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Yankees to build new Stadium


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Complete shocker, all I've heard for the last couple years was how the Yankees have backed off wanting a new stadium. I hope this doesn't happen becuase it says the current stadium would be knocked down and too much baseball history has happened there for them to knock it down. If this is is true it is a sad day. :cry:

Bronx Bombshell: Yankees To Build New Stadium

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The Montreal Forum was torn down, the canadian version of yankee stadium, so no venue is sacred. I'm sure if Yankee stadium goes it won't be long for Fenway and Wrigley to go.

George just wants what all the other guys have, a shiny new toy. He obviously doesn't need the money, not with his cable deal. Even with his skyrocketing payroll, he's plenty solvent.

The Red Sox have been trying for years to get a new stadium. The Gardens gone, so what makes you think Fenway is safe.

Hell, Wrigley is trying to knock itself down, concrete is falling from the upper deck.

As an Oriole fan I hated to see Memorial Stadium go. But it happens and will continue to happen throughout the country.

Get ready for a slew of monuments to where the old historic parks were, like Baltimore did. Smaller stadiums with extravagant pricey luxury boxes are the in thing.

Say goodbye to alot of history in the future.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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Wow...is it possible to be stunned when you've see something coming?

While I think Yankee Stadium lost a lot of it's historical charm during the 70's renovation, I personally have so many great memories at Yankee Stadium and it, for all it's drawbacks, is still one of my favorite places on earth. It's hard to imagine seeing a Yankee home game anywhere else.

If they do go through with this, I, at least, hope they do this right and they don't build some antiseptic, faux-retro brick park that looks like a meat packing factory on the outside that's called Citibank Park at AT&T Yards.

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According to the report on the Yankees pre-game on YES Network, nothing has been finalized about a new stadium. They said according to the front office, it is being discussed as a possibility, but there are no plans for one at this time.


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As much as I like to see these old parks around, I think common sense should take over once a building is crumbling down. The Montreal Forum wasn't completely torn down. Yes the seats and rink are gone. It was renovated into an entertainment and shopping complex now known as the Pepsi Forum.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Nothing is sacred. Yankee Stadium was "The House That Ruth Built" and George rebuilt. Now I think I may visit IF the Phillies play there in 2005 in Interleague play. That and a trip to RFK to see the Washington Senators play the Phils, too. And knowing Fat George, he may sell the naming rights.

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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Get ready for a slew of monuments to where the old historic parks were, like Baltimore did. Smaller stadiums with extravagant pricey luxury boxes are the in thing.

I doubt that if a new stadium is built it would be smaller. The Yankees average close to 50,000 a game, building a stadium smaller than the current stadium would make more sense becuase that would be less people going to the ballpark and thus less revenue.

The thing I don't get is a ballpark is built to increase revenue, in this case I doubt a new one would. The stadium is filled everynight. Sure there would be more luxery boxes, but why not just charge more for the current ones to make up the difference. In New York they would be sold no matter what the price. That would be more profitable because you wouldn't have to put any money into building a new stadium.

It's not like Yankee Stadium is falling apart. Sure there was that thing with the beam a few years ago, but that's because it hadn't been inspected in years. No the stadium is in great condition and that make improvement s every where to the stadium. It's not like they can't get an All-Star games because Selig has said he wanted the new and classic stadiums to get the games and Yankee Stadium is one of the classical stadiums.

Nothing is sacred. Yankee Stadium was "The House That Ruth Built" and George rebuilt. Now I think I may visit IF the Phillies play there in 2005 in Interleague play. That and a trip to RFK to see the Washington Senators play the Phils, too. And knowing Fat George, he may sell the naming rights.

What? George doesn't own Yankee Stadium and he never has the City of New York own the stadiums. It was the city who remodeled it becuase the old stadium was falling apart and the previous Yankee ownership threaten to move to the Meadowlands with the Giants.

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George loves the Yankees and their history. He's not a fat-cat owner who makes profits while his team and fans suffer *cough* Donald Sterling *cough*...

I have a feeling this new Yankee Stadium is gonna resemble the old in many ways. The field is going to be identical i must assume. Monument park will be there, that's a guarentee. The facade will probrally find it's return to the grandstand, where it belongs... not just some cheap plastic knockoff in the bleachers. I am not worries about this one bit. George loves the Yankees and their history, and architects today can build a classic looking yankee stadium, while making it uber-modern inside. It still will be the house that Ruth Built. It'll just be the House that Ruth Built 81 years later.

And lets face it, during the 75th anniverasy of the stadium, a steel girder fell out and crushed a seat... The yanks were away from the stadium on a series that day, but what if they were home? What if they were playing a game? What if the stands were full when that happened?

