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NBA Europe Team 6: Athens Torchmen


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Not too fond of the primary logos. Something about the expression of the guys face. Also maybe the name should be in Greek. Also don't see the connection between the jerseys/colors and the ancient-greek theme of the logos.

But I really do like the torch logos

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While you're easily one of my favorite designers on the board, I think this is the worst in the series. I hate the colors (three primary colors [colors that are usually used as 1st colors for sports teams]?). The "T" in the Athens wordmark looks really weird on the away jersey. The piping looks like it's meant for some tribal team. The man's face/mouth/eyes area looks poor and too cartoony. Just not really digging it, sorry.

The one thing I do really love though is that torch secondary logo. Another good secondary logo could be the veil leaves thing around a ball?


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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i like the torch, but not the athenian.

my first thought was to try something more Arm & Hammer baking soda style.

One more thing that bothers me is the way the flame and the basketball are very seperate, i would say try to combine them more, ie the Miami Heat logo

just my 1.5 cents, for i feel my input may not be worth an entire 2 cents

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Definitely the worst in the series. Honestly, I just don't like this one. The colors or design (other than, you know, the Greek dude) don't say "Athens" to me whatsoever. Like someone else said, it looks extremely '90s.

I think the name "Torchmen" is...well...odd. I'm really not sure what would be better, Olympians, Hellenes...just not "Torchmen."

I'd keep the navy, and maybe bring in a Vegas gold as a trim color, they're the colors of the City Seal of Athens.

The Greek torch guy could use a little work, mainly in the face/mouth and in the forearm holding the torch.

The torch logo is solid. I'd say ditch the basketball/torch and introduce a basketball crowned with a laurel wreath. In Ancient Greece, winners of athletic competitions (and the Olympics) were crowned with laurel wreaths - perfect symbolism for a basketball team logo.

I'd also look into changing the font to something a little more Classical or Greek, and introducing a "meander" or "Greek Key" pattern as trim on the uniforms.

There's just so much you could do with this - and to be completely honest, this falls extremely short.


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Everyone is right on point with their criticism IMO. This could come out of this very good, but a lot will change. I actually like the navy and vegas gold, but you need green for laurels and red for the flame, so I know why your colors got messed up. I say take on the challenge of finding a way to make it all work in navy and vegas gold, but if you must use green for the laurels, keep it just for laurels(like the minnesota timberwolf's yellow eyes). I could see a name change going over very well, and maybe the torch being used as the primary with a new secondary introduced. The jersey wordmarks are very awkward looking right now, but I can't say that I know 100% why. It might be balance. This needs a lot of work, but you have the talent to fix it. The point is, this is a big flop for you because we all know what you can do.

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i may be a minority but i love it!

all the colors and the 90'sish looks.

i am a huge fan of that!

I also love the way you combine the two styles (90's and now)

the side pannels may be 90's but hte logos and wookdworks are modern

I give you a 9.75 out of 10 and i am not even kidding, best nba europe so far!

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I think the idea could work if you simplfy the design. Shield, Torch, Man etc - way too many elements. I think the name makes you want to see a man holding a torch but in turn maybe just the leaf headwear around a torch could work symbolizing teh olympics.

Another idea would be do a gladiator theme. Call them the CLASH (ala Clash of teh Titans).

Try to get away from all the detail.

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For a designer of your caliber, this is should be easily 10x better. The name "Athens Torchmen" is a bit odd, but it is unique and still has the olympic reference. I'm assuming that's what you were going for so I don't have a big problem with that. The torch works well in the "Torchmen" wordmark, but is completely out of place in the "Athens" wordmark. Your "Athens" font does have a Greek feel to it and I don't think it needs to be changed. Simply ditch the torch in that wordmark and it's an improvement. The man is a big miss. The shield makes it look like the dude is about to run into battle. A soldier with a torch as his only weapon isn't going to last very long and it simply looks out of place. Nix the sheild and have the man running or hold the torch triumphantly. If you could blend the flame and the ball a la Miami Heat that would improve your tertiary mark (as was mentioned before).

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

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Drop the green except for the laurel on the head. Replace the other green in the logo word mark with vagas gold. The "guy" is just odd all the way from the face to the nipple. Perhaps just an extended arm with the torch coming through a laurel wreath as the primary. All the others are good though. Drop the Torchman name too...it is awkward. The greek word pyrsos is a similar word to torch, so perhaps try that. BUT once again the technical skills are great. You just missed the mark on this one on a few areas.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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Some observations:

1- The guy looks defensive. The shield is a defensive tool and the guy is standing straight up. Looks like someone is attacking him, and he's in trouble.

2 - The look in his eyes reinforces point 1 above.

3 - The lines on his cheek make him look caveman or monkey like. Seems a bit unnatural.

4 - The spike on the decender of the M looks excessive, and doesn't add to the wordmark. (However, the spike on the N is alright as it balances the T on the other side)

5 - The fire and hair are blowing in opposite directions

6 - I do like the colors, though. They aren't "greeky" but still look good together IMO.


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So not true....I normally do post re-do's according to critique, just been pretty busy seeing as how i just worked 14 hours on a friday, so just because i haven't abruptly posted a remake, doesn't mean there isn't one in the works.

Thanks for the feedback people, I know I can take this a better direction.

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I've finally found the fix to all your problems. One of the best (and only) books I've ever seen on 'logo-style' figure drawing.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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While I may not be qualified to have an opinion on the graphics, I have to say that "Torchmen" is a stretch of a club name. Perhaps there is a Greek word that would be more dynamic. "Torchmen" just sounds forced ... like ... "hey, here's a guy with a torch, and there'll be multiple guys on the team ... so how about "Torchmen"?"


Thanks to Gobbi for the awesome buttons!

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First post...not a designer or artist, just a fan of logos and clever commercial art.

I like this a lot better than the consensus FWIW. The only negative point I must echo is the look on the guy's face (and the name Torchmen does indeed seem forced). LOVE the torches and all of the secondary logos as well as using the torch for the 't' on the jersey fronts.

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