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2009 MLB Season Thread


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Rumors are swirling here, thanks to the radio, that we might have the Halladay deal coming to Philly. Boy, I hope not, I think the asking price is too high, and that we're going to end up missing the playoffs if we do. After all, Happ's the best pitcher we have - we lose him, we might as well concede the division to the Marlins.
Is this sarcasm?
No, it's irrational.
Greg, your sarcasm detector is busted, methinks.


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Cliff Lee is a Philly.

Looks like Roy will be staying put unless the Jays make the fan-base-destroying move of trading him to Boston.

Remember when I said that Riccardi should be fired on the spot if he didn't take any deals after that "deadline" of his? He should also be fired on the spot if he trades him to anybody in the AL East. I mean, right after it hits the wire, the owner should hand him his walking papers.

As far as Lee going to the Phillies is concerned...at least it ain't Halladay. -phew-



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Cliff Lee is a Philly.

Looks like Roy will be staying put unless the Jays make the fan-base-destroying move of trading him to Boston.

Nice move on Philly's part. The kept Drabek, Happ, and both minor league outfielders mentioned in the deal with Toronto, and add a man who's not Halladay by any means, but was lights-out last year and will, without a doubt, help the Phils make a run at a repeat.


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Riccardi is a dope (unless this whole thing was just an act to see if some team would be totally irrational), plain and simple. He puts Halladay on the market, then makes statements like (paraphrasing) "someone's going to have to feel pain to get him", invents fake deadlines, discusses the trade talks with the media, etc.

It is unlikely that he'll get a deal as good as the one the Phillies offered, which they probably could have improved upon a little bit. If he was trying to get teams to bid against each other, he lost there too.

While I certainly would have preferred Halladay, and would have given up a ton to get him, Ruben Amaro was able to make this deal without giving up any of the top-3 prospects that Toronto was looking for... and he got a right-handed bat in the process (sorely needed btw.)

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Wonder if Rodrigo Lopez will surrender (or be forced to surrender) #31 to Lee.

I kind of think it's an ugly number, so I hope Lee just picks something else.

FWIW, Halladay would have been forced to change numbers.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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This trade is great. They get a top notch pitcher, lefty but i can live with it, and a righty off the bench. All without losing their best prospects.

And a part of me is dreaming that now the Jays will drop the price heavily and the Phillies can just send Happ and maybe Brown for Halladay. But I think it would be unnecessary.


J M yoU wish you had a Duke Dog!

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This trade is great. They get a top notch pitcher, lefty but i can live with it, and a righty off the bench. All without losing their best prospects.

And a part of me is dreaming that now the Jays will drop the price heavily and the Phillies can just send Happ and maybe Brown for Halladay. But I think it would be unnecessary.

Now you're getting greedy.

I would, however, send Lee and someone else (Happ?) to Toronto for Halladay. Toronto would save a ton of money, and still have a good pitcher, so they wouldn't have to sell this "rebuilding" plan to their fans (provided they spend that money that they're saving.)

IMO, Happ is seriously overrated. He's a rookie, only been through the league once, and will be exposed. He's certainly not bad, but he's a #4 pitcher. #3 at absolute best.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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This trade is great. They get a top notch pitcher, lefty but i can live with it, and a righty off the bench. All without losing their best prospects.

And a part of me is dreaming that now the Jays will drop the price heavily and the Phillies can just send Happ and maybe Brown for Halladay. But I think it would be unnecessary.

Now you're getting greedy.

I would, however, send Lee and someone else (Happ?) to Toronto for Halladay. Toronto would save a ton of money, and still have a good pitcher, so they wouldn't have to sell this "rebuilding" plan to their fans (provided they spend that money that they're saving.)

IMO, Happ is seriously overrated. He's a rookie, only been through the league once, and will be exposed. He's certainly not bad, but he's a #4 pitcher. #3 at absolute best.

Haha sorry. Just thinking out loud.


J M yoU wish you had a Duke Dog!

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Cliff Lee is still pitching well this year (and maybe the offense in Philly can support him lol). But yeah I'll take the Phils 2, 3, 4, and 10 prospects for a guy we wouldn't be able to keep past next year IIRC and an outfielder (we have plenty of those). To bad they couldn't throw in Wedge in the deal :P .

Hopefully, the Tribe are going to get really good with the prospects they've gotten from the Sabathia, Lee, and Blake trades. This is starting to look like what could evolve into a team similar to the '95-'97 Indians.


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Cliff Lee is still pitching well this year (and maybe the offense in Philly can support him lol). But yeah I'll take the Phils 2, 3, 4, and 10 prospects for a guy we wouldn't be able to keep past next year IIRC and an outfielder (we have plenty of those). To bad they couldn't throw in Wedge in the deal :P .

Hopefully, the Tribe are going to get really good with the prospects they've gotten from the Sabathia, Lee, and Blake trades. This is starting to look like what could evolve into a team similar to the '95-'97 Indians.

Not to be a downer, but Carasco and Donald have been the two biggest disapointments in the Phillies systems this year. Maybe a change of scenery would do them good though. Marson is an OK prospect, and could be a starter, but isn't anything special. Knapp (from what I've heard all year) is the big name in this deal, but he's waaaaays away from contributing.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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According to Sports Center, the Pirates send Jack Wilson and Ian Snell to Seattle for Ronny Cedeno and catcher Jeff Clement. I think there were a couple other prospects sent to Pittsburgh as well.


The Pirates would trade away their parrot mascot for prospects if they could.

And the Mascot would get more playing time than any of them.

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According to Sports Center, the Pirates send Jack Wilson and Ian Snell to Seattle for Ronny Cedeno and catcher Jeff Clement. I think there were a couple other prospects sent to Pittsburgh as well.


The Pirates would trade away their parrot mascot for prospects if they could.

And the Mascot would get more playing time than any of them.

I know the Mets are embarassing lately and frustrating as hell, but damn, how can anybody root for the Pirates any more. This is become a joke, the way they deal everyone away. Aren't Pirates supposed to plunder the weak? It seems these Pirates shoudl be called the goodwills because they just give everything away no questions asked.



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Cliff Lee is a Philly.

Looks like Roy will be staying put unless the Jays make the fan-base-destroying move of trading him to Boston.

Remember when I said that Riccardi should be fired on the spot if he didn't take any deals after that "deadline" of his? He should also be fired on the spot if he trades him to anybody in the AL East. I mean, right after it hits the wire, the owner should hand him his walking papers.

I don't understand, what would be wrong with trading him within the divison. He's a free agent after next season and if the Blue Jays are trading him they are basically giving up next season. You could say that Halladay may resign with Boston, but isn't it just as likely that he would sign with them when he becomes a free agent anyway? I'd say it better to get the established prospects than the two draft picks. I'm just saying if the Jays want to trade him they should take the best package available. Worrying about trading him within the division just seems a little short sighted to me.

Also, good move by the Phillies. They got a top pitcher that they needed with out trading away the future.

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According to Sports Center, the Pirates send Jack Wilson and Ian Snell to Seattle for Ronny Cedeno and catcher Jeff Clement. I think there were a couple other prospects sent to Pittsburgh as well.

And the other shoe drops as Freddy Sanchez is traded to the Giants for AA pitcher Tim Alderson. The Pirates may actually have 20 consecutive losing seasons as they are already at 17 after this season.

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