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Goodell cracking down on fan conduct.


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At first I was thinking "Oh, what's he gonna do, suspend the fans? :rolleyes: " But after watching the two videos that the article linked to...yeah, it might be a good idea to get some control in the stands.

I mean really, when people start shanking each other because the other guy is rooting for a different athletic club, then something's not right.



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I say if the Goodell really wants to punish the team, he should do what some soccer organizations do, force them to play the next game with an empty stadium ^_^

That would be a double-edged sword, considering the policy on local TV blackouts.

Now, would that help or hurt the Miami Dolphins?

I saw, I came, I left.

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I say if the Goodell really wants to punish the team, he should do what some soccer organizations do, force them to play the next game with an empty stadium ^_^

That would be a double-edged sword, considering the policy on local TV blackouts.

Now, would that help or hurt the Miami Dolphins?

I don't think the Dolphins would be the only team affected if such policy came into reality. All the other teams might get hit with an empty-stadium penalty as well, depending on how many fights are reported during games against division rivals.

If the league had such an empty-stadium penalty back in 2000, the Chargers would've been blacked out in SD the week after the stabbing incident against the Raiders.

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Bravo to Roger, the last thing I'd want to see in North American sports is hooliganism similar to soccer. I'd like to be able to my kid to a game on not fear for safety. Fans who fight are unbelievably stupid. My goodness. Roger is cleaning up the league for good. Good for him.

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Fine the teams 1/16 of their TV revenue.
I wouldn't mind this, but if we're doing this, shouldn't it be 1/8 of their TV revenue, to account for the fact that it's one home game?

No. The one home game is still just 1/16th of their season's games. 1/8th is two games.....

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Fine the teams 1/16 of their TV revenue.
I wouldn't mind this, but if we're doing this, shouldn't it be 1/8 of their TV revenue, to account for the fact that it's one home game?

Hey, if I really wanted to get sticky, and I could, I'd also ban that team from television for the remainder of the season, hold back that money, and give it to the teams who are losing out on the exposure.

Television revenue is the sweetest plum of all in the NFL. You hurt that, you hurt the teams the most.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Let me tell you that you never see any trouble at a Browns Steelers game.

The idea behind humor is to make people laugh. :P

I quit going to NFL games because the fans can be such jerks. People take that :censored:way too seriously.






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Bravo to Roger, the last thing I'd want to see in North American sports is hooliganism similar to soccer. I'd like to be able to my kid to a game on not fear for safety. Fans who fight are unbelievably stupid. My goodness. Roger is cleaning up the league for good. Good for him.

I see one caveat to this: If Goodell cracks down on fan violence on stadium grounds, how does he know it won't just spill over into other venues, like nearby bars or even the streets of downtown (yes Detroit, I mean you)? It seems to me that an incident like this would be just as big a black eye for the league's image regardless of where it happens to take place. Does Goodell intend to punish teams for any fan violence at all, or just those incidents that happen to occur on stadium grounds?

CCSLC signature.png

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Let me tell you that you never see any trouble at a Browns Steelers game.

The idea behind humor is to make people laugh. :P

I quit going to NFL games because the fans can be such jerks. People take that :censored:way too seriously.

Yeah, my grandpa almost got in a fight outside Soldier Field. He tried to tell the other Bears fans to take it easy on some Raiders fans.


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Didn't some yankees fan run over a person in a Sox jersey outside Fenway?

(maybe I have the story backwards?)

I don't think it was outside Fenway, but some probably bandwagon Red Sox fans started chanting "Yankees suck!" to some woman cause she had a Yankees sticker on her car. She went nuts for some reason, and drove her car into their crowd of people, killing one.

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