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The 2013 NHL Season Thread


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@Still Mighty - I've seen more than a few "beej" jerseys in the crowd tonight. Blue Jackets Fever! There is no cure... :hockeysmiley:

I saw like 6 or 7 in the building (And two whole CJB/Bug jerseys! :lol: ) Impressive showing considering, I mean, it is the Beej, and a Monday. (Hell, from an Anaheim perspective. Close to 15,000 for a Beej Monday? Great job guys!)

The Beej may not be all that good, but they certainly are feisty. I'll give you that. There is a certain lovable loser quality to this Beej team than other full craptastic, but hey Rick Nash Beej teams.


They have this "aww bless their hearts" factor because they really really try, but they just don't have talent on the same level. Even as bad as their record is, It's refreshing to watch after last season's disaster. Eff Jeff Carter forever.

Well if LA keeps up their current pace that first-round pick they got for Carter could end up softening your heart a little (not to mention the other two first round picks they have, including the potential first overall, in what's supposed to be a very deep draft; boy Kekalainen got hired at the right time).

That's what we're all banking on and it's one of the reasons Jarmo was hired (btw, I don't want to be the guy who refers to his team's players and staff on a first name basis, but I'm not typing Kekalainen everytime I want to talk about the guy.)

This season is pretty much over for the CBJ. Maybe if we're lucky LA won't turn this thing around and we'll end up with the first two picks and we'll get a late first rounder with the Rangers' pick. After last season's draft mess and having never moved up in the lottery, we're owed a spurt of good fortune. I'll take Seth Jones and Nate Mackinnon.


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There has to be some bitterness in Philadelphia that Richards, Gagne, and Carter couldn't help bring home a Cup with their mediocre-as-hell 2010 squad, but in their first season with a mediocre-as-hell Kings squad, they do so in gangbusting style.

Unlike in Philly, they weren't being relied on to carry the entire team like Quick, Brown and Kopitar were. These guys were basically along for the ride

Back to Tampa for a sec, I was there last year for a game against the Senators and I couldn't believe the place was about 60/40 Ottawa. P.S. - the forum itself is nice but the cell reception blows!

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Seems like a ton of places in the Tampa Bay area that I visit with regularity are cell dead spots. I have yet to make the trip this season, so I wonder if that's been fixed during the latest round of renovations, but, then again, I have no idea of cell reception is a fixable problem in the first place. I'm no expert on that topic.

I would expect Ottawa fans to dominate the TBT Forum, because the Senators routinely beat the Lightning. From this side of the coin, watching/attending games against Ottawa are the equivalent of walking straight into an execution. The worst part is you know about it ahead of time, and still do it.


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The NHL really needs to either allow a coach's challenge (ala the NFL) or a review of all goals (plays leading up to goals) and get the call right (or more often right). Its silly to say you screwed up after the fact and have the call stand anyway.

Agreed. Why can't offsides be reviewed on a goal? What is so difficult about that? If you have the technology and are going to use it, use it in every facet of the game. They are just putting officials in compromising situations (like this) by not implementing video review for things like this.

Because it's foolish to review every facet of 60 minutes of a game to make sure a goal should be allowed or not.

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Flames should follow suit and just die as well. We've turned ourselves into the Leafs of 2005-2012, gonna be a long few years I think.

Just wait until Iggy is gone. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I know where you're headed.

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Flames should follow suit and just die as well. We've turned ourselves into the Leafs of 2005-2012, gonna be a long few years I think.

Just wait until Iggy is gone. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I know where you're headed.

You don't know how much I actually want him gone :P




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Agreed. Why can't offsides be reviewed on a goal? What is so difficult about that? If you have the technology and are going to use it, use it in every facet of the game. They are just putting officials in compromising situations (like this) by not implementing video review for things like this.
Because it's foolish to review every facet of 60 minutes of a game to make sure a goal should be allowed or not.

And honestly, how many times do they miss a line violation on a goal? It's pretty cut and dried; this was just one wonky bounce. And I thought some guy just said it was a good goal by the rulebook anyway.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Visually...but arent there only 2 shots through the game so far? lol

Yeah ok. Not much happening in the first period.

Like every recent game so far, I'm hoping for Gally to score a goal. His play is great, he's created a bunch of set-ups, but only got net once.

In terms of goal scoring, he's way behind Yakupov! :P

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Visually, my normally great eyes are fallible watching this Toronto/Tampa game.

Yep. This is why the new Lightning look doesn't work. On its own it's alright. It may even be the best look they've had. On the ice, however, they just look to much like the Maple Leafs.

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An absolutely absurd amount of breakaways in this CHI/VAN contest so far, yet no goals.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Emery gets the start again.

Riding the hot goalie or showcasing him for a move?

Crawford's got concussion-ish things going on.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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