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CCSLC Graphic Design Collective


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With all the amazing talent of graphic designers on here, both professional and aspiring, it's time we took our collective abilities to the bank. We've all gotten to know each other a bit on here, and we've seen each others skills, strengths, and weaknesses; combined together, I believe that the members here could forge together one of the most influential and promising design firms across the country. I may not necessarily be proposing an actual firm here, but what about a design collective? Where we as individuals come together on the internet to work together with clients; advertising as a collective group, taking on individual assignments, but then working on projects with feedback from everyone.

Is anyone interested in such an endeavor? Again, I'm not proposing an actual business, but what about it? If we could come together and add to each others strengths, we could theoretically be one of the most comprehensive design groups around. Thoughts? Ideas? Negative reactions? It is all welcomed in this thread, and if you guys think it's a dumb idea, I promise never to bring it up again....but then think of the possibilities if we could actually make it work.....

errr.....sorry for the novel, guys....

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This is an idea that has been bounced around a few times and it's always something I've wanted to do.

In fact I kinda started doing it about a year ago but never really continued... I mean, I get a LOT of design requests through my site but I lack the time and the skills to actually fulfill their requests.

If people are interested in doing this, let me know, and we can start organising it.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Brian, that's a great idea. Being a designer is something I love and want to be GREAT at. Doing it in a sports-related community is valhalla.


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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I would if i could get something other than paint.

Or I could just use paint.

I think he was talking to the people with talent.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I would if i could get something other than paint.

Or I could just use paint.

You'd also have to start putting "100% effort" into your work.

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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okay so i guess a nice talentless person is worse than a supposedly talented @$$ hole

i'm sorry

Precisely. You're starting to get it.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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well anyway now that i got that off my chest




I don't know about you scrappy, but this would say otherwise

I credit this to Amare and Greg


This is one of the best logos i've seen on this board in so long. So to say he is not that talented, I just laugh

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The stumbling blocks could come when customers want to meet face to face. Also when their is money involved in a job, how is it split? (50% to the finder of the job, 50% to the designer who's work is used. Or does some get left in a pot. or do all people who put ideas in get some.

Their is definately the skilled people around here from what i have seen but some ground rules will need to be in place before you start taking jobs on.


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well anyway now that i got that off my chest




You're not talentless...

you're careless.

Lets take a look at some of your work, eh?


White spots. Pieces of another concept.


Bleeding Lines. Misspelled words. And what is that black thing in between the football and baseball?

Not to mention other things you've done.

Look, Im not trying to be ignorant or anything, but, you have to take more time. Im a pretty lazy guy, but my concepts are still mostly clean. If I can take the time to clean a concept, anyone can. And when people try to help you by telling you what to do, you get defensive. People arent insulting you, theyre trying to help. I know im not perfect, and i have my little faults in my concepts, but i try to make my concepts better. Your concepts dont show that you are taking time and caring. You have great ideas, but they keep getting lost in poor execution.

Look, were only trying to help you. But youre starting to annoy people now. MS Paint is no excuse. I have paint, and look at what i can do. People who use paint require alot of patience and skill. It also requires effort. People can and do do great things with paint. You can to. JUST PUT SOME EFFORT INTO IT.

{Sorry this came up after everyone tried to get on topic. They sorta posted while i was typing this}

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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The stumbling blocks could come when customers want to meet face to face.

I've known plenty of designers, illustrators who do great work and who've never met their "agents" face to face. It could work.

Oh, and Jigga's the bomb. :P


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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I'd love to be a part of something great, but I know that I'm nowhere near half of you guys' level. If you all were able to put something together to make some kind of working relationship, I don't see why you wouldn't have a pretty solid designing machine.

And, at the very least, you'd be better than Gameplan :P

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I?ve at least taken part in discussion on this topic before, if not started them.

I think the idea has merit, if only because of the variety and talent of the members here (regardless of what O?Grady says).

There would be many hurdles. Certainly your NFL,MLB,NBA,NHL teams and big DI schools aren?t going to come here for work via committee.

We?d have to make hay with high schools and small colleges and minor league clubs and build an impeccable rep that way.

And even though we are by comparison a very polite board, we?d have to have a lot tighter control and never-waivering professional approach. See even how this thread has gone off track into mud slinging. Which is not to say we couldn?t feel free to be idiots HERE. But when dealing with people it would have to be very separate I guess.

It would have to be figure-headed by Chris alone or Chris and a voted ?board of directors? who actually do the assigning, reviewing, and communicating with the clientel.

I could even see a huge value to teams in early review or beta testing if you will. Hire us to weed out the bad ideas, cross check against infringement, find production errors and give you quality feedback. This might, in the short term, be even more valuable than outright design work.

But those doing the work or giving feedback would have to be vetted to ensure proper qualifications.

Sorry to say that even here, where everybody?s opinion counts??..this current model wouldn?t cut it. Some members opinions just couldn?t count. Not in a business environment. And I?m not even saying mine would?I just mean. There?s feedback and then there is critique.

There are a million reasons why this wouldn?t work. But I witnessed first hand what we accomplished (for naught) with the NEHL teams?.and those were some ready for prime time works that rolled out of here, and FAST.

Just let me know if it?s something that is moving forward in any way. I?m in.

Firms have years of experience, talented employees, proven successes as well as singular driven leaders. But no firm on the planet offers the variety of perspectives we bring to the table as a whole. There are at least a dozen members here who could work at big shops (assuming they couldn?t run one) Buhlee dat.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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