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Kansas City Royals


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Looking at the Royals set the other day sparked an idea of mine to try and update them. What I did was bring back their old alternate logo and update it a little bit. I also added more gold to the set, and darkened the blue. I tried to stray away from the light blue Royal craze everybody has. Tell me what you guys think.





Alternate Uniforms:


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Maybe the front numbers could be gold outlined with blue, just to separate them from the script more? I think it'd make the script stand out better.

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These are good. Have you thought about adding a crown to the primary?


College sports as we know them are just about dead. The lid is off on all the corruption that taints just about every major program and every decision that the schools or the NCAA make is only about money, money, and more money. We'll have three 16+ team super-conferences sooner rather than later, killing much of the regional flair and traditional rivalries that make college sports unique and showing the door to any school that doesn't bring money to the table in the process. Pretty soon the smaller schools are going to have to consider forming their own sanctioning body to keep the true spirit of college sports alive because the NCAA will only get worse in it's excess from here
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Very nice concept, even though the gold outlining the wordmarks is discreet, I like it. I agree though, use the script from the primary instead of the distorted one. The gold brim hat is cool too, if that was the game hat I wouldn't complain. Oh, and I like the name of your design studio, as it is a name shared by the second album of a certain band I am obsessed with, exclamation point and all ;) .

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Thank you for your comments guys. I worked on the scripts to make them less distorted. And I took some of your guys suggestions. I have a little update ready for you guys. Another thing I worked on was an alternate cap logo. Basically what I did was use the R from the "Royals" script as the cap logo. This logo is only on the home alternate cap as I didn;t want it to over shadow the KC logo. Any better?




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It has always bugged me that the Royals have gold in the logo but none on any of the uniforms. I like that.

(I know that you wanted to get away from the light blue thing, but I'd love to see what this would look like if you replaced the gold with light blue. Light blue has been a huge part of Royals history and should have a place somewhere on their palette.

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So I took your guys' advice and goldened up the gold. But with the current shade of blue I thought It looked a little too similar to the Padres, so I tried brightening the blue up a bit. I ahve a couple differnet options too choose from for you guys. The first one is the original blue, and the next two are brighter blues. Which one do you guys like best?

Original blue:


New Blue 1:


New Blue 2:


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I personally like the third one. The middle one, the blue seems greyish and 'blah', and the first one looks nice, but doesn't really say 'Royals' to me.

p.s. I think you left the gold around the 'KC' logo a different shade in your first example. Not too important, I suppose, but I figured I'd mention it in case you hadn't noticed.

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Nice work here. I really like the addition of gold. It's unobtrusive and subtle, but really does a lot. The new R logo is nice, but only in small amounts (which is exactly what you've done). I'd go with the second blue; the third feels too bright, almost neon, and the first is a little drab. And on the home alt, I'd make the front number match the back one (i.e. white trimmed with gold). Really great job all around though. This would be an upgrade to what I already consider one of the best uniform sets in the majors.


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I know many of my fellow Kansas Citians love the powder blue look. I wonder what this set would look like in that instead of the royal blue.

I know just about everyone loves the powder blue look, but I tried the powder blue and it didn't look good to me. And I wanted to stay away from the whole powder blue craze. As for the next update, I am currently working on it right now. I have decided to use the original blue. I also updated the look of the primary and cap logos as well. And am thinking about chaging up the scripts. I like the look of the Royals script from the early 2000's with the drop shadowish effect to them. I'm leaning towards using those scripts instead of the ones I am currently using. Do you guys think that would be a good idea? Or should I stick with the scripts I have now?

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i like what you have done but i really don't like how there is that white outline on the primary logo, you kinda can see it in some places and can't in others. i know that is how the original logo was but it is just bugging me, i am not sure how to fix it either because then it would be gold touching gold. another thing that would make the primary alot better is if you put the strings in the baseball in between the 'a' and the line underneith the whole script.

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Sorry, no thanks. I am a much bigger fan of your original ones; the gold numbers don't stand out so well, the outlines on the cap logos make it seem cluttered, and the gold brimmed cap is a no go. The new wordmark on the roadies just doesn't stack up, either. Sorry to be so negative; I just loved your last set and this one is, quite frankly, a downgrade. And make the cap on the jersey template somewhat to scale, please!


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I like this concept. The one change I would make is dropping the gold front numbers. They are too hard to see, I would keep them as the original and have tem blue with the gold outline. I like the addition of gold to the uniforms, it is subtle but it works well. I also like the gold brimmed hat. Overall a very nice looking design.

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