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2009 NFL Season Thread


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Yeah...that's taking things a good bit too far. At least to me it is. (Plus...his aim can't be all that hallowed with the recent spades of picks he's thrown, now can it?)

All that aside...that the Saints CAN (and now HAVE...twice) gotten down early and came back to win speaks to their mettle. However, like you said, Mr. G, I hope the don't get comfortable or content, because if they end up in too deep a hole to the wrong team, they might not be able to dig their way out.

And oh by the way...how bout them Bucs yesterday, patna? :D

That was a great finish for the Bucs, saw it at the place we went to for the Saints game. I knew things must be going well for TB when my attention was elsewhere for a moment and a woman in an Aaron Rodgers jersey yelled, "Son of a f***ing WHORE!" This in a crowded restaurant. She was 'spoken to' by the management and another customer who had his kids with him. B)

What's funny is that, as I posted before, it just seemed like a cruel joke for the Bucs to be 0-7 after deciding to bust out the creamsicles. The only thing that could've made it more ironic would be to WIN in them...and they did! Thought they looked really good yesterday (the team and the unis) and Freeman looks like a player.


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This just in from Adam Tankhead Shafter...the Chefs have decided to finally release Larry Johnson.

Sayonarra, sucka.

Because he will never play for anything close to the league minimum, this could possibly be the last time we see "Grandmama" in a National Football League uniform. Good riddance.


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Saints did it again, but this get behind then come back crap isn't going to work against New England or in the playoffs so they better break the habit and soon.

Meachem is finally starting to look like a number one draft choice. What impresses me more is that the Saints are getting amazing production from guys like Pierre Thomas (undrafted free agent) and Tony Hargrove (taken off the substance-abuse/suspension/rehab junk heap). I give Hargrove credit for candor; after the game yesterday, in which he caused a fumble and recovered two, one for a TD, he said:


"Usually by this time of year I'm in jail or been arrested or failed a drug test or something. If you look back, that's how it is. I get about a month in and go AWOL, " Hargrove said. "It's November, I haven't been arrested, I haven't failed a drug test. Seriously, I have to call a spade a spade. That's my reality. I'm in a very new place right now. This is crazy. Honest to god. Just making a play like this once a week, it's a blessing, " said Hargrove, who recovered two fumbles Sunday -- one forced by defensive end Will Smith earlier in the fourth quarter -- and scored the first touchdown of his career. "It's crazy. I come out here and I just try to play. For me, it's a blessing. I don't think I've played this well, this consistent."


Hope he keeps his head on straight.

Though they won, Brees' sudden spate of turnovers is a cause for concern. The pick he threw to Gamble was horrible, very un-Brees like.

In the Pretty Damn Bizarre dept., some in New Orleans have annointed Drew as "Breesus" and even wrote a new version of the Lord's Prayer with lines like, 'hallowed be thy aim.' :wacko: In a season like this, I wish they wouldn't tempt fate with possible blasphemy...


Okay, after seeing that image, let's strike 'possible' from 'possible blasphemy.' But I'm not sure even that would help Bush at this point. :D

:blink: That is just so wrong on so many levels



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If you like that, you have to watch this...

Daniel Tosh/Crying Giants Fan Web Redemption


Further proof that most Giants fans DO in fact come from the same gene pool as Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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If you like that, you have to watch this...

Daniel Tosh/Crying Giants Fan Web Redemption

That was great :D Had to search for it on the Comedy Network site though, Comedy Central's site doesn't work north of the border.

"Yeah, you guys made the playoffs?"


"We had zero wins"

Good stuff.

ps- Go Chargers :P

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If you like that, you have to watch this...

Daniel Tosh/Crying Giants Fan Web Redemption

That was great :D Had to search for it on the Comedy Network site though, Comedy Central's site doesn't work north of the border.

"Yeah, you guys made the playoffs?"


"We had zero wins"

Good stuff.

ps- Go Chargers :P

"You have one night with Tom Coughlin - spit or swallow?"


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While I still love the Cowboys, I am starting to have 'mancrush' on Mike Tomlin. He really understands it! Listen to his pressers.

For Dallas, Romo still is too gunslinger for me as in the last three plays of the first half on Sunday, but against the PHL blitz, Tony Romo was nine-of-11 for 140 yards, one touchdown and that quarterback rating of 149.1. That's damn good.

Jay Ratliff is great!

