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NFL season

Dark Angel

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Am I the only one who would like to see a game between the AFC and NFC runners-up?

They actually did that in the early 60's. It was called the playoff bowl and matched up the Eastern and Western division runners up.

And as Vince Lombardi once said: "There's a second place bowl game, but it's a game for losers played by losers"...

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IF I was running the NFL this is how I would do the schedules.

Games would be played on Saturday instead OF Sunday.

Sunday Night Football would be on NBC with the flexible schedules but I would make sure that the playoff team get at least 1 apperance before week 10.

The pro bowl would played at mid season.

Super Bowl would be renamed the WORLD BOWL.

I want to know what you guy think and i'm open to any idea.


Saturday INSTEAD of Sunday

If there were three games on Saturday (Post College Football Season) and the rest of the slate (save MNF) on Sunday, no problem, but that is putting the NFL against College Football, so no.

What Playoff team? I'm confused there. A team could be 5-2 and falter to a 8-8 or 7-9 record. You gonna put them on thinking their going to the playoffs? Too presumptious. So No

The Pro Bowl in midseason. Now, I know all other games are played mid-season, but you can't put a game in mid-season in a game where broken legs and torn ACL's are commonplace. So no.

The Super Bowl to the World Bowl? There are no international teams in the NFL. That's ridiculous. So No

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IF I was running the NFL this is how I would do the schedules.

Games would be played on Saturday instead OF Sunday.

Sunday Night Football would be on NBC with the flexible schedules but I would make sure that the playoff team get at least 1 appearance before week 10.

The Pro Bowl would played at mid-season.

Super Bowl would be renamed the WORLD BOWL.

I want to know what you guy think and I'm open to any idea.


1. No. Fridays are for high school football, Saturdays for college/university, and Sundays for NFL. With a few exceptions of course. Don't mess with it.

2. Do you mean a playoff team from the previous season or a team that could potentially be in the playoffs for the current season? Either way I'm under the impression you do not want teams with losing records being showcased on prime time broadcasts. I'll go one further and say that games scheduled in the final few weeks of the season should be divisional match-ups as those results are more likely to have playoff implications even if one of the teams is already out of contention. There's still the spoiler factor.

3. No. Not a chance. But I would move it to the day before the Super Bowl at the same site. Obviously the players from the two teams in the Super Bowl couldn't be in it, but at least then the game would already be in a game atmosphere, and could be looked at as something better than a glorified scrimmage that it currently is.

4. Nope. As it is I'm not too warm to the idea of "World Champions" from the NFL until there are team from all over the world. Until that time I'm of the persuasion that "Super Bowl Champs" works well for me. Super Bowl is a cultural icon. Leave it alone. As it is the only two things thus far associated with "World Bowl" are the failed World Football League of the 1970's and the World League of American Football/ NFL Europe. A failed bush league and a minor league....no thank you.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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I had one idea for the NFL Season. Move the Super Bowl to Saturday instead of Sunday. There's already a "bye" week in between the conference championship games and the Super Bowl. So the players already have enough rest. People always say the monday after the Super Bowl should be a holiday, so this would allow fans to go out and stay out late without worry about work the next day (and some places do drug/alcohol testing the day after too). Since it doesn't appear as though, the monday after will ever be a holiday, the game should be moved to Saturday.

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The playoff teams on Sunday Night Football part.

I meant team from the previous season

For example, Those team shouldof gotten at least 1 apperance in 2006.















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OK.OK,OK Heres another idea.

NCAA on Thursday & Friday

NFL=Friday Night

Saturday & Sunday

Friday Night Football would have 20 games

Doubleheader on opening week and the final 2 weeks of the season.

AFC FINALS & NFC FINALS= I would keep the name since FINALS & CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES look the sames to me.

WORLD BOWL= This idea is DOA

PRO BOWL= I was thinking since the NHL have an ALL-STAR game why not the NFL.

The Trade Deadline would be after week 12 instead of week 6

So what you guy think?

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OK.OK,OK Heres another idea.

NCAA on Thursday & Friday

NFL=Friday Night

Saturday & Sunday

Friday Night Football would have 20 games

Doubleheader on opening week and the final 2 weeks of the season.

Still no.

You're forgetting about high school football, which is the primary reason that the NFL doesn't already play on Fridays from time to time. If I recall correctly, part of the NFL's antitrust exemption that allowed it to pool its TV deal(s) required it to leave Friday night alone. Even if that were not the case, the NFL would create a great deal of resentment in charging onto that turf.

The NCAA on Thursday and Friday doesn't work either. Part of it is the high school football on Fridays. Another part of it is that a significant number of college stadiums do not have lights (I know they were just installed at my alma mater this season), making night games impossible. Beyond that, the tradition of Saturday afternoon games (1) is too ingrained at many schools to be messed with and (2) allows alumni, parents and boosters to travel to attend games, which would be much more difficult on Thursday and Friday nights.

I'm not sure why you are so gung ho to shake up the most successful sports league in the world, but I don't think your scheduling suggestions have too much merit.

