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Baseball Now Putting Advertisements...

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Here's what the base is gonna look like:


It doesn't look big enough to be an effective ad, certainally not worth the trouble or money.

God forbid it might actually make the shortstop/2nd baseman touch the bag during a double play.


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Here's what the base is gonna look like:


It doesn't look big enough to be an effective ad, certainally not worth the trouble or money.

Of course it's big enough.

You don't think they were planning to get much exposure from the actual ads on the actual bases during the actual game (I get the "Actual-Use Prize" for today).

They're getting the exposure through what we're doing right now... talking about a hot issue in sports. Not hard to read the ad when it's on my computer screen in that picture, I tell ya...

I doubt ads on the bases will catch on. After the initial novelty has worn off, and people stop making a deal out of it, ad companies understand that they'll be too small to be effective, and will find some other way to try to up the ante.

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Why is this any different than the ads on the ice surface between the blue lines?

Because this is a MOCKERY OF THE GAME OF BASEBALL. The PUREST sport on earth. Hockey stopped being pure when there were more teams in warm weather climates then there were in Canada. Football stopped being pure when the pro-bowl was created. Basketball stopped being pure the moment NIKE was invented. Soccer stopped being pure when people started rioting.

Baseball, however, has never truly sold out (comericially advertising wise) until this season. Sure, there's been strikes, "This call to the bullpen is brought by"s and other things. But nothing is compared to this year: RICOH, Spidey (O, I love you Spiderman, but why can't you grace a scoreboard between innings or something?)... I can't take it anymore!


When the steroid-pumped DH thinking about his Pepsi contract hits the ball into the stale air of the Metrodome, and the outfielder loses the ball in the lights and the white tarp over the field, and it takes a turf bounce into the folded up football seats with the giant DODGE ad on them, is that pure?

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When the steroid-pumped DH thinking about his Pepsi contract hits the ball into the stale air of the Metrodome, and the outfielder loses the ball in the lights and the white tarp over the field, and it takes a turf bounce into the folded up football seats with the giant DODGE ad on them, is that pure?

I was gonna say the giant ass milk jug in right field of the Metrodome! WTF is up with that?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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When the steroid-pumped DH thinking about his Pepsi contract hits the ball into the stale air of the Metrodome, and the outfielder loses the ball in the lights and the white tarp over the field, and it takes a turf bounce into the folded up football seats with the giant DODGE ad on them, is that pure?

I was gonna say the giant ass milk jug in right field of the Metrodome! WTF is up with that?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

It's alot more purer then most things in sports these days. And that's scary.

Insert Witty Signature Here.

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When the steroid-pumped DH thinking about his Pepsi contract hits the ball into the stale air of the Metrodome, and the outfielder loses the ball in the lights and the white tarp over the field, and it takes a turf bounce into the folded up football seats with the giant DODGE ad on them, is that pure?

I was gonna say the giant ass milk jug in right field of the Metrodome! WTF is up with that?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

It's alot more purer then most things in sports these days. And that's scary.

Soccer. Soccer is the purest thing there is. No ads painted on the field. It's the ball, the clubs, and the nets. Maybe there's ads on the shirts. That's about it. Same rules for many, many years. Yes, and some teams fans riot. It's part of every sports history.

Rugby is pretty pure too....

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Just saw on ESPN that the MLB has agreed to take off the "Spiderman 2" ad because of fan dissaproval.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Touché, Quad, but I just meant in the playing enviroment, rules, etc.

Read this quote:

MLB President Bob DuPuy: It's part of our effort to market the game in a holistic style, but mostly to market it to a whole demographic: kids. I don't think this portends a significant trend to where promotional opportunities or advertising might be going with baseball. We went through a period, after a century of outfield signage, where we went 20 or 30 years with no outfield signage, and then gradually the outfield signage has come back. It adds a unique flavor and color to each of our individual stadia, which are each unique in their own way.

How stupid does he think people are? He's trying to make it sound like ads on the back wall are NOT FOR THE MONEY but for the flavour of the game. Now THAT is ludicrous.

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Touché, Quad, but I just meant in the playing enviroment, rules, etc.

Read this quote:

MLB President Bob DuPuy: It's part of our effort to market the game in a holistic style, but mostly to market it to a whole demographic: kids. I don't think this portends a significant trend to where promotional opportunities or advertising might be going with baseball. We went through a period, after a century of outfield signage, where we went 20 or 30 years with no outfield signage, and then gradually the outfield signage has come back. It adds a unique flavor and color to each of our individual stadia, which are each unique in their own way.

How stupid does he think people are?

Acutally, very stupid. How do you think George W. Bush got elected?

I saw, I came, I left.

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I was gonna say the giant ass milk jug in right field of the Metrodome! WTF is up with that?

havent you noticed the giant coke bottle above the left field bleachers at SBC Park?

I've noticed. But I've always known about it, that and Coke seems like a logical product served at a baseball game and it's presence in center-field is unavoidable. I just noticed the milk jug the other day, and it's so out of the way tucked into the right field corner behind the seats that it's mere existance seems weird.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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You know limited ads on the wall and around teh stadium I can live with, but when it hits the field and the bases its going to far. Im glad that baseball listened to the outrage and halted this what would have been a descration to the game.



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I didn't mind this all that much. Honestly, how much does it really effect ANYTHING? The most anyone will see of it, other than the camera focusing on it after commercial breaks and the guys saying "Make sure to check out Spiderman 2!", is a small glimpse as players are running the bases. It's not like their painting a huge portrait of Spiderman in Center field. It's a small little thing, it's not the end of the world. I would like to see them do a spiderweb design on the infield grass or the outfield grass... i think that'd be pretty cool.


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