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An idea i've had for a little bit Illustratorized, take a look, comments and suggestions would be great. There is no city name, because well i couldnt think of a good city for this. cannons.gif


peshtigobloglogocc.jpg twittericonkingslut.gif
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I think it needs wheels...

also, what is the tan/gold supposed to represent around the base?

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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the logo looks more like a thermometer to be than a cannon. also, the large C on Cannons look a lot like the C the new Cavaliers logo uses.

i do however like the colour scheme and the wordmark font. with a few modifications like wheels and a wick, this could be a sweet concept

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i'm not a big fan.... it looks like a sideways torch to me.... or a flaming grey buffalo wing...

sorry, man.

hey man its alright, practice makes perfect right? I do have a new evantpdesigns logo up my sleeve. Be on the lookout for that...

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