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I'd go w/an 18-game regular season, a la the USFL... starting in mid-August.

One unique thing I think I'd do though is do away with the AFC and NFC when it came to playoff qualification. Instead of having four division champs and two wild-card qualifiers per conference, I think it'd be more competitive to lump 'em all together:

- Division champions would be seeded #1 through #8, respectively; then

- Wild-cards would be seeded #9 through #12, without respect to AFC/NFC, Division, etc.

In fact, under this scenario I'd even go along with the late Lamar Hunt's idea to expand the playoffs to 14 teams... have #'s 1 and 2 get byes while #'s 3 and 14, 4 and 13, 5 and 12, 6 and 11, 7 and 10, and 8 and 9 slug it out in first-round games. Re-seed after each round, lather, rinse, repeat.

While admittedly this would eliminate the traditional AFC v. NFC thing, but it would improve the likelihood that the league's best two teams would meet in the Super Bowl each year.


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The only changes I'd make are as follows.

1) 16 games to be played in 16 weeks, no bye.

2) Each team would be guaranteed at least one appearance on a Sunday night or Monday night broadcast. (Obviously, the better teams would get more prime-time appearances.)

3) A new steroid policy requiring a lifetime ban on the first offense, be it as a member of the league or not.

4) Seed the playoffs 1-6 by record in each conference, but guarantee all four division winners make it. For instance, this year you'd see in the NFC from 1 to 6: Colts, Saints, Eagles, Cowboys, Seahawks, Giants (as things stand right now).


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The only changes I'd make are as follows.

1) 16 games to be played in 16 weeks, no bye.

2) Each team would be guaranteed at least one appearance on a Sunday night or Monday night broadcast. (Obviously, the better teams would get more prime-time appearances.)

3) A new steroid policy requiring a lifetime ban on the first offense, be it as a member of the league or not.

4) Seed the playoffs 1-6 by record in each conference, but guarantee all four division winners make it. For instance, this year you'd see in the NFC from 1 to 6: Colts, Saints, Eagles, Cowboys, Seahawks, Giants (as things stand right now).

1. I think each team needs a bye, however I would prefer that they do them all in the middle of the season, instead of starting in week 3. Have 8 weeks where there are byes and have an entire division off at the same time.

2. I agree.

3. I agree.

4. I'm not too keen on this idea because then what would be the point of winning one's division? I like how it is now, pretty much, but the quality of the teams in each conference is unbalanced. I really don't know how anyone would go about fixing that.

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If we are going to fix the NFL, get rid of the salary cap or cap positions so players don't move from team to team every year. The salary cap as resulted in a bunch of medicore teams... slowly it is ruining the game.

"Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational."

- Charles Schulz


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If we are going to fix the NFL, get rid of the salary cap or cap positions so players don't move from team to team every year. The salary cap as resulted in a bunch of medicore teams... slowly it is ruining the game.

No way! You'd end up with a few financially elite teams owning the sport by buying up all the All-Stars and leaving other teams with little or no chance for any real possibility of become anything. Any team that might have a successful season would later be plundered by teams who would have unlimited spending at their disposal. -Kind of like how things in baseball are right now.

Part of the point of the cap is to put all teams on some semblance of equal footing. It leaves the success of each teams more on coaching and skillful financial juggling of their rosters than it does getting into bidding wars with other teams.

There are ways of working with the cap and adjusting the roster to deal with players coming and going. Under this system it is conceivable that any team can improve and compete in the system. The alternative is having a few supremely dominate teams playing the rest of the league which will be consistently competing at a lower level- THAT would ruin the game.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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If we are going to fix the NFL, get rid of the salary cap or cap positions so players don't move from team to team every year. The salary cap as resulted in a bunch of medicore teams... slowly it is ruining the game.

No way! You'd end up with a few financially elite teams owning the sport by buying up all the All-Stars and leaving other teams with little or no chance for any real possibility of become anything. Any team that might have a successful season would later be plundered by teams who would have unlimited spending at their disposal. -Kind of like how things in baseball are right now.

Part of the point of the cap is to put all teams on some semblance of equal footing. It leaves the success of each teams more on coaching and skillful financial juggling of their rosters than it does getting into bidding wars with other teams.

There are ways of working with the cap and adjusting the roster to deal with players coming and going. Under this system it is conceivable that any team can improve and compete in the system. The alternative is having a few supremely dominate teams playing the rest of the league which will be consistently competing at a lower level- THAT would ruin the game.

