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Lebon's New Nike Logo


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Jesus Christ, enough with the Cleveland vs. Miami horsecrap.

Cleveland fans: you're not more special or any more cursed than other fanbases in a title drought. Don't flatter yourselves.

Miami fans: you ARE bandwagoners, and if you supported a winner, care to explain the Marlins' post-title fire sales? Don't flatter yourselves.

Can we now please put an end to the Sports Suffering Olympics? And for the record, I've never been alive for a championship for any of my teams, and you don't see me whining.

You're such a funny guy ;)



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I'm more annoyed by the fact that the guy felt important enough to tell us that it's an snarky phrase, in a snarky manner. And included so many unfunny jokes (OK. It sounds awkward when used in scenarios from hundreds of years ago. We get it.). And he used it in his title. And he didn't really have a purpose for writing the article. What's next, an attack on "No offense, but ... "? I wish I got paid to write pointless articles.


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I'm sick and tired of Cleveland fans yelling at Heat fans, and making it sound like we don't know anything about sports. They act like the state of Florida doesn't know anything about sports compared to Cleveland or the state of Ohio. You dont. Trust me....Floridians know plenty. Not really. There may be a lot of fair weather fans in the Sunshine State, Yep, there are. but there are those of us from there who do know what the taste of a championship and the bitterness of a loss is like. Maybe, but not likely. I'm sorry we ruined your basketball franchise, Dont flatter yourself, you didnt. but in reality it's not our fault. LeBron did not want to come back, and if it wasn't to the Heat then he would have been a Knick, or a Bull, or who knows. The end. Not really.

Thanks for trying, though.

Are we supposed to be upset at a pic of Don Shula? We love Shula, one of Cleveland's favorite sons. Very proud of him and he will always be beloved in these parts. What was the point of that?

And the pic of the Neutron Man crying is from the Michigan State game in 1998. How, exactly, is a typical Florida bandwagon jumper going to try to claim that pic is something he or his teams are responsible for? I suppose you also were part of The Drive, The Fumble, The Browns moving and/ or the Jordan over Ehlo shot, too?? Yeah, like I said, clueless, know-nothing Sunshine Staters. Have fun, dude.

The crying photo came up in a list of photos from the Gators stomping Ohio State in the BCS National Championship. I think that was fairly obvious to everyone else. Don't ever call me a bandwagon jumper. I've never been one. Never will be. Anyone on these boards that has known me since 2005 is well aware of who I'm a fan of. So while South Florida had nothing to with The Drive, The Browns moving, or Ehlo, the state of Florida did make Ohio State cry. Actually twice. Game over. Thanks for playing.

No, you arent a bandwagon jumper. You are just a fan of 7,000 different teams. that way, every year one of "your" teams is always winning.

And about that "game over" thing? Hardly. We didnt cry after losing to Florida. We just keep on keeping on. You Gators shrivel up and go away. Where is Florida and thier football and basketball programs again?? Oh yeah, thats right, in irrelevent-ville. Ohio State is in ANOTHER BCS bowl and the basketball team is ranked # 2 with a real shot to get back to the Final. So, about that "game over" proclamation from you, the game is over for the Gators, back to being no bodies and Ohio State will just continuing to be one of the biggest and baddest and best athletic programs on God's green earth.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the Gator basketball team beat the #6 team in the country earlier this month. The Gators have a down year, whoop-de-do. They reload, and will probably win another BCS title before Ohio State does. 7,000? Not really. Pretty much just two cities...Milwaukee and Miami....and we know Milwaukee area teams almost never win. Way to blow it out of proportion. At this point, you really are one of those crybaby Clevelanders, and I've got nothing to prove to you because you have no ability to stay rational. Good day sir.

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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Anyway... back to the logo. I think its pretty poor. I think its actually worse than the "LBJ23 Crown" logo. The old one was just a bunch of lines and curves everywhere. It wasn't like a logo as much as it was a collage. It just seemed like they were trying to 12 pounds of crap in a 10 pound back.

