Jamaal Tinsley and couldn't get past the first round.

Larry Brown is one of the best coaches in the League, if not the best -- if he couldn't make this Knicks team look decent... nobody can.


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PAY LARRY BROWN $40 MILLION TO BUY HIM OUT OF HIS CONTRACT? That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

HOW ABOUT...GET THIS...SPEND THAT SAME $40 MILLION TO INVEST IN PLAYERS THAT AREN'T INJURED, AREN'T PAST THEIR PRIME AND CAN PLAY TOGETHER? That way they can keep Coach Brown, who is unquestionably a winner, and maybe even win a game or two...

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It's a shame I have terrible aim.

Anybody know a good marksman? I'm currently looking for a hitman to end James Dolan's life. That jerk has run a once elite franchise into the butt of every NBA joke.

That said, I don't think he will buy out Brown's contract. That's a lot of money to spend after only one year - not to mention how foolish you'd look in every paper, blog, sports show, etc. After year 2, maybe I see it happening, but right now I don't think so.

I hate my life :cursing:

"The true New Yorker secretly believes that anyone living anywhere else has got to be, in some sense, kidding."

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The Nets' move to Brooklyn can't come too soon for the NBA. Why Isaiah Thomas is still gainfully employed by this team I do not know. (My theory is he has pictures of the owner with a goat, because even the race card isn't enough for him to keep his job.)

9-73? If Larry Brown gets let go, I can guarantee the New York Giants will win more games than the Knicks next year, and I might say the same about the Jets.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Well now that the Clippers are good someone needs to be the clown princes of the NBA.

I thought my Blazers already were? :/

and after the debacle that was "where will Larry end up?" last summer, hearing all of this not only makes me think "Typical," but also makes me SERIOUSLY laugh. quite a funny situation.

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For once, though, it's not Larry getting the cold feet. Dolan wants to buy LB out. I don't recall hearing Larry vocalize a desire to get out of New York, but then again year one of any Larry Brown situation tends to be the honeymoon year.

As for the Knicks being the butt of many an NBA joke, all it does is deflect attention from the NBA semi-joke that occurs 90 miles to the south-southwest at the Wachovia Center.

48142444846_3aa6afbd89_m.jpgNCAA Baseball Champions | 2014, 2019 


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It's a shame I have terrible aim.

Anybody know a good marksman? I'm currently looking for a hitman to end James Dolan's life. That jerk has run a once elite franchise into the butt of every NBA joke.

That said, I don't think he will buy out Brown's contract. That's a lot of money to spend after only one year - not to mention how foolish you'd look in every paper, blog, sports show, etc. After year 2, maybe I see it happening, but right now I don't think so.

I hate my life :cursing:

I may have the number to the Illuminati that hides out in the Adirondack Mountains puppeteering our gov't. They may know somebody in gov't that can be a service for ya. After all they organized the assasinations of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, JFK, RFK, MLK, organized 9/11 and with the secret gov't weather machine they caused Katrina with help of course from Bush and Cheney and they convinced the Boston Red Sox to sell Babe Ruth to the Yankees. I'm sure the hit man side job shouldn't be too much out of the way for them. Since various members of the secret society is knicks fans, i'm sure they'll be much obliged to help you out. A good knicks team is a happy Illuminati or is that a good yankees team? nah its a good knicks team, because a good yankees team is a happy God and since the Yankees are God's team they have to be good or the world will suffer the wrath of God. :grin:

what was i talking about, oh yes Larry Brown. Keep him and fire the team.



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As a Pistons fan that lives in the NY Metro Area, I've done NOTHING but laugh at this entire situation....yep, Larry leaves Detroit for his "Dream Job", and it turns into a nightmare while the Pistons have been even BETTER than they were under Larry.

Dolan's done a great job of ruining the team, but ya gotta give credit where it's due...Scott Layden and Zeke have helped considerably as well...

Just think how much more it's gonna hurt when they hold the Lottery....especially when it looks like the Bulls could land a top 3 pick out of it thanks to that horrid trade for Eddy Curry....