The current system leads to no team identies, player movement each year, bad play, and ownership getting richer. The NFL operated for years without a salary cap and was just fine as well as it was just as popular. The reason baseball suffers from a non-salary cap is owners cannot police themselves and teams like Oakland, Twins, Detriot, prove that you can suceed without paying big contracts. As well as the fact that some owners refuse understand you MUST spend money to make money. All the NFL system does is raise ticket prices and lessen the quaity of the product. Ask Ford, Chevy and Dodge how this business model is working for them. The more teams that can compete for the post season, the less the regular season means. I can tune in this weekend and 20 teams are a live for the playoffs, that is more then 50% of your teams. This means I can tune in for the last weekend and then watch the playoffs, versus each weeks game meaning a loss could end your season, 5 weeks ago. Now I only pay attention to week 15 & 16 because that is all that really counts. It is the same thing in the NBA, the regular season means squat because so many teams are involved in the playoffs all the regular season is, is a pre-season to what counts.

"Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational."

- Charles Schulz


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OK.OK,OK Heres another idea.

NCAA on Thursday & Friday

NFL=Friday Night

Saturday & Sunday

Friday Night Football would have 20 games

Doubleheader on opening week and the final 2 weeks of the season.

Still no.

You're forgetting about high school football, which is the primary reason that the NFL doesn't already play on Fridays from time to time. If I recall correctly, part of the NFL's antitrust exemption that allowed it to pool its TV deal(s) required it to leave Friday night alone. Even if that were not the case, the NFL would create a great deal of resentment in charging onto that turf.

The NCAA on Thursday and Friday doesn't work either. Part of it is the high school football on Fridays. Another part of it is that a significant number of college stadiums do not have lights (I know they were just installed at my alma mater this season), making night games impossible. Beyond that, the tradition of Saturday afternoon games (1) is too ingrained at many schools to be messed with and (2) allows alumni, parents and boosters to travel to attend games, which would be much more difficult on Thursday and Friday nights.

I'm not sure why you are so gung ho to shake up the most successful sports league in the world, but I don't think your scheduling suggestions have too much merit.

I was just trying to make the NFL like the CFL. Beside, This was the format that I'd been using since I started my own NFL Season 16 years agos.

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OK.OK,OK Heres another idea.

NCAA on Thursday & Friday

NFL=Friday Night

Saturday & Sunday

Friday Night Football would have 20 games

Doubleheader on opening week and the final 2 weeks of the season.

Still no.

You're forgetting about high school football, which is the primary reason that the NFL doesn't already play on Fridays from time to time. If I recall correctly, part of the NFL's antitrust exemption that allowed it to pool its TV deal(s) required it to leave Friday night alone. Even if that were not the case, the NFL would create a great deal of resentment in charging onto that turf.

The NCAA on Thursday and Friday doesn't work either. Part of it is the high school football on Fridays. Another part of it is that a significant number of college stadiums do not have lights (I know they were just installed at my alma mater this season), making night games impossible. Beyond that, the tradition of Saturday afternoon games (1) is too ingrained at many schools to be messed with and (2) allows alumni, parents and boosters to travel to attend games, which would be much more difficult on Thursday and Friday nights.

I'm not sure why you are so gung ho to shake up the most successful sports league in the world, but I don't think your scheduling suggestions have too much merit.

I was just trying to make the NFL like the CFL. Beside, This was the format that I'd been using since I started my own NFL Season 16 years agos.

Wow!!! You want the NFL to be like the CFL. Perhaps you should see if Honda wants to be like Yugo, or Dell can ask Timex-Sinclair about how to make computers.

The only thing I would like the NFL to copy from the CFL is no fair catch.

My changes would be slightly radical.

1) No interleage play

2) No Fair Catch

3) 18 games over 19 weeks. Entire conference bye week in weeks 9 and 10. Only have 2 preseason games.

4) Sunday and Monday games only until collage is done in December then 4 games on Saturday, 1 PM, 4:15 PM & 8:00 PM 11 PM (All times eastern). With no Monday night scheduled once the Saturday schedule starts.

5) Move all Super Bowls to a sports casino complex in Las Vegas. That houses an 95,000 seat stadium, with a 3000 room casino hotel complex. Think the new Dallas stadium with the Mirage attached at one end. Also this stadium would host one game each week during the season.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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Man, there would be a lot of creative things that might possibly improve the NFL's product, but I don't think you came close to any of them.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Two suggestions not in the original post struck me as interesting. First, the good: no fair catch. That's the way the CFL does it - you have to give the returner 2 yards (I think) to catch the ball, but he has to return it. That way there's action on every punt return. You could even take it a step further and give a point for touchbacks, like the CFL, to encourage returns.

Next, the bad: a lifetime ban for a single steroid offense. That's just stupid. If steroid testing were a black-and-white proposition that was 100% effective at catching anabolic steroids and didn't give false positives on anything else, the idea might be workable. But there are so many legal, over-the-counter medications that will set off the test that it's completely impractical to impose lifetime bans for such a mistake. As an example, a few weeks ago I had a rash on one of my arms, for which I picked up a hydrocortisone-based cream over the counter at my local CVS pharmacy. Although the cream didn't make me jacked or enhance my performance in any way, it was technically a form of steroid (not anabolic!), and would have set off a steroid test. Luckily, I work an office job, and steroid testing doesn't come into play. But the possibility that an NFL player could have his career destroyed by a similar mistake is ludicrous.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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