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Mets-Brewers Negro League tonight


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watching the NY feed of the Mets/Brewers game... NY wearing the NY Cubans uni while Milwaukee in the 1923 Milw Bears uni... anyhow Gary Cohen and Ron Darling commenting in the top of the 1st on the unis.. went VERY wrong, very fast... something along these lines:

Luis Castillo, looking terrible, wearing the baggy uni pajama style, down to the ankles comes up:

(Cohen) "castillo, going with the full-baggy look with the pants."

(Darling) "I like it"...

(Cohen) "going with the old-time uniform look"

(Darling) "if you're going to do it, do it right!!"

(Cohen) "he's got the full-flannel thing going on"... throw to first... "and prince fielder who wears his uniform like that everyday, catching the throw"

(Darling) "Reyes looks a little strange, cause he has the white in his shoes"

(Cohen) "well, plus you have the BLUE helmets rather than the red caps that go with the uniform, so its a bit of a jumbled look"

now, I realize these guys are not the most uni-savvy, but come on!!! do they not know that it is the Negro League throwback games where almost ALL players actually wear the uniforms cuffed at the knees?? That the men of the Negro Leagues all cuffed their pants high??

the other comment that blew the mind was the helmet description... the mets are wearing their full-BLACK helmets, NOT blue... whew!!

just some observations early in the game... no pics yet... I"m sure others will fill that in, but I had to transcribe this incredibly bad exchange...

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After I read your post I switched over to check the game out. The Mets are wearing the all black helmet and it doesn't look bad at all with that uniform. I like the Brewers uniform too.

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They are playing a sport, not walking the runway in Paris or Milan. It is not about how it looks to unigeeks but how it feels to the player. Nothing pisses me off than guys spouting how it looks! Ya so what as long as the player is comfortable who the hell cares. The not matching helmets I can see, but how they wear their pants or jersey is all about comfort.


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They are playing a sport, not walking the runway in Paris or Milan. It is not about how it looks to unigeeks but how it feels to the player. Nothing pisses me off than guys spouting how it looks! Ya so what as long as the player is comfortable who the hell cares. The not matching helmets I can see, but how they wear their pants or jersey is all about comfort.

thank you! finally someone agrees with me. I get so tired of people around here complaining about tight football jerseys and baggy baseball pants. But the worst is when they complain about the "gazoo" helmets and revolution helmets. Safety should be the main concern and I don't care how big a helmet is if it protects a person who cares? Like you said this isn't project runway or the lifetime channel what not to wear, it's sports! Comfort and safety are first!!!

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They are playing a sport, not walking the runway in Paris or Milan. It is not about how it looks to unigeeks but how it feels to the player. Nothing pisses me off than guys spouting how it looks! Ya so what as long as the player is comfortable who the hell cares. The not matching helmets I can see, but how they wear their pants or jersey is all about comfort.

thank you! finally someone agrees with me. I get so tired of people around here complaining about tight football jerseys and baggy baseball pants. But the worst is when they complain about the "gazoo" helmets and revolution helmets. Safety should be the main concern and I don't care how big a helmet is if it protects a person who cares? Like you said this isn't project runway or the lifetime channel what not to wear, it's sports! Comfort and safety are first!!!

Agreed, I like all the new football helmets, Schutt air, and riddell standard helmets are so bad that riddell doesn't even sell them anymore. Never understood why baseball can't be in the middle, you don't have to be great gazoo but you don't have to wear the standard helmets. What people in college wear is perfect almost same protection as a S100 but not as goofy.

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Considering this is a board about sports logos and uniforms, I think it's perfectly acceptable to discuss whether items designed for safety and/or comfort look good. The looks of the logos, uniforms, etc., are the essence of this site.

I'm sure players feel more comfortable with the pajama pants look, but I'm well within my right to say that those guys who go with the pajama pants effect look ridiculous. Or that the new safety helmet looks bulky. Or that the Elmer Fudd cold-weather caps from the 2008 World Series looked stupid. Or that the stirrup look (as uncomfortable as they might be -- I wore them as a youth baseball player) looks cool.

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They are playing a sport, not walking the runway in Paris or Milan. It is not about how it looks to unigeeks but how it feels to the player. Nothing pisses me off than guys spouting how it looks! Ya so what as long as the player is comfortable who the hell cares. The not matching helmets I can see, but how they wear their pants or jersey is all about comfort.

thank you! finally someone agrees with me. I get so tired of people around here complaining about tight football jerseys and baggy baseball pants. But the worst is when they complain about the "gazoo" helmets and revolution helmets. Safety should be the main concern and I don't care how big a helmet is if it protects a person who cares? Like you said this isn't project runway or the lifetime channel what not to wear, it's sports! Comfort and safety are first!!!

Agree 100%. What the hell are people doing talking about how a uniform looks on a website devoted to logos and uniforms? Bunch of dumb-asses. You really don't get this place at all do you? :rolleyes:




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I understand the comfort argument, but players managed to wear the crown of thorns that was a normal pair of baseball pants well into the 1990s. If it had been that uncomfortable, how did it take this long to wear pajama pants?

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So you guys would be fine if some NFL players started trotting out in ankle length pants with no socks showing, because it's comfortable. Negative. Pants and socks, including how they are worn, are part of the uniform, and the purpose of the uniform is so that all the members of the team look 'uniform.' The NFL just has enough common sense to mandate these aspects of the uniform in written form and fine people when they break the rules. They should be barring them from the field if they have a uniform violation, not allowing the offender to play until it's fixed.

If baseball wants trousers, fine, but write it into the rules that all players on a team have to wear them one way or the other. Can't have members of the same team wearing both long and cuffed pants on the field at the same time.

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Yeah I don't care if baseball players want to wear long and cuffed pants, isn't it the players preference? they are wearing it! as long as everyone on the team have the same color pants I'm fine. Same with football! But really you want to ban people for a uniform violation? I mean really what if a person's pants are too short we shouldn't let them play? that's ridiculous.

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