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Bronco Darrent Williams killed


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Wow. This has been a bad last 24 hours for the Broncos. Cornerback Darrent Williams was killed by a drive-by shooting


Unbelievable...what a horrible way to start '07. I'm not a Broncos fan, and quite frankly, I despise the team for the hell they give my Pats when they play us, but this really bothers me...this is terrible. What a waste.

Lord, may he rest in peace.

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Anyone else feel weird about DEAD starting a thread about someone who was just killed?

How about I start a thread about Tiger Woods and his wife expecting a baby? DEAD! talking about birth. :)

I saw, I came, I left.

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Sad day here in Denver with the senseless murder of Darrent. Hope they catch the bastards.

"Mr. President, call in the National Guard! Send as many men as you can spare! Because we are killing the Patriots! They need emergency help!" - Shannon Sharpe

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Another act of senseless violence. Nothing Darrent Williams could have possibly done deserved this fate. It really, really bothers me that this stuff goes on. Drive-by shootings? Damn, dog. Grow some. I don't advocate violence AT ALL, but if you've got beef with someone confront them...don't spray their limo with bullets.

RIP Darrent...condolensces to the family.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Sad day here in Denver with the senseless murder of Darrent. Hope they catch the bastards.

Yeah they better catch those chickenf :cursing: ers

I felt the same way when former Red Dernell Stenson was killed. I wanted to go get them myself.

You and I both...Dernell played here in Pawtucket for four years and when I heard what happened to him, I was tremendously saddened, then angered because I've met him, and he didn't deserve that.

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My prayers go with his family and I truly feel sorry for what happened. But there has to be more to the story....I'm not discounting the fact that the murderer(s) killed him over nothing but more than likely he has done somethin to the people for this to happen. Again though I am not tryin to down the man while he's passed. May he rest in peace because I doubt whatever he could have done towards them couldnt have been as horrid.

Now that we have the one for the thumb, the other hand looks lonely........GO STEELERS

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I just read that, and I'm shocked.

I'm a big Bronco fan, and so it hits a little closer to home, but its a shock regardless, and at times like this, the impact to the game of football is the furthest thing from my mind.

We don't know when it's our time to go. We can do everything right, be in peak physical condition, but all it takes is someone - anyone - to go off their rocker (or even just lose control for a split-second) and it could all be over.

Thoughts and prayers with his two kids and the rest of his family. A terribly sad day, and a horrible way to start the year.

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When I heard the events of early New Years' Day, and then recalled the events of the afternoon of New Years' Eve, I could not help but remember Andres Escobar, and his untimely end.

I am severely hoping that the events of New Years' Day and New Years' Eve are completely unrelated, because it would pain me to think that such a tragedy could repeat itself just twelve and a half years later.

Requiescat in pace.


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When I think of Darrent Williams the first thing that comes to mind is the first game I saw him in, a preseason game against the Colts and he just seemed to be in on every play and I couldn't help but think "This guy's a rookie?" If they had said he was Champ Bailey that night I would've believed it wholeheartedly, he was playing that well. Having his life be extinguished at such a young age is an absolute tragedy.

Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.


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Did anyone hear where they were at before the shooting happened ?Or what time the shooting happened?Were ther other players with him?

It was just released that he was at a party at the Safari club in downtown Denver. There was an altercation and he left. This was shortly before he was killed. Police said they believe this was not a random shooting.

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When did arguments at a bar mean that you have to go get a gun and try to kill someone?Why would you risk your freedom to win an argument with gun play?Some people must have such a poor outlook at their life that spending the rest of it in prison is of no concern.

It's been said that Darrent wasn't even involved in the altercation. That he decided they should all leave before anyone go hurt.

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