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Oklahoma City Concept


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I decided to go with Barons, in reference to oil Barons. Custom typeface. The color scheme is a burnt orange, black, and vegas gold. I really wanted to tie in old English barons with oil, so I put an oil drop at the collar of the Baron holding together his 'cape'. The tertiary also consists of two swords crossing behind an oil drop. Have at it:


As for the uniforms, I'll definitely be redoing them. I used an older uniform concept I had done already just to have them to see how the colors would appear on a uniform.


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My favourite part of this concept is the tertiary logo, that looks beautiful. The colour sheme is really nice too. Not a big fan of the custom font, though, looks a bit too choppy. Also, the arm angle/proportions looks awkward with the rest of the body.


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Not bad, but as the poster above me said, the arm looks really short. Also, the sword doesn't appear to be in the guys hand. Instead, it looks like he is making a fist, and the sword is in the background. Another thing, I think if the name is based on oil barons, then oil should play a larger part in the identity. The face could use some of the shading the rest of the body has. The whole set is solid, but you could do better.


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OK, I have to ask. Why is the drop of oil in the tertiary not black or at least your darker color?

I am also not a fan of that custom typeface. The "cut-ins" are quite distracting when coupled with the 3D effect, and some of them (especially the S) look very forced. It was like "Well I have to put a cut-in somewhere on this S since I've put it on all the other letters. So I guess I'll put it here."

I like the color scheme, and the uniforms are very solid.

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Im not too fond of the concept as a whole. The name Barons is okay but it should not reference a king per say as the correlation with the Sac. Kings. Second I think the logo has to be simplier. Dont need a sword, cape, crown etc.

I would say rethink the direction of "Baron". Do a more flight inspiried theme. Think it would be more original to the NBA.

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Well, the drop on tertiary logo may not be black, but it look pretty close fresh 10W-30 to me...

I only have two issues with this set. One, the black separating the halves of the chest - it makes it look a little, should I say apelike? Also, I might consider filling in the white highlight on his left cheek. As it is now he looks a bit like he has a black eye. Everything else looks good to me


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I really like it!

I'd have to agree with the people who said the arm looks like it's short, but short of that you've got a great concept here.

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Im not too fond of the concept as a whole. The name Barons is okay but it should not reference a king per say as the correlation with the Sac. Kings. Second I think the logo has to be simplier. Dont need a sword, cape, crown etc.

I would say rethink the direction of "Baron". Do a more flight inspiried theme. Think it would be more original to the NBA.

agreed. im not feeling too much of what u've got going on here. or if u dont wanna change names, do a more 'oil-themed' look with this.

also, yeah i thought ur last name was 'Baker' ;)

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One, the black separating the halves of the chest - it makes it look a little, should I say apelike?

I was thinking more along the lines of breasts, but you may be right. Either way, it is pretty awkward.

EDIT: Nevermind. The wordmark and number outlines on the road set looked white at first glance. My bad.

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I'm not seeing the correlation between the primary and the name "Baron." as has been said. A Baron comes off as more of a blueblood as opposed to a sword-wielding royal. Look at the most recent incarnation of the Cleveland Barons, with the shark wearing a monacle. That's more of the image I have for a baron.


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Wikipedia's version of a Baron

And thus to tie it all in with OKC, I included the oil drop. It might not be the best way to connect the two, but it's what I've got for this one. The arm is short, I see that more now that it's been mentioned. Also, the chest/arm is not supposed to be bare skin. I still have to figure out what I'm going to do with that one....

A tidbit about my last name: My last name is Baker, but before my father and his side of the family came to America in the 50s, it was Bakar....U.S. immigration people changed it incorrectly to Baker. Americanized. So, I intend on legally changing my name back to what it should've been. ( FYI, I am half American or 'white' (my mother was from Kentucky), a quarter Italian, and a quarter Bengali (Bangladesh))

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And thus to tie it all in with OKC, I included the oil drop. It might not be the best way to connect the two, but it's what I've got for this one. The arm is short, I see that more now that it's been mentioned. Also, the chest/arm is not supposed to be bare skin. I still have to figure out what I'm going to do with that one....

That logic is slightly flawed, which resulted in a confusing design. That is like knowing that olive oil is retrieved from an olive...and then hearing baby oil and thinking that it is retained from a baby. Weird comparison, but you get my point.

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Change the colors to black, purple and silver, and I think you have an excellent update for the Sacramento Kings.

Oklahoma City (possibly) Barons? Not so much.

Not necessarily from an artistic standpoint, other than the tweaks mentioned, beautiful work here; but from a name/logo association point of view. Just doesn't say Barons, at least not in the way that they'd be going for.

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I agree. Guess i'll just work it out to be a Kings concept in that case.

Anyhow, in that link you provided (I'm not sure how familiar you are with Wikipedia) there is usually a link near the top that says "(disambiguation)" besides the term. That means there are other meanings/pages for that same word. In your case, you went to the main page referring to rulers of governments. Clicking the disambiguation link would have shown you the other meanings, including the one OKC is going for, regarding "a wealthy or powerful business baron, executive, tycoon, see business magnate."

For example, if you can't spell Ben Roethlisberger's name (I can't)...you can type in "Big Ben". It will take you to the page regarding the huge clock in London...BUT if you click the disambiguation link, you'll find the Steeler's QB.

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