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Everything posted by Discrim

  1. Only one thing prevents that...the fact that the cap would unavoidably be frequently mistaken for the Cubs outside of Colorado. True, they could instead go for something that took inspiration, but you're probably stuck with purple. I dunno, I think I was pretty successful in that regard, but what do I know?
  2. Can confirm...the UW system doesn't do it, a vestige of when they had nothing to do with Madison. Only ones I know that use red at all are River Falls (main) and Green Bay (secondary). UWM used to but it's been decades since they did.
  3. I recall FAMU doing this in either the late 90s or early 2000s. No idea why they did it like that.
  4. Wait...so their black jersey has yellow gold. Their white jersey uses Vegas gold. Their third uses no gold. The explanation for why they did this on purpose will probably be a doozy.
  5. The only thing I would have done differently is go with green/gold/black... I've long thought they looked better in those colors than they ever have in red, tbh.
  6. Given how boring I think CMU's logo is, I've never done a concept for them (and I actually know a guy who pitched for the Chips in the mid 2000s)...but you've overcome that blandness in a way that requires busting out this little dude
  7. Yeah, that's probably coming. Tonight, though, the Vikings, in both the modern look and the first concept-like thing I'm electing to do, not counting the mint Saints helmet-a tweaked version of the Moss era roads, in that the current viking head and number font are used. If I'd used a yellow cream, I probably would've changed the sleeve stripes on the modern set to match the pants stripes, in case you're wondering.
  8. You know what, I like what you got here. Not sure I would have gone with the gradient on the helmet, but it sort of works.
  9. Well, time to jump around then. Or do a whole lot of running for nothing.
  10. Probably Hell, I got an uncle who hates the Lions' throwbacks many of us love.
  11. You know what? I was intrigued by the idea and gave it a shot. Throwing in a purple tint just to show it off. Staying in the NFC Souf, I give you the first of my threatened uses of bone...naturally, it's the guys with a skull in their logo. Also tried out a pale creamsicle tint...which is nearly identical to the warmer cream used for the Steelers, but whatever.
  12. The sock's not really elongated enough here to really emulate the 1908 sock, like @coco1997.said, this looks more like a t-shirt. That said, sorry for beating you to the punch by about a decade, give or take. Love it
  13. I debated with myself on whether I should skip this next team or not, and curiosity won out, so here go the Steelers. The tints used here are both intended to hint at steel in a couple disparate states...on top, a warm, molten tint...granted, actually trying to capture the distinct hues of molten steel would probably require a gradient, thus the talking up of a standard, yellow-orangish cream (though not as completely orange as the Bears version); on the bottom, a blue-gray tint, steel in its cooled, ready to build state, if you will. Oddly enough, I like the warm cream here a lot more than I thought I would, mostly because gold doesn't get as lost here as it has a maddening tendency to when paired with warm cream shades.
  14. I figured I'd use an orange-tint for the top, and try a blue tint on the bottom. To change things up a bit, figured I'd show the blue tint version with matching pants.
  15. Saints throwback/color rush...on top is a gold tint, on the bottom is one of the "not a team color" shades I mentioned, a mint green tint...why green? Mardi Gras, and a purple tint might look too much like what I intend to do with the Ravens.
  16. In my mind's eye, I'm seeing several ways I can do this with some teams, and at that more than a few unexpected directions, some teams I might skip, some throwback versions I might sneak in, and I finally realized why I hate the Mariners' fauxbacks: the shade I'll call MLB cream is too yellowish to work with royal/yellow gold effectively (and would look horrible with their regular colors if they were ever dumb enough to go down that road). Something more blueish would have been a much better choice. As an example, I'll likely use the cream shade from the Browns set for the Bears, but it would look awful on the Cowboys. This all said, thanks so far, Saints and Bears likely coming up later tonight.
  17. So in the 2022 NFL changes thread, @CDCLT has been vocal about thinking it should have been the Browns who tried an off-white road jersey, not the Rams. Dude's got a point. I think there are at least a couple teams bone would work for...neither of them are the Rams. This isn't the first time I've made cream football concepts, but it's admittedly been a minute...so I give you the Browns in not only cream road jerseys but with cream stripes and numbers on the brown jerseys. I figure one thing, if this turns into a series, I'm probably not doing the whole league...there are some teams where something like this frankly wouldn't work. For the most part, I'm likely mostly gonna post off-white jerseys here, as during the thought experiment phase, there emerged more than a few teams I thought could pull off at least two off-white shades. There are also a few shades I'm thinking of that would actually not be based on team colors, but might end up working in a strange way anyway.
  18. Holy crap it's not Flames II So y'all jinxed it, this is gonna be the crest.
  19. I' m tempted to think this is the Warriors' way to have a Philly era throwback without wearing PHILA.
  20. While reading the comments to a recent JaguarGator9 video the other day, I came across a really dumb objection to something I've never heard anyone have a problem with: an apparent fellow Sconnie thinks no one should call the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the Bucs. Because they might get confused for the Milwaukee Bucks. I wish I was making this up. Never mind that the topic was an official's actions before and during a Packers-Bucs game, making it rather obvious the Tampa Bay football team was meant, rather than the Milwaukee basketballers. Never mind that sane people understand that "Buccaneers" is a mouthful, and so find "Bucs" an accepted shorthand...convenient enough that I'd guess "Bucs" is spoken by announcers in every game they've ever played way more often than "Buccaneers". Oh well, dude can have fun with his dumb reasoning.
  21. Browns field art change: a bit of a shame, the helmet stripe-styled 50 yard line was kinda cool, and was unique to them in a subtle way. Something they could pull off but even another "classic" team really couldn't.
  22. Kind of a shame we don't see that happen more often...Actually, aside from the Raptors going all in on the big chevron, I'm struggling to think of a good recent basketball example. It's arguable that teams with, for lack of a better term, jerseylust, still don't really understand that an alternate is a vaild way to test out a possible new look. If the Jazz had, their new look would have been Red Rocks + white Red Rocks. Hell, their jumped-shark usage of double blue might never have happened (seriously...HOW DO YOU SCREW UP DOUBLE BLUE?).
  23. I don't see why not, the Bills, Bears, Giants and Niners, among others I may have missed, were doing that already. IIRC the Falcons intend to do this with the red helmets.
  24. How's a bad TV signal unique to Minnesota? Yeah, I'm inclined to believe the "ran out of ideas" joke, regardless of anything actually said
  25. To paraphrase a certain notorious Irishman, what the fook is this? link to this trash
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