The new logo is a lot simpler... but... Honestly, couldn't they just put together an "LbJ" logo with the b actually being a 6? I mean... is that so hard to figure out? Sure throw the crown in there, whatever. The new one just seems uninspired and uncreative.



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Anyway... back to the logo. I think its pretty poor. I think its actually worse than the "LBJ23 Crown" logo. The old one was just a bunch of lines and curves everywhere. It wasn't like a logo as much as it was a collage. It just seemed like they were trying to 12 pounds of crap in a 10 pound back.

The new logo is a lot simpler... but... Honestly, couldn't they just put together an "LbJ" logo with the b actually being a 6? I mean... is that so hard to figure out? Sure throw the crown in there, whatever. The new one just seems uninspired and uncreative.

I actually thought the same thing. Why can't a lowercase "b" get used as a 6? I'm sure someone on these boards can draw up a mock logo that has something to do with that. I guess to the marketing guys, the crown is more important than the number.

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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And about that "game over" thing? Hardly. We didnt cry after losing to Florida. We just keep on keeping on. You Gators shrivel up and go away. Where is Florida and thier football and basketball programs again?? Oh yeah, thats right, in irrelevent-ville. Ohio State is in ANOTHER BCS bowl and the basketball team is ranked # 2 with a real shot to get back to the Final. So, about that "game over" proclamation from you, the game is over for the Gators, back to being no bodies and Ohio State will just continuing to be one of the biggest and baddest and best athletic programs on God's green earth.

Easy there, Cletus.

Im just sayin. USC, Alabama, Florida, Florida State, Miami, etc... They have all come and gone and come have come back again. But the whole while, Ohio State is still standing there, putting up thier 10-11 wins a year, playing in BCS Bowls and just generally doin our thing. All these other teams are the supposed "team of the century", but soon they are gone, unranked and playing in also-ran bowl games. Ohio State just keeps churning out top 10 finishes and double digit victory seasons. Just sayin...

Really, dude?

I don't think anyone is doubting that Ohio State is consistently one of the best college football teams. But every major power has down years. Ohio State isn't special; they're just in the middle of a good run, one like every major power has. Remember when Florida State had like 12 straight top-5 finishes? You could have said the same thing about them then, and been no more or less right.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Anyway... back to the logo. I think its pretty poor. I think its actually worse than the "LBJ23 Crown" logo. The old one was just a bunch of lines and curves everywhere. It wasn't like a logo as much as it was a collage. It just seemed like they were trying to 12 pounds of crap in a 10 pound back.

The new logo is a lot simpler... but... Honestly, couldn't they just put together an "LbJ" logo with the b actually being a 6? I mean... is that so hard to figure out? Sure throw the crown in there, whatever. The new one just seems uninspired and uncreative.

LeBron's already changed his jersey number once. Who's to say he won't change it again once everyone has a JAMES 6 Heat jersey?

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though i am young, i have lived in both florida and ohio for near equal portions of my life(though my family has moved around alot, i spent the first years of my life in newberg oregon). when i lived in st. petersburg, my dad and i would always go to almost any sports games available. ive been to countless bucs and rays games, quite a few lightning games, and a large amount of gator and usf games. but i have also been to many fins, marlins, canes and heat games. i will say this, in my experiances at these games and in the state, florida is very fairweather and, at least in my opinion, care alot more about college sports than pro(i really enjoyed that florida win over the buckeyes,osu fans generally annoy me, no offense to any on these boards). i have always been a browns and cavs fan however, go to their games when possible, so i understand the heartbreak, to an extent. browns/cavs games > dolphins/heat games. just a better attmosphere and better fans. i never really liked lebron, i prefer players that played in college, and did not like any of that chalk stuff. so i thought i wouldnt really get angry at his decision to leave, what i thought was probable. however, as the espn special went on i got further and further pissed off, i thought it was classless. thats the one word that describes it for me. im over it now and im fine with the recent success of the heat.but whenever someone brings this up i always tell that whole story there. of all the teams with major pro sports cleveland has had the most heartbreak, so i feel like its fine if we are a little bitter. cleveland deserves better than that treatment. i know may of you will say what makes cleveland deserve better? well, these are just my opinions, but i feel when you have so much heartbreak, someone who grew up in the area should know better than to drag out and demean the city on tv. i feel like we cleveland fans desrve better than that

