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NHL 2012-2013: Possible Uniform Changes


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they should just wear the tailed Minnesota script home and away. Now that's something you can steal back from the Stars!

No. The jersey the script is on is embrassingly simplistic and uses the teams palette in the worst possible way. Anything less than the primary logo on the front is unacceptable. No Circles or wordmarks near it.

I vehemently disagree with pretty much all of your opinions, and this case is no exception.

The North Stars logo & jersey is about 100x better than what the Wild currently wear.

Yes the North Star jerseys are 100x better than what the wild currently wear. The Wild' jerseys have been on downward spiral since the red alternate was promoted to primary. The wild logo on the other hand is much better. Incorporating a forest scene into the head of a wild animal is pure genius. A simplistic "N" pointing to a Star" is not (not saying I don't like it, it's just not as clever or visually appealing).

I want this to be the Minnesota Wild's logo.


That is all.

Nothing about this says Wild... and they're not the Northstars!

and Norm Green still sucks

Was there ever any doubt?

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The North Stars jerseys and identity (pre-pre-Dallas rebrand) are classic, but I believe that the Wild have the stronger indentity overall, and that the North Stars' identity is rose-tinted by nostalgia.

That's not saying I don't like the North Stars' identity, the opposite. I love it. I have a white North Stars jersey hanging in my closet right now. It's just that I think the Wild's identity is better.

I also dislike the red home primary uniform the Wild introduced following the Edge redesign. The green home uniform was worlds better.

My two cents.


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"Lone Stars" is no worse than "Maple Leafs" (should be "Maple Leaves").



"Leafs" is an accepted, if antiquated, plural form for "leaf." Therefore Maple Leafs is not grammatically incorrect. If you want to wail about the Maple Leafs then the Red Sox and White Sox must REALLY get to you.

"Lone Stars," however, still is incorrect because the word "Lone" states that there's only one of whatever it's quantifying. You can have a team of Maple Leafs. You can't have a team of Lone Stars.

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The Wild's current identity is a mess, the road sweaters are the only ones that have looked good since the Edge redesign. There was literally nothing wrong with this:


Well the alternate logo was a little on the weak side, but I agree with the overall sentiment. That was a great looking set.

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The Wild's current identity is a mess, the road sweaters are the only ones that have looked good since the Edge redesign. There was literally nothing wrong with this:


Well the alternate logo was a little on the weak side, but I agree with the overall sentiment. That was a great looking set.



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I actually bought that white sweater the very first time I saw it, I was so taken aback by how awesome it was. Shame the Wild have butchered what was a prime example of an expansion team getting it right on the first go.

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The Wild's current identity is a mess, the road sweaters are the only ones that have looked good since the Edge redesign. There was literally nothing wrong with this:


Well the alternate logo was a little on the weak side, but I agree with the overall sentiment. That was a great looking set.



About all the Wild have going for them now is the logo, which is absolutely amazing, the name is terrible and the current unis are pretty bad.

Also someone mentioned the Flames still maintaining their Atlantan identity after the move. Do they still use the old flaming-A as the Alternate Captain's mark, because that is/was so perfect.

1 hour ago, BringBackTheVet said:

sorry sweetie, but I don't suck minor-league d

CCSLC Post of the day September 3rd 2012

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The Wild's current identity is a mess, the road sweaters are the only ones that have looked good since the Edge redesign. There was literally nothing wrong with this:


Well the alternate logo was a little on the weak side, but I agree with the overall sentiment. That was a great looking set.



About all the Wild have going for them now is the logo, which is absolutely amazing, the name is terrible and the current unis are pretty bad.

Also someone mentioned the Flames still maintaining their Atlantan identity after the move. Do they still use the old flaming-A as the Alternate Captain's mark, because that is/was so perfect.

Yes, fortunately.


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"Lone Stars" is no worse than "Maple Leafs" (should be "Maple Leaves"). "Stars" is probably the most boring name in North American professional sports, but they chose it so they can live with it.

Actually, it shouldn't be Leaves, it should stand as Leafs. You need to understand that leafs is actually an acceptable and proper plural of leaf, so there's nothing wrong with it at all. Just like there's nothing wrong with Minnesota's hockey team being called the "Wild". Most people don't like "Wild" because it's not been around for 50+ years. No one complains about how stupid Red Sox, White Sox, Jazz, Oilers, Browns, Reds, Lakers are, but if they were young franchises like the Wild are, there would be a segment of the sports population that would hate those names.



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I like all 3 of the Wild's unis, the problem is that there is no consistency. My ideal Wild set would be to bring back the matching green jersey to the road, then keep the third as it's a gorgeous jersey.

I know some of you may not see a point in having 2 green jerseys, but if you have a great color like green, why not use it twice?

