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Does anyone here like The Big Lebowski?


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I wanted to design a fantasy sports logo that I could put on a shirt and really tie an outfit together. I'm a big fan of 'The Big Lebowski' so I decided to base the logo on Jeff Bridges as the Dude. The Dude drinks white russians so his face on the logo is the color of the drink. Maybe one day I'll design a tertiary logo of a white russian. The green color is similar to the dude's car. The wordmark is Magneto Bold which they used for the title of the film.

Here's the primary:


And here's the secondary:


If you don't know anything about 'The Big Lebowski', check out this website


It's a celebration of all things Lebowski and it's celebrated every year.

I'm thinking of a trilogy of logos. The other two being Jesus and Walter, respectively.

So did I achieve with these logos or am I wrong?


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Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, at least it's an ethos.

This is a neat idea, but I think there are some ways in which it could be improved design-wise. First off, the wordmark is incredibly hard to read. Script fonts like Magneto were not meant to be used in all caps. I would either write it in sentence case ("Dudes") or find a different font.

Second, the whole thing looks a bit too dark to me. I think the green needs to be brighter and lightest of the brown tones lighters in order to establish more contrast. Right now, the whole thing just seems really muddy and dark.

Of course, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

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Great Idea. The wordmark has to be changed, I've seen the movie a couple times and while reading that I thought it said DVDEd. I like using a stylized white russian drink as a secondary. The dude's face looks perfect, you captured his look while stylizing it. I'm sure its been done but a whole Lebowski-universe sports league would be entertaining.

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So did I achieve with these logos or am I wrong?

You're not wrong, you're just an a**hole.

I like it a lot, but it's just not bright enough. I haven't watched the film in a while, but I always think of it as very colourful. Perhaps you could incorporate something of the Gutterballs sequence, or better yet, some bowling.

Those logos would look great on a hockey jersey.

Obviously you're not a golfer.

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You're not wrong, you're just an a**hole.

This aggression will not stand, man.

I like it a lot, but it's just not bright enough. I haven't watched the film in a while, but I always think of it as very colourful. Perhaps you could incorporate something of the Gutterballs sequence, or better yet, some bowling.

New s*** has come to light. Yeah I guess the movie is very colourful. Maybe I'll use a brighter green. I'll have to see if I have the will to change the font from DUDES to Dudes. I don't own the Magneto font and just reproduced it by hand.


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Second, the whole thing looks a bit too dark to me. I think the green needs to be brighter and lightest of the brown tones lighters in order to establish more contrast. Right now, the whole thing just seems really muddy and dark.

Of course, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

I hope this isn't over the line. I changed the green to blue and lightened his face. I also brightened his hair to be closer to the dude's because I didn't want him to be undude. I still have to change the font but, what did you expect, it's a weekday.

What do you think?



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Second, the whole thing looks a bit too dark to me. I think the green needs to be brighter and lightest of the brown tones lighters in order to establish more contrast. Right now, the whole thing just seems really muddy and dark.

Of course, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

I hope this isn't over the line. I changed the green to blue and lightened his face. I also brightened his hair to be closer to the dude's because I didn't want him to be undude. I still have to change the font but, what did you expect, it's a weekday.

What do you think?


That's a lot better, dude. The brighter blue really pops, and makes it much less muddy than before.

By the way, if you want Magneto, shoot me a PM with your e-mail address and I'll send it when I get home.

You want a ? I can get you a , believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a by 3 o'clock this afternoon ... with nail polish. These :censored: ing amateurs...

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You're throwin' rocks tonight!

I like the overall concept here. I'd work with the placement of the, uh, things...the "stars", I guess. They're leaving some awkward shapes where they overlap the letters/outlines. As far as coloring goes, I'm curious to see how yellow would look with brown...they colors work well together, and you could mimic the "Art" Medina Sod bowling shirt. There are about a million 3rd logos you could do with this concept -- Caucasian, bowling ball, Creedence tapes, the Dude's car (with rust coloration)...the possibilites are somewhat endless. Some minor tweaks and I think you're good to go to the In & Out Burger...some burgers, a few beers, maybe some laughs. You're :censored: troubles are over, Dude.

Is there a Ralph's nearby?

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As far as coloring goes, I'm curious to see how yellow would look with brown...they colors work well together, and you could mimic the "Art" Medina Sod bowling shirt.

Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber so I thought Shumway had an awesome idea. I also added some shading and highlights. A special thanks to Officeglenn for help with the font. Here's the last update for reference:


And now the new and improved Dudes:


What do you guys think? Is it an improvement or no?

Also, let's not forget - let's *not* forget, Dude - that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for uh, domestic, you know, within the city - that aint legal either.


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BIG improvement on the wordmark. Much nicer.

And overall it is a brighter look, but it still looks drab. Maybe try to incorperate the blue and yellow together.

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BIG improvement on the wordmark. Much nicer.

And overall it is a brighter look, but it still looks drab. Maybe try to incorperate the blue and yellow together.

I like this one. The previous version was a, uh more, uh, uh, complex... It might not be, but, uh. Do you know what I'm saying, man? ...Sir?

What in God's holy name am I blathering about?

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Beautiful update. The only minor change I'd do is to get rid of the z-shaped thing on the right side of his robe. With the way the "d" is overlapping it, I think it just cuts too much of it off.

You make a hell of a caucasian(or Dude logo, in this case), Jackie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm almost done boring you guys with this one. I did what Shumway said and removed the z-shaped thing on the right side of his shirt. I always wanted him to hold a white russian as Djarnis suggested but it looked stupid everytime. I think I finally got it right. I asked my special lady and she agreed.


I'm slowly making progress on a Jesus logo. Hopefully I can show that to you guys one day.


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