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Mexican National Team(soccer)


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Mexican national team changes jersey colors

September 17, 2007

MEXICO CITY (TICKER) -- Mexico will ditch its traditional green jersey, as coach Hugo Sanchez has claimed players are struggling to distinguish it from the grass on the field.

The Mexican national team will wear white jerseys for home games and red while playing on the road.

"This is not new. I've been thinking about it since I took over," Sanchez said. "In my opinion, our green is confusing with the pitch - as grass is green. It looks like there are less players on the field."

The Mexican media has claimed Sanchez wants his team to wear white since that is the color worn by his former club team, Real Madrid. But the coach insists the change is for purely soccer reasons.

"I've been thinking about this problem of colors since I was a player," Sanchez said. "It's my experience. I'm not saying this because I am a Real Madrid fan.

"The fact is that I like white. It's a color our flag has and Real wear just by coincidence. With the color change, I think we'll have the impression of having twelve or thirteen players on the field."

Yahoo Sports

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Wow, looks like Hugo Sanchez is desperate to piss away the brownie points he earned with Mexico's run to the semifinals of the Copa America. A real shame: First the switch from Nike's World Cup beauties to more Adidas template garbage, and now this. I guess we can't call them El Tri anymore.

Regardless, if you're playing proper soccer and putting the ball through to feet, the bright red socks should be enough to distinguish your players from the pitch. This does explain why Mexico wore white against Brazil when there was no clash.

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Sanchez is looking for any excuse to pin his team's poor form on. It's kind of pathetic.

I suppose it's only a matter of time before the NHL stops using white jerseys because they blend in with the ice, causing players to lose the puck, or college teams stop giving the same color t-shirt to their fans as the players get in their jerseys for fear the ball will get lost in the crowd. <_<

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This is the dumbest excuse for a uniform change I've ever heard.

I'm sure Adidas can come up with a nice kit design regardless, but the Mexican national team should always be green.

I'm sure Adidas will just use one of their stock designs and it probably won't look that good.

I just think its funny that after there has been a big movement and a lot of talk about the US Nats finally having a traditional look that the Mexicans go and get rid of theirs. I f they are gonna wear white then we have to wear red now.

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I just think its funny that after there has been a big movement and a lot of talk about the US Nats finally having a traditional look that the Mexicans go and get rid of theirs. I f they are gonna wear white then we have to wear red now.

Or the way I see it: If Mexico is going to wear red, then we have to wear blue now.

Which would be a very good thing. So viva Mexico!

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Seriously, big wtf here.

After decades of traditional colors Hugo decides to just throw it all away? This is either Hugo looking for excuses or Adidas trying to make more money, I mean most Mexican soccer fans (that would be everybody) has a NT shirt, most of them have the older models and since they've all been green then theres no reason to chance. Until now.

I do know that back when the team first started they used a maroon top (before they even wore a green one) which Atletica (the company before Nike) tried to bring back for a little while but it was not very succesful. Hopefully they'll do that instead of going Czech Republic red.

Also I wouldnt say the team is in poor form, sure we're getting completely owned by the U.S but a second place and a third place finish in two competitions in two months seems pretty good to me.

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How nearsighted do you have to be if you're unable to distinguish futbol player from grass you're running on?

Does the Mexican team field a team full of Senor Magoos?

To be fair, the Mexican coach has a perfectly valid point, even if we're all taking it to its most ridiculous extreme and making fun of it.

I would pose the following questions: If you knew you would be thrown, unarmed, onto a grassy field, where you would be hunted by men with rifles, would you rather be dressed in red or green? If you were a soldier going into combat, would you rather wear a bright red tunic, or a camouflage green tunic?

Obviously, in grassy situations where you'd rather not be seen, there is some advantage to be gained by wearing green rather than red. So then why is it ridiculous to say that in situations where you'd rather be seen, it might be advantageous to wear red rather than green?

Or are people saying that they'd choose to play a round of golf with a green ball rather than a red ball?

