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The 87 bazillion Padres looks over the years


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The original brown was pretty clever. Now they've willingly sunken into the purgatory of the navy blue hat universe. The road jerseys are the only thing I'd keep. Those are pretty good, and I appreciate doing something other than grey. The rest, they should just go back to vaguely resembling actual missionaries. I will pray for them.

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My favorite was always the navy and orange look. Those colors look great together. Those are followed closely by the brown and orange pinstripes that preceeded it. I know it was duplication, but I love how the Padres and Giants had the SD and SF logos on their road jerseys.

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Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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If they absolutely have to go back to brown, at least let it be the brown and yellow of the inaugural Padres, and not the Taco Bell uniforms of circa 1984. At least the lettering on the '68 jerseys was pretty neat. I still think it's too dated a color palette for a pleasant and contemporary place like San Diego. Sky/beach/ocean colors represent San Diego well enough.

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If they embraced the beige, they'd be laughing; a completely different, darker shade of khaki or sand or whatever it is they use for the road unies would work miracles.

Royal, beige and athletic gold. Think about it.

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At the risk of being accused of mere colorizing (feel free to spit on your own graves) ...


Home logo, plus ...


... road look (i.e. no pinstripes on top of gray/beige/sand) ...


... with white, gold and brown jersey choices. Orange -- or at least the orange used in the '80s -- is probably too close to gold.

(Side note: Since the Krocs owned the Padres, I wonder why they didn't go to black, gold and red -- McDonald's colors, yet relatively close to brown and orange.)

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The backlash against the pull-over era forced a lot of teams from the 60s and 70s to squander away their distinct, organic identities for more "contemporary" (read: boring) ones. But the Padres also fell victim to the ridiculous anti-brown bias in the sports world. Why else would they choose not to wear a color they still own in the baseball world despite having not used it full-time in two decades?

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I love Taco Bell.

...and I love brown and gold too.


I remember in the 90s "teal craze" the spurs went along with the taco bell craze colors of teal, hot orange, and pink, which were taco bell colors at the time. They went along with it so far as to have these colors on the court. Rumor is that, there was a jersey created to incorporate these colors, but David Robinson, the then star of the team, said he would refuse to play in such girly colors. For those of you who dont know, Robinson was a former Navy officer - so his reaction kind of makes sense - lol)


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Rumor is that, there was a jersey created to incorporate these colors, but David Robinson, the then star of the team, said he would refuse to play in such girly colors.

Wow, I'd love to see pictures of those. The Fiesta colors were ill back in the day.

As for Taco Bell, this was Taco Bell's logo back in the early '90s:


Brown, red, orange, gold, even puke green... but I don't see any Fiesta colors.


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Rumor is that, there was a jersey created to incorporate these colors, but David Robinson, the then star of the team, said he would refuse to play in such girly colors.

Wow, I'd love to see pictures of those. The Fiesta colors were ill back in the day.

As for Taco Bell, this was Taco Bell's logo back in the early '90s:


Brown, red, orange, gold, even puke green... but I don't see any Fiesta colors.

It wasnt so much the actual logos that represented these colors, but the restaurants themselves. MAny restaurants went from mainly sporting brown/orange/red to featuring teal seats, purple doors, etc. They were just trying to catch up to the times.


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I love Taco Bell.

...and I love brown and gold too.


I remember in the 90s "teal craze" the spurs went along with the taco bell craze colors of teal, hot orange, and pink, which were taco bell colors at the time. They went along with it so far as to have these colors on the court. Rumor is that, there was a jersey created to incorporate these colors, but David Robinson, the then star of the team, said he would refuse to play in such girly colors. For those of you who dont know, Robinson was a former Navy officer - so his reaction kind of makes sense - lol)

Yeah.. I'm pretty sure the Fiesta Spurs colours were based off a :censored:ing fast food chain and not something cultural about the city. battle-of-flower-parade.jpgcavaliers-parade.jpg


Are you hell-bent on trolling every forum on here?


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Something else about the old uniforms I like was that they didn't wear belts. The striped waistbands (or whatever they are) have always looked really nice to me.

Plus, they're something different to look at. ^_^

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(Side note: Since the Krocs owned the Padres, I wonder why they didn't go to black, gold and red -- McDonald's colors, yet relatively close to brown and orange.)

If memory serves, McDonald's uniforms were the same colors as the Padres uniforms back then.




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