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Mac or PC?


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I'm sort of amazed that the old PC vs. Mac argument hasn't been taken to the next level yet. I thought it was a rule on forums that someone with a PC would complain ruthlessly on the mere mention of a Mac and any subtle hint that it may in fact be superior. Perhaps there is more sophistication here...

JerseyDatabase.com - I'm that guy...

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Had/have an OS X iBook. Loved/love it. Then, it was unceremoniously slammed to the ground in a fight, and I don't have the cash to get a new one. So, I'm relegated to this piece of crap Compaq desktop at work. I don't have any thing against PCs in general, but I hate this one.

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Mac G5 Quad at home with dual 23" monitors.

MacPro 2GHZ Dual Core with dual 20 monitors at work.

Adobe CS3 and Adobe CS2 on both.

No need for a PC. Although I hear they make good paperweights and or anchors for boats. :)

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I have a PC with Photoshop CS2 on it. It currently runs of 256MB of RAM, which is (surprisingly) just about capable of running greedy Photoshop. I must upgrade my RAM soon...

I've tried a Mac before, but I didn't like it at all, my main reasons being the odd mouse design and the OS layout.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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I have a PC with Photoshop CS2 on it. It currently runs of 256MB of RAM, which is (surprisingly) just about capable of running greedy Photoshop. I must upgrade my RAM soon...

I've tried a Mac before, but I didn't like it at all, my main reasons being the odd mouse design and the OS layout.

Its hard to get used to quality...I guess :wink2:

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-PCs aren't made for designing? I've designed on both... both are the same.

-True, the Apple mouse does suck. Like the ipod headphones. They just need to be normal on this front.

-Before you Mac people get all cocky, realize that the Mac GUI was originally developed for Apple by Xerox. Apple's most innovative design was not even their own.

-Microsoft is an evil corporation. Windows is a horrible OS. It is a ripoff of Mac OS9 that they can't even do correctly. Recycle bin? Start menu?

-Using the control key hurts my pinky on a PC when I do shortcuts

-Safari sucks

-IE is worse than Safari

-I love OSX. Though I am not crazy about the Doc. I prefer the Apple Menu from OS9.

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I have a pc at home an Athlon 902 or something like that, it's about 4 years old and runs well. I have on it photoshop 7, have a copy of cs2 but why put it on when 7 does what I need it to. I have Illustrator 10 which runs beautifully, and just put on 3d msx 5 just to keep me in the modeling mode so I don't lose those skills after this term ends. I use max 8 at school on a pc. Actually it's the first term I've used a pc at school as all my other classes Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, In Design, and Flash (all available on pc), I used on a Mac. I don't understand the argument that one is better than the other. They're computers and it's the user that makes them more difficult than they really are. I just wonder about people and if they haven't seen the reality of computers, they are the SAME!!! It's like the dumb argument about which car is better. Look which ever one does the job for you, be happy and use it until it dies and then go buy another one. Both macs and pcs are good computers, but remember the key that the operating system is only as smart as the user using it. If you gave the most powerful computer to a 90 year old who's never touched one before, he'll hate it. Yet give it to that 12 year old and he'll love it. Why? Experience. Sorry about this rave. I just have been frustrated over the years with this argument. Though I have to say that the Mac commercials are classic! *LOL*



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I have a PowerMac G4 at work, soon to be upgraded to a MacBook Pro. I have the entire CS2 suite, soon to be upgraded to CS3.

My home machine is an iMac G5, also with CS2, soon to be upgraded to CS3.

I don't play games on the computer. I design stuff. I listen to music. I watch shows and movies. My Macs suit me just fine.

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