It may not be that the Mexican players are standing around, saying to themselves, "Madre de Dios, where did my teammates go? All I see is a grassy field!" Instead, it may simply be that the green uniforms make one's teammates a few percentage points less easy to pick up at a distance or in one's peripheral vision. That kind of marginal disadvantage can have a significant effect on a team at the elite level where national teams like Mexico compete.

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Obviously, in grassy situations where you'd rather not be seen, there is some advantage to be gained by wearing green rather than red. So then why is it ridiculous to say that in situations where you'd rather be seen, it might be advantageous to wear red rather than green?

.... well if you're colour blind, it won't matter either way :)

I saw, I came, I left.

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How nearsighted do you have to be if you're unable to distinguish futbol player from grass you're running on?

Does the Mexican team field a team full of Senor Magoos?

To be fair, the Mexican coach has a perfectly valid point, even if we're all taking it to its most ridiculous extreme and making fun of it.

I would pose the following questions: If you knew you would be thrown, unarmed, onto a grassy field, where you would be hunted by men with rifles, would you rather be dressed in red or green? If you were a soldier going into combat, would you rather wear a bright red tunic, or a camouflage green tunic?

Obviously, in grassy situations where you'd rather not be seen, there is some advantage to be gained by wearing green rather than red. So then why is it ridiculous to say that in situations where you'd rather be seen, it might be advantageous to wear red rather than green?

Or are people saying that they'd choose to play a round of golf with a green ball rather than a red ball?

It may not be that the Mexican players are standing around, saying to themselves, "Madre de Dios, where did my teammates go? All I see is a grassy field!" Instead, it may simply be that the green uniforms make one's teammates a few percentage points less easy to pick up at a distance or in one's peripheral vision. That kind of marginal disadvantage can have a significant effect on a team at the elite level where national teams like Mexico compete.

So are you saying that the Green Bay Packers would have an unfair advantage while hunting?

Maybe having to throw passes to teammates wearing green could explain some of Brett Favre's virtual implosions at home!

(Wait till Gothamite reads this one)

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Here's the most comprehensive way to tell turf from the pitch from a Mexican soccer player:

If it's at ground level, not moving, doesn't have extremities or a head, and is not wearing white shorts and/or red socks, it's the pitch.

If it's at ground level, not moving, doesn't have extremities or a head, but is wearing white shorts and/or red socks, it's a dismembered torso of a Mexican soccer player. Seek medical attention.

If it's at ground level, not moving, but has extremities and/or a head, and is wearing white shorts and/or red socks, it's a Mexican player who's either severely injured or in a coma. Seek medical attention.

If it's above ground level, moving, lacks extremities and/or a head, and is not wearing white shorts and/or red socks, it's an airborne piece of the turf. Or a Mexican soccer player naked below the waist.

If it's above ground level, moving, lacks extremities and/or a head, and is wearing white shorts and/or red socks, it's the thrown torso of a Mexican soccer player. Catch him then seek medical attention.

If it's above ground level, moving, has extremities and/or a head, and is wearing white shorts and/or red socks, it's a Mexican soccer player.

See? So simple! Feel free to clip this out and post next to your TV next time a Mexican soccer game is on TV to make vieiwng more pleasurable.


Seriously, what is he smoking? I have no affiliation to Mexico or its team, but I've always thought they were one of the best-dressed national sides in the game. This is the biggest wad of bull :censored: I've heard in a while. He'd still be pilloried by the fans and the media if he'd just come out and said, "I don't like green. I like white and red, and I'm going to throw tradition in the trash and do what I want to do, sucks be to those who don't like it." But at least he'd still be credible. Now he's the guy who pissed all over tradition AND looks like a lying jackass in the process. And this is the guy they've chosen to guide their beloved national team?

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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(Wait till Gothamite reads this one)

I heard that! :cursing:

Seriously, folks. I remember Bill Parcells said something similar when he brought back the classic Jets uniforms: the white helmets "pop" better in the QB's vision, or something.

Surprised nobody has accused the Mexican national team of trying to ape the US MNT look. That'd stop this experiment pretty quickly....

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