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2009-2010 NHL Season


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Moral dilemma! I have Toskala and Bryzgalov on my fantasy team. Phoenix plays Toronto tonight. Do I go with my head (Bryz) or my heart (Toskala)? Leafs have been hot lately, but as admiral pointed out, in the weak east. Can the Leafs pick off the 'yotes?

If this game was being played in March I'd go with the leafs but the Coyotes are playing good hockey, Bryz is surely playing himself on to Team Russia and the Leafs have to develop more consistency in the 1st period get the lead and not play from behind.

I'm with the Yotes can't mess with a hot goalie.

That's what my gut says. I'll blame you if I'm wrong though!

Then I'll go with Toskala since he's been better in recent games of giving up 3 goals or less. Bryz has been formidable on the road.

Toskala has won 4 out of 5, but Bryz has been rock solid all season...this is one of those situations where my choice will backfire. I set my league with 1 starter per position for this exact reason, to make the owner make a choice. It has already backfired on me at least twice (Savard's hatty vs. Toronto while I had M. Koivu starting comes to mind).

Good call DP!

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When the Winter Classic does come to New York it'll go to Yankees Stadium.

It's been confirmed that the NHL wants a second Winter Classic to be hosted in Canada.

What is not confirmed is if said second game would occur this season or next.


The article had Bettman talking about next season. Though it's interesting that a Canadian Winter Classic would be a second outdoor game, not simply be that year's instalment of the annual event.

Can't give Americans a Canadian team, otherwise they won't tune into the game!


Leafs lose to the Coyotes. THIS is why MLSE didn't want a team in Hamilton. Could you imagine the Coyotes, the way they're playing, in Hamilton? MLSE just might have to try.

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Dear Lord the Rangers suck...at least the "FIRE SATHER" chants started filling the Garden tonight...

The sheer amount of residual goodwill this guy's still able to ride on after Edmonton's Dynasty Years is nothing short of mind blowing.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Dear Lord the Rangers suck...at least the "FIRE SATHER" chants started filling the Garden tonight...

The sheer amount of residual goodwill this guy's still able to ride on after Edmonton's Dynasty Years is nothing short of mind blowing.

Yep...he loves to spend all his time hanging out in Banff anyway. Just let him do it without him being bothered by having to work...what an inconvenience that must be.


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It's been confirmed that the NHL wants a second Winter Classic to be hosted in Canada.

What is not confirmed is if said second game would occur this season or next.


It would be February 2011 on most likely Hockey Day in Canada as the final night cap which is always Calgary vs. Edmonton. As it seems Calgary is the front runner which I'm thrilled about but February in Calgary might be really good (Cold Winter Weather) or really bad (Unseasonable warmth).

It's still in the cloudy stage but what could it hurt. It's not on the precious New Years Day time slot with Bowl Games a plenty and the Winter Classic and it really gets back to the roots of the game in Canada the outdoor rink part of course it would be the experience of a life time.

The game would also be played at a proper venue not a Baseball Stadium, Ralph Wilson Stadium was awesome. Sure Wrigley was nice with lore and all but it was pointless to have the Outfield Seats open when at a Football Stadium everyone has a good view and that's what matters.




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If you people think the Maple Leafs organization is selling you short in their business, then why do you keep supporting an organization and team that you have no affiliation or attachment to in any way, shape or form? Because the business in question consists of a bunch of dudes who shoot a puck? Would you people still support a business if it wasn't a sports team? If Starbucks was pulling this, would you support them? Jesus. The way that fans think that they have anything to do with a team is ridiculous and also hilarious.

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It appears that Markov will be back against the Islanders this Saturday.

Good news for the Habs.

Four times IHL Nielson Cup Champions - Montréal Shamrocks (2008-2009 // 2009-2010 // 2012-2013 // 2014-2015)

Five times TNFF Confederation Cup Champions - Yellowknife Eagles (2009 CC VI // 2010 CC VII // 2015 CC XII // 2017 CC XIV // 2018 CC XV)

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If you people think the Maple Leafs organization is selling you short in their business, then why do you keep supporting an organization and team that you have no affiliation or attachment to in any way, shape or form? Because the business in question consists of a bunch of dudes who shoot a puck? Would you people still support a business if it wasn't a sports team? If Starbucks was pulling this, would you support them? Jesus. The way that fans think that they have anything to do with a team is ridiculous and also hilarious.

You know what's ridiculous? The whole Marxist approach to sports as the new opium of the masses. You know why fans support sports teams? Because they 1) enjoy watching the sport in question and 2) it makes sense to root for the team that plays in your city. That's it. It's enjoyment. And if you've rooted for one team for years, why not continue to do so if you still enjoy watching the sport?

Anyway, Leafs are leading the Bruins 1-0 at the start of the 3rd.

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Steve "Mark Taylor from Home Improvement" Mason is really starting to piss me off. How many times are you going to get pulled this season before you pull your head out of your butt? Figure out that winning the Calder trophy does not mean that you get to slack off for the rest of your career? At this moment the Avalanche have scored three goals in the first 3:54 and Mr. Mason is now sitting on the bench. It would help if the rest of the team would get with it as well, but Mason has to at least make the basic saves.

4-0. WTF?!!!!!!!!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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It appears that Markov will be back against the Islanders this Saturday.

Good news for the Habs.

Markov immediately makes an impact by scoring 2 in that game!!

And Halak played great and gets his shutout...thus increasing his trade value. :( In the circumstance of a trade, it would suck to see him go, especially if the Habs receive too little in return.

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What is with you Devils fans? :P

Just another season of writers saying the Devils were headed for a fall, and yet here at the holidays, we occupy #1 in league standings, and are #1 in most power rankings. For a disrespected team and disrespected fanbase, it's just fun to point certain things out as the season rolls along...


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