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WCHA redesign/edgification


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In lieu of the North Dakota Fighting Sioux making the move to the Rbk Edge uniforms I have decided to start my own little redesign. I've got four or five teams near completion, but would like to start getting some feedback so I can make adjustments. If all goes well I may expand the project beyond the WCHA, but that's my main focus for now (GO BADGERS).

On that note, here are the University of Alaska-Anchorage Seawolves. The current set is nothing to write home about but maintains a classic feel. For the home and away I wanted to keep that classic feel, but make it a bit more unique to UAA. I updated the logo, the comparison is below, logo 1 is an update of 2. I also included the new alt. logo on the shoulders. That logo takes center stage on the new alt. jersey. I really tried to do something different with the alt. Have at it, all C&C is welcome.



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I REALLY like the logos you've got here, and the jerseys aren't bad either.

I will say, however, that the striping could stand to be reduced. Between the striping and the logo there's just to much going on. I would recommend reducing the white stripes to just two thicker white stripes. Keeps the same feel, but it seems like it would be less busy.

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I agree pretty well with Icecap, I love the new logos you've done, and feel like the striping should be simplified on the jerseys, great job though! Love the color scheme and the fact that the new logo has more of a "Indian marking" feel to it, however the only change I would make would be to change the teeth portion of the 2nd logo to more resemble the first...

That being my only suggestions, good job!

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I like how you matched the number of stripes on the jersey to the stripes on the logo. This is a very nice concept. However I would like to see a full uniform, including helmet pants and socks. The design is very good, the only thing I don't like is the amount of negative space in the secondary logo. Maybe you could add more stars, or increase the size of the wolf.



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Alright, back with some updates. I've reduced the size of the shoulder logos on the home/away. I've also added a green spot in the ear of the main logo, it looks much better, good work C&Cers. I tried to change up the striping on the home/away set, but I found that the uniqueness was lost with any fewer stripes, so I've decided to keep it, just a personal thing, bear with me.

The majority of changes were done to the alternate. I've included two new variations of the alt logo, one with the stars of the Alaskan flag and one without. I made the howling wolf head larger to take up more space, again good work C&C, it looks much better. I've dropped the name on the back of the alt jersey, as it looked cluttered. I've also included the stars on the sleeves.

Let me know what you think. Next up will most likely be Colorado College, as Bemidji is throwing me for a loop. I'll try to stay in alphabetical order for the most part though.


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wow that looks sharp. at first i didn't like the white around the alternate but the more you look at it the more you appreciate it. well done. can't wait to see UW. lets go red!

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For the alternate logo, the option with the stars is definitely superior. I think the constellation does a great job filling the large void, created by the yellow circle. The only thing I'm really not liking is the lack of a nameplate on the alternate. I think you should add one, but with a different font than the one in the primary jerseys. Also change the numbers to match. I think the alternate jersey could benefit a lot from a more modern name and number font.



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I will say that, although I seem to be in the minority, I like the symmetry in the number of stripes on the jersey to the number of stripes in the seawolf's neck.

However, the second logo I am not feelin' too much. I can't really make out the shape very well. I mean, I know it's a wolf based on the mascot name, but I can't tell just by the logo. I'd also suggest maybe trying the alternate jersey in yellow, so that you don't have two green jerseys.

Also interested to see what you do for Hockey East!


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Here's an update on Alaska Anchorage. I again chose to leave out the name on the alternate, it was really just too crowded. I did, however, update the number font.


And here's the Colorado College Tigers. I've kept the design simple, and very close to their current look. The yellow alternate is one of a few in this series, this is why Alaska's alternate is green. I tried to go a bit more off the wall with the alternate, some tiger stripes or something, but I couldn't get anything to look anything like what I wanted. I may continue to work on getting something like this done, but for now a classic look can't be wrong for CC.


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Hey thanks for bumping this back up, I've been super busy lately and plan on getting a few up as soon as possible.

edit: here's the Michigan Tech Huskies

The Huskies, from what I can find, have not really had an iconic jersey design, so I've decided to combine a bunch of their previous designs. The Alternate logo is my update of their current husky logo. The current just does not look very good, in my opinion. I've tried to keep most of the husky's facial features the same, the eye/ear, overall shape. I took the redesign as an opportunity to removal the snarl and give the husky a bit of regality.



the old for comparison


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I'll be working on making the Michigan Tech alternate logo say Michigan Tech a bit more. Until then may I present the University of Minnesota-Duluth Bulldogs. I wanted to keep the maroon and gold, but get away from the Gophers. The logo is updated just a bit, nothing too wild there. I've tried to make the jerseys say Bulldogs as much as possible. I've never seen a gopher with a spiked collar before, so I think this works. I've decided not to make an alternate jersey, because any crazier than the current and it looks forced, any throwback is just a bit too Golden Gophers for my liking. Let me know what you think.


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