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If you feel personally slighted, or embarrassed, or scorned, because of a decision that a professional athlete made, then you must have such a void in your pathetic life that you should seriously consider if you really want to go on without getting the help that you need. Have some self respect people. If you equate your own self worth to the "on field" success or failure of a privately-owned sports team for which you are nothing but a customer, regardless of how "different" you think your situation is, then you really need to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and start thinking about where it all went wrong in your life. When the team you cheer for wins a title, you didn't win anything. You still have the same crappy job that you did the day before, you still bang the same fat stinky woman that you banged the day before, and you're going to have to wash the dishes and take out the trash - just like before. It works the other way too - if the team you cheer for loses, you still do all the same things you did the day before. If you live in Cleveland and happen to have a smoking hot wife to wake up to every morning, then why is it such a big deal that a team lost? I get that we're all fans and for a few hours a week we "fake" ourselves into getting emotionally involved in something (each for their own reasons), but seriously. This Cleveland thing has gotten so far out of hand that it's not even something to laugh about anymore.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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If you feel personally slighted, or embarrassed, or scorned, because of decision that a Cavs fan made, then you must have such a void in your pathetic life that you should seriously consider if you really want to go on without getting the help that you need. Have some self respect. If you equate your own self worth to the behavior of Cavs fans after their franchise player left, for which you are nothing but an internet acquaintance, regardless of how "different" you think your situation is, then you really need to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and start thinking about where it all went wrong in your life. When Cavs fans react the way you want them to, you didn't gain anything. You still have the same crappy job that you did the day before, you still bang the same fat stinky woman that you banged the day before, and you're going to have to wash the dishes and take out the trash - just like before. It works the other way too - if the Cavs fans don't react the way you want them to, you still do all the same things you did the day before. If you happen to have a smoking hot wife to wake up to every morning, then why is it such a big deal that Cavs fans are sore? I get that we're all members here and for a few hours a week we "fake" ourselves into getting emotionally involved in something (each for their own reasons), but seriously. This "harangue Cleveland fans for the way they are treating Lebron" thing has gotten so far out of hand that it's not even something to laugh about anymore.


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I'm sick and tired of Cleveland fans yelling at Heat fans, and making it sound like we don't know anything about sports. They act like the state of Florida doesn't know anything about sports compared to Cleveland or the state of Ohio. You dont. Trust me....Floridians know plenty. Not really. There may be a lot of fair weather fans in the Sunshine State, Yep, there are. but there are those of us from there who do know what the taste of a championship and the bitterness of a loss is like. Maybe, but not likely. I'm sorry we ruined your basketball franchise, Dont flatter yourself, you didnt. but in reality it's not our fault. LeBron did not want to come back, and if it wasn't to the Heat then he would have been a Knick, or a Bull, or who knows. The end. Not really.

Thanks for trying, though.

Are we supposed to be upset at a pic of Don Shula? We love Shula, one of Cleveland's favorite sons. Very proud of him and he will always be beloved in these parts. What was the point of that?

And the pic of the Neutron Man crying is from the Michigan State game in 1998. How, exactly, is a typical Florida bandwagon jumper going to try to claim that pic is something he or his teams are responsible for? I suppose you also were part of The Drive, The Fumble, The Browns moving and/ or the Jordan over Ehlo shot, too?? Yeah, like I said, clueless, know-nothing Sunshine Staters. Have fun, dude.

The crying photo came up in a list of photos from the Gators stomping Ohio State in the BCS National Championship. I think that was fairly obvious to everyone else. Don't ever call me a bandwagon jumper. I've never been one. Never will be. Anyone on these boards that has known me since 2005 is well aware of who I'm a fan of. So while South Florida had nothing to with The Drive, The Browns moving, or Ehlo, the state of Florida did make Ohio State cry. Actually twice. Game over. Thanks for playing.

No, you arent a bandwagon jumper. You are just a fan of 7,000 different teams. that way, every year one of "your" teams is always winning.

