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2012 MLB Season


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Although I think we're done... still gonna watch and cheer for my offensively-inept Yankees. Win It for The Captain!!!

Oh how big of you. You're team is in the ALCS and you're not gonna bail before game 2 even starts. Now that's a dedicated fan! :rolleyes:


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Gotta have some kinda dedication to keep putting up with the same thing every game...

Oh yeah, it must be hard rooting for a team that hasn't even won 30 championships.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Gotta have some kinda dedication to keep putting up with the same thing every game...

Oh yeah, it must be hard rooting for a team that hasn't even won 30 championships.

I hate these insinuations.

When we're watching baseball games, we're not thinking "oh, at least [the Yankees] have 27 championships" yada yada yada. We're not any different than anyone else. Such ridiculous notions.


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I agree with Kramerica. Its because of those 27 championships that we as Yankee fans expect greatness year in and year out. This postseason is nowhere near Yankee standards. Get well soon, Jeet. We're gonna need you next year to begin the quest for #28. I want the Captain to get just one more ring before he hangs em up


CCSLC sig 2016.jpg


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They can lay the football field down at Yankee Stadium,

There won't be baseball there again until April.

For as awful as the Yankees' offense has been, the pitching has been incredible, and I can't write them off yet.

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Re: the Cardinals & loving/hating them

Will Leitch, the founding editor of Deadspin & fellow Illini grad wrote a good and not overly serious piece about it. Pretty good, I think.


At least one of you guys understands, though I find the title off-putting.

From where I'm sitting the Cardinals have destroyed what the regular season used to mean. It used to be the longest, most important regular season in sports. But that's over. We're in a new era and it's just not as good. If you can finish 9 games back in your division and still win the World Series, what's the point of playing 162 games?

I'd say the same thing if it weren't a divisional rival pulling this off. The regular season as we used to know it is officially less meaningful.


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Yeah but that's a case of "Don't hate the player, hate the game". There will be a lot of groans if a team who won that final Wild Card spot gets to the World Series, and it'll be even worse if its the Cardinals considering their huge run last season, but they're just playing the hand baseball has dealt them.

But to everyone who hates the Cardinals and wants to see them lose, just remember that they still need to win three more games against the Giants, and that's not going to exactly be a walk in the park (I hope).


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Re: the Cardinals & loving/hating them

Will Leitch, the founding editor of Deadspin & fellow Illini grad wrote a good and not overly serious piece about it. Pretty good, I think.


At least one of you guys understands, though I find the title off-putting.

From where I'm sitting the Cardinals have destroyed what the regular season used to mean. It used to be the longest, most important regular season in sports. But that's over. We're in a new era and it's just not as good. If you can finish 9 games back in your division and still win the World Series, what's the point of playing 162 games?

The title is much like the last line. Tongue in cheek. Wouldn't get caught up in that part.

I hear you on the regular season. And I'm not a fan of the second wild card for that reason (although I do like the importance it theoretically places on winning the division).

That said, does it "ruin" baseball? I don't know. It changes it. I was actually thinking about that this morning. In the NHL, everyone LOVES the playoff environment. We talk about teams that are built for the playoffs.

Granted, the Kings were the first 8-seed to win the whole thing (I think), but it's not uncommon for a mid-low seed to make a run. And we don't think twice about it. We embrace it. In hockey the regular season is the struggle to get your ticket punched. And once it's punched, it's a new season. (The NBA does it this way too, but in basketball, the best teams are the best teams and it's rare to see a top seed not make it through.)

Baseball didn't use to be that way. Baseball rewarded the teams that grinded through 162 games and wound up on top. Now that's changing. But is that bad change or is it just change?

I don't honestly have the answer. I'm resistant to it initially, but I don't hate hockey's format, so maybe it just... is. We'll get used to it and maybe in 10 years just accept it. Or maybe not. Tradition does matter, and maybe it will always feel wrong.

In any case, the Cardinals aren't the ones ruining anything. They're just operating under the system that Bud Selig and co. put together—the same system everyone else is—and finding success within it.

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I'm neutral on the Cards. I certainly admire their ability to win when it matters.

I just can't stand the "best fans in baseball" stuff. It reeks of the same unwarranted sense of self importance that "you don't understand the connection Cleveland has with the Browns you just have to be from here to understand" does.

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I'm neutral on the Cards. I certainly admire their ability to win when it matters.

I just can't stand the "best fans in baseball" stuff. It reeks of the same unwarranted sense of self importance that "you don't understand the connection Cleveland has with the Browns you just have to be from here to understand" does.

Yeah, but if you were from St. Louis, you'd get it.

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Re: the Cardinals & loving/hating them

Will Leitch, the founding editor of Deadspin & fellow Illini grad wrote a good and not overly serious piece about it. Pretty good, I think.


At least one of you guys understands, though I find the title off-putting.

From where I'm sitting the Cardinals have destroyed what the regular season used to mean. It used to be the longest, most important regular season in sports. But that's over. We're in a new era and it's just not as good. If you can finish 9 games back in your division and still win the World Series, what's the point of playing 162 games?

I'd say the same thing if it weren't a divisional rival pulling this off. The regular season as we used to know it is officially less meaningful.

"History's Greatest Monsters" would like to direct your attention to the 2004 Cardinals team that won 105 games and ended up losing the World Series to a Boston team that was 7 games worse than them and got in through the Wild Card, as well as the 2005 Cardinals team that lost the NLCS to a Houston team that finished 11 games back of them in the division standings. Hell, the 1997 Marlins were 9 back of Atlanta at the end of the season.

The regular season was less meaningful long before you think it became less meaningful. On the flip side, it balances out over time.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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I'm neutral on the Cards. I certainly admire their ability to win when it matters.

I just can't stand the "best fans in baseball" stuff. It reeks of the same unwarranted sense of self importance that "you don't understand the connection Cleveland has with the Browns you just have to be from here to understand" does.

Yeah, but if you were from St. Louis, you'd get it.

*slow clap*

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