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Not really uniform news, but new fleeces for 2012 season

The Fonz

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Looks like the fleeces (the pullovers mlb players wear in dugout) are a little different this year...there are two varieties: short sleeve and long sleeve:

here are the Mets ones:

Long sleeved:





Short sleeved (they only have the black one at the moment for mets, im sure blue will be seen instore for sale)


here is a different short sleeve one just so you can compare with a different color, so imagine the NY instead of the blue jay logo:


personally, im not digging the new long sleeved ones..i loved the ones from the last two years (I own both the mets black and blue ones).

but i do love the new short sleeved ones and I'm sure to get a blue one.

New York Mets & New York Jets

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Just another example of how you shouldn't fix things if they aren't broken. The pullovers of the last few seasons with the cap logos centered at the neck area were great and didn't really need a change IMO.

I agree. They suck now. The word mark looks way too small too.

New York Mets & New York Jets

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Just another example of how you shouldn't fix things if they aren't broken. The pullovers of the last few seasons with the cap logos centered at the neck area were great and didn't really need a change IMO.

Those were truly fantastic. These certainly are not.


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A bit off-topic, but here the Blue Jays are using the "bird in front of ball" logo, as opposed to the sans ball alternate. I'm curious why they can do it here but not on their caps. I'm aware of the rule about logos can't have balls in them, but aren't these pullovers technically being worn on-field occasionally?

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That would be a perfectly fine raglan in not for the side panels. Don't apparel designers realize that there's a whole market of people who would buy this stuff if they left out all the superfluous details?

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