Housatonic U. Dragons (NCFA Basketball): 16-6 (8-4 Conf.)--National Runner-Up

Jersey State U. (NCFA Football): Inaugural Year - 2006

Motor City Silverhawks (WArFL): 9-4 (3rd--National Conf.)

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Detroit Spirit (AA): 3-6 (T-4th--Patriot League)

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Boston Mariners RFU (WRU): Coming Soon!

New York Americans (SHL): Inaugural Season - 2006-07

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There's a lot of blame to go around, but I may be one of the few Knicks fans that applaud this move. Without question, he was the worst coach in the league last year. He totally tanked the season. He knew the "issues" with the roster. And that little acid reflux episode was a crock of :censored:. Yeah, so much for "the right way" coming to Broadway. He's going to get his money. He orchestrated a buyout from the Pistons when they had the perfect roster for Larry, got 18 million dollars, signed a 5 year, 50 mil contract, leads the team to the worst record in their history, and will get at least 25 million bucks to go away after one season. Sounds like quite a fair trade for the coach. Sounds like doing things "the right way" right?

Besides, they would still suck with Brown, they'll will still suck without Brown. However, I guaran-damn-tee they'll win more than 23 games next season. Also, when Isaiah fails as coach, Dolan will axe him, too. It's a slow process, but they've got nothing but time.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Also, when Isaiah fails as coach, Dolan will axe him, too. It's a slow process, but they've got nothing but time.

This is where you're wrong. Unfortunately, Dolan will never axe Thomas. Thomas is the basketball equivalent to Sather. This is a pattern Dolan has shown himself to fall into time and time again. He hires a big-name guy (though in Thomas's case it wasn't even for the job he was accepting whereas Sather was a big-name GM) and gets buddy-buddy with him to the point where the guy can do no wrong in Dolan's eyes. He accepts excuses like they're gospel and never questions the authority. This is because, in Dolan's mind, Thomas (or Sather) is clearly a bigger expert on the team than he is and therefore he'd be stupid to question their decisions or moves.

Hell, Dolan even let Sather fire the coach and take over himself. The only reason Sather isn't the coach anymore is because it was cutting into his golfing time so he stepped back and promoted Renney (who fortunately has shown himself to be a fantastic coach). I wish I could say that I could see Thomas doing this but I've had a feeling from the start (as have many others) that Thomas was manipulating his way behind the Knicks' bench from the start.

I feel bad for Knicks fans because Dolan is a clown. For all the people that complain about Mark Cuban or George Steinbrenner, stop. Even those that complain about the cheapskate owners who refuse to spend money on the team, you should feel lucky. Jim Dolan is the epitome of ownership problems. He spends money like it's going out of style, charges fans a small-fortune to see the games, and makes idiotic decisions based on his silly, childish buddy-buddy friendships with big-name GMs who are clearly manipulating him.

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So much for the kid from Long Beach living out his dream! I think this might be the end of the line for Larry, but who knows?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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There's a lot of blame to go around, but I may be one of the few Knicks fans that applaud this move. Without question, he was the worst coach in the league last year. He totally tanked the season. He knew the "issues" with the roster. And that little acid reflux episode was a crock of :censored:. Yeah, so much for "the right way" coming to Broadway. He's going to get his money. He orchestrated a buyout from the Pistons when they had the perfect roster for Larry, got 18 million dollars, signed a 5 year, 50 mil contract, leads the team to the worst record in their history, and will get at least 25 million bucks to go away after one season. Sounds like quite a fair trade for the coach. Sounds like doing things "the right way" right?

Besides, they would still suck with Brown, they'll will still suck without Brown. However, I guaran-damn-tee they'll win more than 23 games next season. Also, when Isaiah fails as coach, Dolan will axe him, too. It's a slow process, but they've got nothing but time.

Isaih has made some of the stupidest trades I ever seen he hads Steve Francis and his humongeous contract when they already had Marburry and his untradeable contract.



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