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Green Bay Packers 'Deer Season' alternate


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This defiantly works well with the Packers because the shade of green works well in camo and vis-versa. Probably wouldn't be able to see this in the NFL, but it looks great and I would love to see this hit the field. Maybe this should be renamed "Bear Season" after last night though because Arron Rodgers was hunting for corner backs and safeties.

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problem here is that not every one hunts. well I mean in buffalo they don't. unless the city is completely in the middle of no where it really doesn't work

True, not everyone hunts. But if you saw the stands at last night's game (or any game for the rest of the year), you'd think that these were team colors.

I tried doing something like this in the past, but was never happy with the shade of orange I ended up with.

I LOVE the name tag. I missed the logic at first glance, but then saw your picture and it dawned on me.

It's where I sit.

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Does everyone in Wisconsin hunt?

Seems like it's 80% of men and about 15% of women hunt (or used to hunt) in Wisconsin.

Just look at Lambeau Field during cold games, probably 50% of fans are wearing blaze orange or camo coats and sweatshirts.

Well I like it. Obviously this would never happen especially with a team like Green Bay who stays true to their look but you did a great job.

Actually a lot of Packer fans want a camo jersey alternate. You'll see a lot of fans wear camo jerseys like this at Lambeau. Reebok-Green-Bay-Packers-12-Aaron-Rodger

problem here is that not every one hunts. well I mean in buffalo they don't. unless the city is completely in the middle of no where it really doesn't work

In Wisconsin a lot of people do hunt. Green Bay is kind of in the middle of nowhere. GB only has 100,000 people and once you drive 5-10 miles out of the city you'll start seeing either farm fields or acres of land used for hunting.


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Does everyone in Wisconsin hunt?

Not quite everyone, but you'll be hard pressed to find a family without at least one hunter.

<raises hand> No hunters in my family... not even my dad who grew up in Dodge County. In Milwaukee it's not that hard to find families with no hunters, but we're clearly the exception to the rule in Wisconsin.

Still, I kind of like these. They're just subtle enough to actually work on the field. Although I think I'd rather just see the jersey worn with the regular helmet and pants.

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