Wrigley is facing some of these problems now too. And it's a shame, because i love these stadiums probrally more than most, i am a traditionalist. Hardcore. However, this is a situation where you can get a new stadium but keep the charm of the old (if they do it right). It's a "no lose" in my eyes

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The worst thing about Yankee Stadium is the location. If they are going to build a new stadium hey need to put it closer to Manhattan. How much more revenue would the team generate if they put the stadium in a safer, more pleasant neighborhood?

Not speaking as a Red Sox fan, but just a person who has been there, it's scary and gross. I don't know how much of a baseball atmosphere there is surrounding Yankee Stadium, but you don't feel it. Even walking around the park, you don't know there's a baseball stadium there...it's just one big building in the middle of the projects.

Wrigley has Wrigleyville, Fenway park has a big carnival-type atmosphere surrounding the stadium. But Yankee stadium, while a great place to visit and watch a game, is not a fun place to walk around.

Yankee Stadium could be a lot more fun experience if there were a lot more bars, restaurants, etc around it. A place to relax after the game, or a place to hang out if you can't get in.

I don't think that the new stadium will be ugly or bland. One thing George knows, it's how to make money (also how to spend it). I think he realizes what the players and fans want on a stadium, and he'll put in stuff to please everybody, while retaining all it's historical charm, and also continue to make him a hefty profit.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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true...but by having a better baseball atmosphere surrounding the stadium (like many other cities) can also make it a more fun time for the fan...it can help increase tourism into the city and surrounding area. It helps bring back repeat visitors who can spend money in the area, instead of coming in for the game and leaving immediately.

How much better would the whole Yankees experience be if it were set up like Camden Yards in Baltimore, with plenty of unique food vendors, and even a Yankee museum set up in an adjacent building? I would love to go back to Yankee Stadium and hang out around it if there were other cool places to visit and see there...as it is now, I want to be in and out and quick as possible. And not just because I would be wearing my Red Sox gear.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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Well people are fighting the Jets efforts to build a stadium in Manhattan so its hard jsut to get those plans off teh ground. Besides the Yankees are the Bronx Bombers and should stay in the Bronx, its only a short subway ride from midtown anyway. Its not like Shea which is 45 minutes from Times Square Yankee Stadium is about 10 minutes.



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Yankee Stadium could be a lot more fun experience if there were a lot more bars, restaurants, etc around it. A place to relax after the game, or a place to hang out if you can't get in.

Across the street from the bleachers are nothing but bars, and they are all nice. I'll grant you the location isn't that great. However it is well protected there are cops all over the place. The proposed location for the new park would be right next to the current stadium.

I don't think a new stadium would increase revenue for the Yankees or the City. Public money is what is said is going to be used, I would imagine the lease agreement would be the same as they have know due to the fact the Yankees can't say we want all revenue from the stadium or we move. The Yankees (or any team for that matter) would never think about moving out of the New York area. As of now they sell out close to every game (which is an example of having to spend money to make money), so there would be no new people coming. I don't think it would help tourism for the City because it is New York City. I don't know the numbers but I would think it is already the most visited City in America. It's not like say Pittsburgh would a stadium would help.

As for the atmosphere, there is atmoshpere around the stadium. Like I said there a bunch bars outside the stadium. If want to see no atmosphere go to Shea Stadium, Philly or Miller Park. Those stadiums are just surronded by a parking lot. The atmosphere at Yankee Stadium is terrific come October.

The thing with the new Stadium is I'm not against it, but I don't want to see Yankee Stadium torn down.

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im am by no means a yankee fan, but it will be sad to see it go. espeically if the Boss decides to sell the naming right to the stadium. i hate all those corporate names (other than the Great American Ballpark.....that one sounds 1/2 way decent). i just really hope the name it New Yankee Stadium....or something like that.

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I think it's time for it to go. Along with Fenway.

Keep up the old stadiums as a museum. The thing is Boston and New York have a strong enough fan base to get that thing rocking like the old stadium. I LOVE Fenway, but when it's time to go, it's time to go. If you've ever been to Camden Yards, you'll realize what we're missing further up north. As devoted fans we deserve to enjoy a game in a comfortable stadium with things to do before and after the game.

Sure, we'll miss the history, but there's no reason why we can't have a little of that brought into the new place. In Boston, we can move the acual green monster into the new park as part of the field dimensions as well as Pesky Pole and bring over some of the other stuff for a museum. In New York, they can incorporate Monument Park and the facade into the new place.

Get it done!

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well, I don't think there's time for a change until public safety comes into play. If they can fix the problem, great! Do it and keep the stadium. But guess what people, these stadiums just CAN'T stand forever. They were built I'm sure without the intention of being used into the 21st century. The time may not be now, but its soon. I mean, as soon as some 5 year old kid gets hit by falling concrete at wrigley, I don't think anyone would disagree that these stadiums need to be tore down, or largely renovated.



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