And about that "game over" thing? Hardly. We didnt cry after losing to Florida. We just keep on keeping on. You Gators shrivel up and go away. Where is Florida and thier football and basketball programs again?? Oh yeah, thats right, in irrelevent-ville. Ohio State is in ANOTHER BCS bowl and the basketball team is ranked # 2 with a real shot to get back to the Final. So, about that "game over" proclamation from you, the game is over for the Gators, back to being no bodies and Ohio State will just continuing to be one of the biggest and baddest and best athletic programs on God's green earth.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the Gator basketball team beat the #6 team in the country earlier this month. The Gators have a down year, whoop-de-do. They reload, and will probably win another BCS title before Ohio State does. 7,000? Not really. Pretty much just two cities...Milwaukee and Miami....and we know Milwaukee area teams almost never win. Way to blow it out of proportion. At this point, you really are one of those crybaby Clevelanders, and I've got nothing to prove to you because you have no ability to stay rational. Good day sir.

Nice white flag, dude. That didnt take as long as I expected. You gave up and quit about as fast as Urban Meyer did.

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Anyway... back to the logo. I think its pretty poor. I think its actually worse than the "LBJ23 Crown" logo. The old one was just a bunch of lines and curves everywhere. It wasn't like a logo as much as it was a collage. It just seemed like they were trying to 12 pounds of crap in a 10 pound back.

The new logo is a lot simpler... but... Honestly, couldn't they just put together an "LbJ" logo with the b actually being a 6? I mean... is that so hard to figure out? Sure throw the crown in there, whatever. The new one just seems uninspired and uncreative.

LeBron's already changed his jersey number once. Who's to say he won't change it again once everyone has a JAMES 6 Heat jersey?

I guess. But a 6 is a lot easier to change to a b... and then you still have LBJ *Crown*. I dunno. I get the whole marketing thing... and 1 logo is better than 5... but let's face it... there is only 1 Michael Jordan. It's going to be years before we see a player who is even close to as iconic ad Jordan.

I don't think LeBron changing his personal logo 3 or 4 times is really going to be any less marketable than what it is now. LeBron fans are going to be LeBron fans. Non-fans are going to be non-fans. I would rather have something that actually looks somewhat decent, somewhat clean, somewhat creative than having a dull, unimaginative logo.



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If you feel personally slighted, or embarrassed, or scorned, because of decision that a Cavs fan made, then you must have such a void in your pathetic life that you should seriously consider if you really want to go on without getting the help that you need. Have some self respect. If you equate your own self worth to the behavior of Cavs fans after their franchise player left, for which you are nothing but an internet acquaintance, regardless of how "different" you think your situation is, then you really need to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and start thinking about where it all went wrong in your life. When Cavs fans react the way you want them to, you didn't gain anything. You still have the same crappy job that you did the day before, you still bang the same fat stinky woman that you banged the day before, and you're going to have to wash the dishes and take out the trash - just like before. It works the other way too - if the Cavs fans don't react the way you want them to, you still do all the same things you did the day before. If you happen to have a smoking hot wife to wake up to every morning, then why is it such a big deal that Cavs fans are sore? I get that we're all members here and for a few hours a week we "fake" ourselves into getting emotionally involved in something (each for their own reasons), but seriously. This "harangue Cleveland fans for the way they are treating Lebron" thing has gotten so far out of hand that it's not even something to laugh about anymore.

It's not just about the way they're treating LeBron. Hell - I've treated Donovan McNabb as bad as they're getting on LeBron. There's "sports hate", and then there's just total loss of perspective, fueled by insecurity and a persecution complex. I think that it's simply manifesting itself with the LeBron thing, but that's merely a symptom of the issue.

