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Columnist: "What's so great about soccer?"


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It is also the one sport where size ,weight etc. really doesn't matter.Another point is that drugs cannot make you a better player - steroids etc have no effect as they so obviously do in other sports,so that when a goal scoring record is broken nobody immediately thinks "Must be taking something..".

How do you figure? It doesn't help to be able to kick a ball harder or be a little bit stronger when you're jockeying for possession? It doesn't help to be able to run faster than your opponent? Having your body recover quicker doesn't help you in soccer? That's a fairly ignorant statement to make.

I don't really have any problem with soccer. I, personally, think it's kind of a boring sport to watch, though. That's not anything against the sport, just that it doesn't appeal to me. My only real problem with the sport is the free goal... err... penalty shot. The goalie really doesn't have a chance. The US lost a game yesterday because of incidental contact, which wasn't bad at all, about 15 yards away from the goal on a header attempt -- Ghana then gets what essentially amounts to a free goal out of it.


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My only real problem with the sport is the free goal... err... penalty shot. The goalie really doesn't have a chance. The US lost a game yesterday because of incidental contact, which wasn't bad at all, about 15 yards away from the goal on a header attempt -- Ghana then gets what essentially amounts to a free goal out of it.

How is it any better then a free throw in basketball? Arn't those basically free points (unless you're Shaq)?

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My only real problem with the sport is the free goal... err... penalty shot.  The goalie really doesn't have a chance.  The US lost a game yesterday because of incidental contact, which wasn't bad at all, about 15 yards away from the goal on a header attempt -- Ghana then gets what essentially amounts to a free goal out of it.

How is it any better then a free throw in basketball? Arn't those basically free points (unless you're Shaq)?

A goal in soccer is the equivalent of like, 20 points in basketball.


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My only real problem with the sport is the free goal... err... penalty shot.  The goalie really doesn't have a chance.  The US lost a game yesterday because of incidental contact, which wasn't bad at all, about 15 yards away from the goal on a header attempt -- Ghana then gets what essentially amounts to a free goal out of it.

How is it any better then a free throw in basketball? Arn't those basically free points (unless you're Shaq)?

A goal in soccer is the equivalent of like, 20 points in basketball.

depends on the team. A goal in soccer would be the equivalent of 20 points scored by the Phoenix Suns, 40 points if you're the Knicks :D (or is it the other way around ^_^)

I saw, I came, I left.

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It is also the one sport where size ,weight etc. really doesn't matter.Another point is that drugs cannot make you a better player - steroids etc have no effect as they so obviously do in other sports,so that when a goal scoring record  is broken nobody immediately thinks "Must be taking something..".

How do you figure? It doesn't help to be able to kick a ball harder or be a little bit stronger when you're jockeying for possession? It doesn't help to be able to run faster than your opponent? Having your body recover quicker doesn't help you in soccer? That's a fairly ignorant statement to make.

Not really because skill not power is more important to the game.A fast runner does not = good player as some NFL teams will testify after signing Olympic sprinters.My real point was that drugs cannot significantly enhance performance as in other sports.

The Right will always be wrong,

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What's one of the biggest marks against the NBA? Officiating. What was the biggest gripe about the Super Bowl (other than the halftime entertainment)? Officiating. What's the defining image from the USA-Italy match? (1) McBride's bloody face (1a) Very visible officiating (for not the right reasons) You connecting the dots yet?

And herein lies my gripe with soccer. How do they let officials (who were found guilty of being corrupt) to officiate more games?

Soccer lets the officiating and fake dives have too much of an impact.

In soccer, for example, say the ref blows the whilste 20 times a match, and 2 of those are bad bad calls.

That is 10% bad calls.

In basketball and football, they blow the whistle 200-300 times a game, and usually 2-3 of those calls are bad. But, that only impacts about 1% of the game.

I like soccer. I wouldn't call it a great game. No great game can end in a tie.

And, I loved in Spain, and tried to convince myself that it is the greatest sport on earth, but it really isn't. IN MY OPINION.

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It is also the one sport where size ,weight etc. really doesn't matter.Another point is that drugs cannot make you a better player - steroids etc have no effect as they so obviously do in other sports,so that when a goal scoring record  is broken nobody immediately thinks "Must be taking something..".

How do you figure? It doesn't help to be able to kick a ball harder or be a little bit stronger when you're jockeying for possession? It doesn't help to be able to run faster than your opponent? Having your body recover quicker doesn't help you in soccer? That's a fairly ignorant statement to make.

Not really because skill not power is more important to the game.A fast runner does not = good player as some NFL teams will testify after signing Olympic sprinters.My real point was that drugs cannot significantly enhance performance as in other sports.

You're talking about Olympic Sprinters going and playing football. Of course that's not going to be much of an advantage. I'm talking about lifetime soccer players taking steroids and becoming a little bit faster and a little bit stronger. Or how about the fact that, if a player uses steroids, his body will recover faster, becoming a huge advantage later in the season. Don't think it's an advantage? You're kidding yourself.


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well regardless of whether drugs will make you better off or not, The FA has it right, and they didn't need a someone to write a book about it for them to address the issue of drugs.

