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2009 MLB Season Thread


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M's take two out of three from the Giants.

Eat it, Bucsfan.... EAT IT!

Me thinks Seadragon doesn't like they Bay Area very much do he :P

Maybe.... Maybe not... hmmm. ^_^

Nah. San Francisco/Oakland is the nearest rival for Seattle in most sports (NBA was the lone exception since Portland was closer then Golden State) so it makes sense to rub it in whenever a Seattle team beats a Bay Area team. That also includes U-Dub beating Cal and Stanford in football... and maybe basketball.


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O's super prospect Matt Wieters is making his debut tonight. I own him in the ULB, so I'm excited to see how this goes.

0-4, K, 3 LOB.

Just first game jitters. Now go forth and RAKE, young man!

Kinda of funny, last year I went to see him in the minors and he went 0-4 (I guess I choose the one game he didn't dominate). Then next time I see him is he debut and he does the same.

Last night's game was a very strange experience. Everyone stood and chanted "Let's Go Wieters" for all of his at bats. I know he was the #1 prospect in baseball, but I still didn't really expect casual fans to get that excited. I had bad seats, but it looked to be like he was swinging for the fences his first at bat. But I can't really blame he, that was a heck of a way to take the plate in your major league debut.

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Wieters went 2-4 with a double and triple tonight. I'd say that's pretty good.

However, I would rather have 0-4 and a win than 2-4 with a loss. And I assume he would also.

I do know why you want the stats though.

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It's early. When the Rangers are on top of the division after another long, hot Texas summer, then feel free to pat yourself on the back. :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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The fact remains though, that picking a team that finished in second last year, with the best farm system in the league (that has started to really pay off dividends), and had the best offense in the league last year isn't exactly "outlandish", unless you're an Angels homer. Now... everybody picking the A's, which were a thin team who had to rely on a bunch of players who weren't ready... that was pretty outlandish.

This was going to be a 2 team race, it seemed pretty obvious from the get-go, and if the Angels offense doesn't wake up, it might not even be that.

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I know Edinson Volquez has been out of late, but with the Reds staff can we start to talk about Cincinnati as serious contenders in the NL central?

Yes, they'll be a threat come September for a playoff spot. Though I'm not sold on them just yet as I'd like to see how their current series with the Cards goes first.

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I know Edinson Volquez has been out of late, but with the Reds staff can we start to talk about Cincinnati as serious contenders in the NL central?

Yes, they'll be a threat come September for a playoff spot. Though I'm not sold on them just yet as they've only played a few games against the Cards (3-1) and Cubs (2-1) and are 3-5 against the Brewers.

I agree. This is a good young team and we all know what good young teams are capable of (See 1991 Braves, 2008 Rays)

Every NL Central team has holes. But the Reds are just as capable of snatching that division as anyone at this point.

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Every NL Central team has holes. But the Reds are just as capable of snatching that division as anyone at this point.

Well, maybe not anyone. But I like to pretend, haha.


Polygon signature courtesy of LEWJ.


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YES! Schafer's been a few weeks overdue for a trip to the suburbs. Hopefully when he comes back he'll be able to hit major league pitching. I just hope he isn't the Braves version of Nelson Cruz, and he turns into an elevator from Gwinnett to Atlanta.

Good to see Blanco, back for what's probably gonna be another brief stint.

(and Braves Nation is pissed because it wasn't Francoeur. :P)



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The Mets are not cursed. They just have TERRIBLE luck. And according to the article, Beltran doesn't have swine flu, just a bad stomach virus. Tank's just sensationalizing about the Mets, as usual. :P

With that said, I hope that 1) Beltran recovers and 2) it's not swine flu.



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