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St. Louis Blues

Eastcoast MVP

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For one, the change to the primary completely loses its meaning. It goes from a music note to a flying stick, which makes no sense. Then, you took the old St. Louis Rams logo, replaced the text with a generic looking "Blues" wordmark, and added a couple clip art music symbols. This really isn't doing much for me.


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The font is way too generic for a team with such a cool name. Give it some character.

The primary is okay but I wouldn't say it's an improvement on the exisiting one. Doesn't really look like a note anymore.

The secondary looks too scattered with the music symbols flying around like that. I do, however, like the Arch. I think it might look better with only using the eighth note, making it bigger (like twice its current size), and having it overlap or lean on the Arch.

Overall a major downgrade in my opinion, just my two cents.

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Now, you see, I generally don't comment on concepts unless I have something reasonably constructive to add, or the poster just annoys me. Neither is true in this case, but I still feel I must say something here:

This concept hurts my very soul.

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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It looks like the normal Blues primary lost a fight and had to go see a doctor. I realize that it's supposed to be a hockey stick, but, at least to me, it just looks like an injured logo.

Engine, Engine, Number Nine, on the New York transit line,

If my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Back on the scene, crispy and clean,

You can try, but then why, 'cause you can't intervene.

We be the outcast, down for the settle. Won't play the rock, won't play the pebble.

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I like how you have only made 3 posts and your concept is very clean; unlike alot of newbies lately. If this is your first concept, Congrats!!

Ironicly I did a similar concept around when I had 100 posts. The only thing I did different is I has it in Salt Lake City and I had straightened out the primary so that the "wing/note" comes out straight from the side of the stick.

I like your idea but I just dont think it works here. Good job on your first concept though!! (I am asuming its your first)


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I like how you have only made 3 posts and your concept is very clean; unlike alot of newbies lately. If this is your first concept, Congrats!!

Ironicly I did a similar concept around when I had 100 posts. The only thing I did different is I has it in Salt Lake City and I had straightened out the primary so that the "wing/note" comes out straight from the side of the stick.

I like your idea but I just dont think it works here. Good job on your first concept though!! (I am asuming its your first)

Yeah it is..I'm a graphic design major but I suck at making logos....So I just decided to try it and it didn't work out lol but thanks for the comments.


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I like how you have only made 3 posts and your concept is very clean; unlike alot of newbies lately. If this is your first concept, Congrats!!

Ironicly I did a similar concept around when I had 100 posts. The only thing I did different is I has it in Salt Lake City and I had straightened out the primary so that the "wing/note" comes out straight from the side of the stick.

I like your idea but I just dont think it works here. Good job on your first concept though!! (I am asuming its your first)

Yeah it is..I'm a graphic design major but I suck at making logos....So I just decided to try it and it didn't work out lol but thanks for the comments.

It all takes time my friend.


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this is one logo that you don't mess with. its a logo that is musically related, where a stick shouldn't be in the logo. history - it's a 64th note, also comemmmorated st louis' founding in 1764. the stick blade makes it look minor leagish. also, don't recycle the old rams arch. the treble cleff and musical notes makes it look childish. script - boring compared to what they already have. liek to see what you can do with their uniiforms though with their logo because they screwed that up when they went to the edge.

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The primary logo looks like its been cut off down the bottom and its weeping out yellow blood. I dont mind the idea of the note being a hockey stick (I personallly would never want to see the music note removed from the logo as it loses all its meaning), but dont make it yellow. The tape could been yellow or have a yellow tint to it, but thats it.

As for the secondary logo. No way. The arch isnt in proportion and the musical notes floating around are stupid.

The wordmark is boring as well.

Overall. Nah.

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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Now, you see, I generally don't comment on concepts unless I have something reasonably constructive to add, or the poster just annoys me. Neither is true in this case, but I still feel I must say something here:

This concept hurts my very soul.

When I saw this thread,the first thought was KJ isnt gonna like this lol

Kings Cross AFC -BIP, Winnipeg Falcons - TNFF, St. Louis Archers - MLF


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