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Even with little-known plural grammar rules aside, Conn Smythe served in the Canadian army and was a big supporter of Canada's troops. He named the team after the Maple Leaf regiment, and as it is a proper noun, you don't conjugate (?) the ending, you just add an "s".

I accidentally posted it in the season thread, but I'd like the Leafs to bust out St. Pats throwbacks whenever they play on St. Patty's Day.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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I like all 3 of the Wild's unis, the problem is that there is no consistency. My ideal Wild set would be to bring back the matching green jersey to the road, then keep the third as it's a gorgeous jersey.

I know some of you may not see a point in having 2 green jerseys, but if you have a great color like green, why not use it twice?

First off, the North Stars had mismatched jerseys from the 1980s on, and nobody complains about those.

Second, I think the mismatched Wild set speaks perfectly to the franchise, because each one tackles a different aspect of their image:

* The white is modern, like the Est.2000 team should be. Nobody can complain that this team is a new one trying to look old (like we do about Tampa Bay)

* The red is classic, like a Class of 1967 team, which reflects the NHL history of the area, but without referencing the Stars (yes, the pre-Edge was better)

* The green is vintage, like a 1900s team, the area had so much non-NHL hockey going back to the birth of the sport, this sweater looks like one of those, without being crazy (see: Flames Heritage Classic)

Personally, I love what the Wild have done. They have created a "faux history" without lying about their youth. Sure, it's disjointed, but I love that. That said, their original greens were also kickass. I wish they could make a comeback somehow

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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If North Stars isn't possible then I hope for a rename at some point, I say go with Moose again and give the current wildlife bearcat treatment to a Moosehead instead...

and Norm Green still sucks

SCL, you've beaten me to the punch! I totally agree with you regarding the Moose. Earlier today, Ice-Cap and I were hugely debating the issue of the North Stars/Lone Stars re-branding. I am a huge retro guy. I firmly believe that if a team name is that well beloved and has had a good long run, it should be preserved in that respective city for the future, should the club fold or move. Ie. Cleveland Browns, San Jose Earthquakes, Seattle SuperSonics.

This brings me back to the Wild. Ice-Cap does bring up a valid point about moving forward and that we need to say "good-bye" to certain teams and their namesakes. If I owned the Wild and wanted to bring back the North Stars brand but wasn't allowed to, I would still have a decent backup plan. I remember when the Moose debuted in Minny in the old International League. The name "Moose" is not just a singular collective noun, it's also plural of the same word. Now, that True North owns the Jets 2.0, I wonder if the "Moose" name would be available. While I'm glad that Winnipeg went with the Jets and not the Moose, I firmly feel that "Moose" would be a great name for a big league hockey team in Minnesota. I would still use the Wild's current colours and the original jersey template, but with block numbers.

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What a joke. Just another example of the government being out of control (as Tim Thomas said)

Actually, if ESPN would do some research like Rich Hammond who blogs for the Kings did, they'd get the story straight. At 1:45 pm Rich posts that there's no story, and at 5:22 pm ESPN posts the original story. Good job ESPN. Good job! *sarcasm*

Bernier can?t go `Hollywood? right now [uPDATE]

Posted by Rich Hammond on 21 March 2012, 1:45 pm

[uPDATE: Jonathan Bernier will once again be able to wear the ``Hollywood'' mask. Christine Sovich, a lawyer who represents the organization the licenses the Hollywood sign, wrote to me in an email this afternoon that no further action will be sought against Bernier and that he is free to wear the mask without paying any fee. Here's the story anyway...]

Per the request/demand of those responsible for overseeing/maintaining the iconic ?Hollywood?? sign, atop the Santa Monica Mountains, Kings goalie Jonathan Bernier has had to (at least temporarily) cover the likeness of the sign that has been painted on the side of his helmet. Turns out, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce charges a licensing fee for the commercial use of the sign in things such as movies and television shows. And, apparently, goalie masks. According to Bernier, someone from the organization saw Bernier?s mask pictured in the Los Angeles Times earlier this season, and complained.

Goalie-mask designs must be approved by the league, and Bernier?s passed inspection. Bernier and the league were unaware of the issue until the complaint was filed. ?It?s nobody?s fault, really,?? Bernier said.

For now, Kings head equipment manager Darren Granger has covered the sign with a Kings logo, but it could return. Bernier said it?s possible that the licensing fee will be paid, rather than the entire helmet being repainted or replaced entirely. ?It?s, how much are the fees?? Bernier said. ?The fee is, I?m guessing, about $500. It?s probably $2,500 to make a new helmet. So I think you?re better off paying the fee. So I think that?s what they?re trying to figure out.??



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