Props to the Clevelanders who seem to have let this go and see it for what it is.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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If you feel personally slighted, or embarrassed, or scorned, because of decision that a Cavs fan made, then you must have such a void in your pathetic life that you should seriously consider if you really want to go on without getting the help that you need. Have some self respect. If you equate your own self worth to the behavior of Cavs fans after their franchise player left, for which you are nothing but an internet acquaintance, regardless of how "different" you think your situation is, then you really need to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and start thinking about where it all went wrong in your life. When Cavs fans react the way you want them to, you didn't gain anything. You still have the same crappy job that you did the day before, you still bang the same fat stinky woman that you banged the day before, and you're going to have to wash the dishes and take out the trash - just like before. It works the other way too - if the Cavs fans don't react the way you want them to, you still do all the same things you did the day before. If you happen to have a smoking hot wife to wake up to every morning, then why is it such a big deal that Cavs fans are sore? I get that we're all members here and for a few hours a week we "fake" ourselves into getting emotionally involved in something (each for their own reasons), but seriously. This "harangue Cleveland fans for the way they are treating Lebron" thing has gotten so far out of hand that it's not even something to laugh about anymore.

It's not just about the way they're treating LeBron. Hell - I've treated Donovan McNabb as bad as they're getting on LeBron. There's "sports hate", and then there's just total loss of perspective, fueled by insecurity and a persecution complex. I think that it's simply manifesting itself with the LeBron thing, but that's merely a symptom of the issue.

Props to the Clevelanders who seem to have let this go and see it for what it is.

I consider myself one of those who have moved on, im fine with the heat winning a championship, two three, or however many more. thats fine. yes most clevelanders probably do go to a crap job, come home to a average home and a wife that might not be the most beautiful woman in the world(though theey may think so, and theres nothing wrong with that). but maybe thats why we care so much about sports. as we all know sports is entertainment for us, thats why the players get paid so much(among some other things as well). sports might be an outlet from their "crap" life so maybe they dont want to see a crap sports team. sure, there are many cleveland fans who have taken their emotions too far, but im sure you have invested emotion in your team and have gotten upset or angry. not only was lebron keeping at least one cleveland franchise good, he had a large impact on the economy there. so maybe their are a few more reasons for clevelanders(not including me because i do not live in the city nor have a job there, just love the teams) to be a little bitter or alot bitter at lebron. with so much sports and life heartbreak added to an already fiery personality of many cleveland sports fans, and then add on lebron's classless decision on ESPN, youre going to get some angry people. there is definatly no reason to completely hate the man with all your heart, but im not going to criticize anybody for being very unhappy with the situation.

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If you feel personally slighted, or embarrassed, or scorned, because of a decision that a professional athlete made, then you must have such a void in your pathetic life that you should seriously consider if you really want to go on without getting the help that you need. Have some self respect people. If you equate your own self worth to the "on field" success or failure of a privately-owned sports team for which you are nothing but a customer, regardless of how "different" you think your situation is, then you really need to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and start thinking about where it all went wrong in your life. When the team you cheer for wins a title, you didn't win anything. You still have the same crappy job that you did the day before, you still bang the same fat stinky woman that you banged the day before, and you're going to have to wash the dishes and take out the trash - just like before. It works the other way too - if the team you cheer for loses, you still do all the same things you did the day before. If you live in Cleveland and happen to have a smoking hot wife to wake up to every morning, then why is it such a big deal that a team lost? I get that we're all fans and for a few hours a week we "fake" ourselves into getting emotionally involved in something (each for their own reasons), but seriously. This Cleveland thing has gotten so far out of hand that it's not even something to laugh about anymore.


Apparently there is one cleveland fan who is a bit overzealous. Do we have a ignore button? I really feel like i need it for 02Rover.

I'm just happy for Four things in my life--

The Dolphins 2 Super Bowls

The Marlins 2 World Series Wins (over the Indians and Yanks)

The Heat World Championship

The Panthers Existance (as opposed to being contracted like a certain Cleveland hockey team I have read about).

In all actuality, one of the sickest joys I get is reading about The Brooklyn to LA move of the Dodgers, NY to SF of the Giants, Rams to STL, Cards to AZ, and oddly the heartbreak of the Browns to Baltimore. I also enjoy reading about A-Rod to TEX, Gretz to LA and STL, and oddly Lebron to Miami.

I just wished the Browns Idenity would have went with them to Baltimore and started a riot.