Rio Ferdinand got 8 months for missing a drug test, yes just missing it will get you booked,

and Adrian Mutu, was given 5 months for using sexual enhancing drugs, i think, i should wiki it.

So i mean, drug testing is in full swing, and do we have to remind everyone of Diego Maradonna.

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I'm in the "I get excited for the World Cup and that's just about it with soccer" camp. Its like the olympics. For the most part I could not care less about a majority of the Olympic sports but every 4 years (Summer games especially) you can't help but get sucked in. I respect the game and those who play it, but it comes every 4 years I watch it and get all into it, then its over and then soccer doesn't matter for the next four years. The drama is fantastic in a World Cup game, but a Real Salt Lake vs. FC Dallas clash, not so much. The staunch nationalism and pride of the World Cup is far more interesting and entertaining than the game itself. The best part about soccer is the awesome video games it allows for.

I'm in this boat.

I'll watch the occasional MLS or Champions League game on ESPN, if I've nothing else to watch. But for the most part, I only pay attention to soccer when the US is qualifying for or is playing in the World Cup. Watching international events every four years just has that flair that the Super Bowl and World Series can never have. The national pride the players exhibit is what makes these events special.

I love playing soccer, and attending a game would probably be quite the festival, but a televised soccer game, much like hockey, disables the viewer from seeing all the action on the field of play.

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This is just sheer ignorance of the game, BigBen. A wise man once sad a closed mind is a small one. You have a very small one. In fact, I shall call you little ben from now on.

Little Ben, no one on the field, save goalies, is ever standing still. EVER. I wish they'd show a blimp view of the game. I've played every position on the field (again, save goalie) and I can tell you with honesty that one never stands. Ever. It is all various speed of running. When a forward has the ball, and is penetrating the offensive half, the other forward runs along with him, to stay even, or a couple yards ahead to be a pass. The midfielder follow up behind, to provide a drop pass. Another midfielder will take off on a sprint, overlapping his run to allow a through ball. Another mid fielder runs along behind the second forward to provide a quick outlet pass. The defense is sprinting up, pushing the opposing offense out of their side of the field. The opposing O is sprinting along with them, trying to stay ahead of them for fear of an offsides call.

The sport with the MOST running, and the LEAST standing is soccer. Period. Football is a TON more standing. The huddle, the count before the play, the Safety, the WRs and CBs on a short running play. I played football through my youth. I played baseball at a competitive level. I walked on the Georgia Tech baseball team. Soccer takes far more fitness from every single player on the field than football and baseball.

The field is largely the same size as a football field with the same number of people playing on it. And if your friend lives in a house that is 8 feet tall by 24 feet wide, I'm glad you are friends with him. He needs a place to sleep, go to the bathroom, and keep his fridge and his couch. Your friend is as big of an idiot as you are.

And to your statement on kickers? You are 100% right. They are FORMER soccer players. They've seen the light.

Former because they couldn?t make it as soccer players. No famous soccer player has ever quit soccer to play football. They are mostly all college players who couldn?t make it at the next level, so they fall back to kicking in American football. You?ve got it backwards, again.

Soccer is not boring; you are too uneducated about it to appreciate it.

My life would be better if I never saw a soccer ball again.

Life would be better if we never saw you again.

Little Ben? I'm down with that. Unfortunately there already is a little Ben, so you will have to be sure not to forget the 5 afterwards.

I have been to soccer games before. Granted, they were high school games, but they were soccer games. And during the game, half the team was standing around. I realize that you will say "It was a high school game!" to which I will reply "I go to high school basketball games and I don't see them displaying less effort than professionals."

What about track? Cross country? Marathon running? I think there was a lot of running involved there, last time I checked.

When I comes to my friend's house, he was obviously exaggerating. His house is in fact bigger than a soccer goal.

As for the comment on former soccer players, I was using humor to make my point. Although I doubt that most American football kickers are washed up college soccer player, your point is taken.

Just because I find something boring, it doesn't mean I'm undereducated about it. I find romanitc comedies boring. And I doubt that knowing more about them will make me like them better. I believe the reason I do not love soccer as much as you is a matter of taste.

Thankfully, you are not in charge of my fate. I'd hate to be banished (or killed, depending on what you ment by that) because I do not like soccer.

I wish no harm to anyone here, regardless of how they view soccer. I am enjoying this thread as a way to improve my debating skills. I hope there is no badwill between me and pcgd or paynomind, or anyone else for that matter. If you really have a problem with me, let me know and we can straighten it out.

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Naw, dude.. I dont hate you. I just thought that this thread had pretty well bandied about the subject of soccer and its relative mertis. Like I said, I dont expect to force anyone to love it, or to even watch it. But to put down folks who do, or the player themselves, offends me as a former soccer player at a semi-pro level, and as a current soccer coach. I was trying to clear up ignorance about the sport, such as "half the players stand around." 'd never wish someone else die, unless they touched kids. Seriously, not trying to be funny. I think you posted originally without reading the whole thread. There was a lot in there, but I think as a soccer non-fan, no... more accurately, as one who seems to be dissing soccer, or a soccer hater, you should go back and read all the posts in here. It would let you hopefully at least respect the game. I dont expect you to like it or start playing it, but at least understand it takes extreme skill and athleticism

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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