The Cowboys drafted the wrong RB in 2008. Picks 22, 23, and 24, were all RBs. Dallas took Felix Jones, PIT took Mendenhall, TEN took Chris Johnson. TEN got the best player, while Felix, Mendenhall, and even McFadden has been hurt for a long period of time. Stewart was also a 1st round guy, but was coming off surgery. Forte and Rice were 2nd round RB picks. Slaton and Kevin Smith were 3rd round. Good job Jerry!

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At the start of the season, who would have thought that next weeks Bengals-Steelers game would be for sole possion of first place in the AFC North? I haven't seen much of the Broncos this season, but their defense is the real deal. I was really impressed by them tonight. Roethlisberger continues to win games and Polamalu might be the most dynamic defensive player in the NFL.

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At the start of the season, who would have thought that next weeks Bengals-Steelers game would be for sole possion of first place in the AFC North? I haven't seen much of the Broncos this season, but their defense is the real deal. I was really impressed by them tonight. Roethlisberger continues to win games and Polamalu might be the most dynamic defensive player in the NFL.

Or that The Bengals would be essentially one game away from being undefeated in division play. (I'm already counting their week 12 game against The Browns as a win.) If the Bengals beat Pittsburgh next week the division is theirs to lose. A win against the Steelers makes Cincy 5-0 in the division, 7-2 overall and after that they really only have two games left against "good" teams the rest of the way. Yeah, I never saw any of that coming before the season started.

On tonight's game all I can say is damn those Steelers are tough. I'm usually not one to quote the shrieking histrionics of the ESPN crew but they nailed it when they said the way Pittsburgh closes a game reminded them of Mariano Rivera.




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Boy I love being 7-1, having a bye week, starting up again vs. the lions and having 2 more home games.

Isn't that the only thing Minnesota has done all season, beat up on cupcake teams?

The Vikes are 7-0 vs. teams currently .500 or worse, and winless against the one team thevy've played with a current winning record (Pittsburgh).


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Broncos lose in the Monday Night game. Just that much closer to closing that divisional gap....

...and with the Chargers seemingly rising, that's going to be a race to keep an eye on, if for no other reason than if to see if the Chargers can get over their own hump. With all the yacking and yapping and the whining and crying some of the Chargers like to do (LT...I'm looking squarely at you here), it'd be nice to see them finally take that next step.

Here's something else to keep an eye on...that and the AFC North race, chiefly for playoff seeding position. Why do I say that? Because of the potential likelihood of them running into the Steelers. But...that's looking way too far down the line at this juncture.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I'm usually not one to quote the shrieking histrionics of the ESPN crew but they nailed it when they said the way Pittsburgh closes a game reminded them of Mariano Rivera.

The Steelers let the Bears march down the field and hit a field goal off sloppy lousy sod to win the game in the closing minutes of Game 2. Even Rivera has had an off night against the Orioles, I guess.

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Fines levied for Falcons/Redskins skirmish

From highest to lowest:

Falcons HC Mike Smith: $15,000

Redskins DT Albert Haynesworth: $7,500

Redskins FS Laron Landry: $5,000

Falcons Director of Athletic Performance Jeff Fish: $2,500

Redskins CB DeAngelo Hall: $0

I can understand the coaches getting fined, they were wrong. I can understand the Redskins getting fined what they did, because they were wrong. What I can't understand is how Hall, the guy who had been talking :censored: the entire week, the guy who has a history of doing :censored: like this, the guy who everybody knew would probably do something like this on Sunday GETS OFF WITHOUT A :censored:ING SCRATCH?! WHAT THE :censored:! If Goodell actually believed that Hall was going there to help his teammate, then I'm guessing that Goodell must've failed the class in OBVIOUS BULL :censored:. I mean, come on. Hall started that fight, Hall was looking for a fight, Hall got the fight, and Hall gets off scott free because he's the one who filed the :censored:ing complaint. I don't give a damn if he filed that complaint, it was obvious he was wrong so make him come out of pocket!

The local news affiliate said that Hall may be fined letter. MAY BE?! He better be, because if he isn't then the NFL's idea of justice is officially a joke.



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This isn't even worth getting worked up about. $10K is a drop in the bucket to players and coaches. If they get fined a few thou, it's still not going to make them think twice about doing it again. If it isn't gonna cost 'em half-a-mil, then don't even fine them at all. Suspensions are the way to go if you really wanna stick it to on-field thuggery.


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