Lets just say I'm 23, but I do love me some heartbreak.

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If you feel personally slighted, or embarrassed, or scorned, because of a decision that a professional athlete made, then you must have such a void in your pathetic life that you should seriously consider if you really want to go on without getting the help that you need. Have some self respect people. If you equate your own self worth to the "on field" success or failure of a privately-owned sports team for which you are nothing but a customer, regardless of how "different" you think your situation is, then you really need to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and start thinking about where it all went wrong in your life. When the team you cheer for wins a title, you didn't win anything. You still have the same crappy job that you did the day before, you still bang the same fat stinky woman that you banged the day before, and you're going to have to wash the dishes and take out the trash - just like before. It works the other way too - if the team you cheer for loses, you still do all the same things you did the day before. If you live in Cleveland and happen to have a smoking hot wife to wake up to every morning, then why is it such a big deal that a team lost? I get that we're all fans and for a few hours a week we "fake" ourselves into getting emotionally involved in something (each for their own reasons), but seriously. This Cleveland thing has gotten so far out of hand that it's not even something to laugh about anymore.


Apparently there is one cleveland fan who is a bit overzealous. Do we have a ignore button? I really feel like i need it for 02Rover.

I'm just happy for Four things in my life--

The Dolphins 2 Super Bowls

The Marlins 2 World Series Wins (over the Indians and Yanks)

The Heat World Championship

The Panthers Existance (as opposed to being contracted like a certain Cleveland hockey team I have read about).

In all actuality, one of the sickest joys I get is reading about The Brooklyn to LA move of the Dodgers, NY to SF of the Giants, Rams to STL, Cards to AZ, and oddly the heartbreak of the Browns to Baltimore. I also enjoy reading about A-Rod to TEX, Gretz to LA and STL, and oddly Lebron to Miami.

I just wished the Browns Idenity would have went with them to Baltimore and started a riot.

Lets just say I'm 23, but I do love me some heartbreak.

-I don't have a dog in the fight but you weren't alive for the Superbowls

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I've been trying to avoid this whole... LeBron issue... because, I think the logo is absolutely terrible. But...

Does his leaving affect me or my boys (by boys, I'm referring to a part of my anatomy, not my kin)? No. Does my job hinge on him being here or not? No. Is my family splitting apart at the seems because he left? No. So, the only thing that really changes is the Cavs aren't playing on Christmas. Well, I'll still having Christmas at my house, my family will be there, were going to get drunk, the men will play cards, the women will play Catch Phrase, and then we'll all pass out... just like when the Cavs were playing on Christmas.

People are going to be bitter... Even I'm still a little bitter... but at what point do you brush yourself off and get back on your feet? If you are a Cavs fan, then you are still going to watch the games on FSO, you are still going to go downtown and support the watering holes and go to the Q. But if you were a Cavs fan because LeBron was here, then now you are a Heat fan because LeBron is there.

There are far greater tragedies in the world. Sure, I understand people invest passion and emotion into their sports teams, but honestly, its time to brush yourself off.



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I've been trying to avoid this whole... LeBron issue... because, I think the logo is absolutely terrible. But...

Does his leaving affect me or my boys (by boys, I'm referring to a part of my anatomy, not my kin)? No. Does my job hinge on him being here or not? No. Is my family splitting apart at the seems because he left? No. So, the only thing that really changes is the Cavs aren't playing on Christmas. Well, I'll still having Christmas at my house, my family will be there, were going to get drunk, the men will play cards, the women will play Catch Phrase, and then we'll all pass out... just like when the Cavs were playing on Christmas.

People are going to be bitter... Even I'm still a little bitter... but at what point do you brush yourself off and get back on your feet? If you are a Cavs fan, then you are still going to watch the games on FSO, you are still going to go downtown and support the watering holes and go to the Q. But if you were a Cavs fan because LeBron was here, then now you are a Heat fan because LeBron is there.

There are far greater tragedies in the world. Sure, I understand people invest passion and emotion into their sports teams, but honestly, its time to brush yourself off.

Well put.

If there was a like button, you'd get a thumbs-up.




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