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Red Sox Win World Series!


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If you're asking whether I like it when fans behave boorishly towards each other, the answer is no. It embarasses me to no end when Yankee fans do it too.

And there is no denying it...the best team won this year.

Why do that embarrases you? That is simply a game. Before you won titles, this year we won titles, tomorrow someone will win titles.

Take it easy. :)

I'm not getting worked up at all...It's just, the way some of my fellow fans behave feeds into the stereotype that we're all a bunch of bandwaggoning spoiled obnoxious braggadocios, and it bothers the other 99.9% of us when other fans constantly throw it back in our face.

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Woah woah woah, the amount of decent yankees fans is large, but there is no way it is 99.9%. I'm thinkin more like 75/25 or so, more when you count the people who just think the "NY" looks cool or chicks that think Jeter is hot.

I propose legislation that would make it illegal for anyone who doesnt get New York television stations to root for the yankees. Heck, that still gives you like 1/10 of the country.

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I dont care what anyone says...You guys can have this moment..because in 2005..the Yanks will be loaded..and I mean seriously loaded. But you Sox fans are more than welcome to come to our house for cookies and juice boxes.


Hmmm... the stadium's empty.

Just like the grief-inspired boasts and taunts of a still-stunned "Evil Empire".

Oh, wait... if I enlarge the image, I can see Derek Jeter hanging his head in defeat.


And i'm the one labled the Jackass.

Seems most of you Sox fans are in that same boat as i am......

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I dont care what anyone says...You guys can have this moment..because in 2005..the Yanks will be loaded..and I mean seriously loaded. But you Sox fans are more than welcome to come to our house for cookies and juice boxes.


When are they going to tear down that eyesoar anyway? :D

Lean to spell, and don't disrespect the Stadium, please.

Perhaps it is you who should learn how to spell, last I checked 'learn' was spelt with an 'r'. It would be a good idea for you to proof read your posts in the future, could save you from looking like a jackass... although not sure that is possible anymore.

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I dont care what anyone says...You guys can have this moment..because in 2005..the Yanks will be loaded..and I mean seriously loaded. But you Sox fans are more than welcome to come to our house for cookies and juice boxes.


When are they going to tear down that eyesoar anyway? :D

Lean to spell, and don't disrespect the Stadium, please.

Perhaps it is you who should learn how to spell, last I checked 'learn' was spelt with an 'r'. It would be a good idea for you to proof read your posts in the future, could save you from looking like a jackass... although not sure that is possible anymore.

I'm alwaiys guna bee les sof A jacketasss then yuo!!!!!!

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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And i'm the one labled the Jackass.

Seems most of you Sox fans are in that same boat as i am......

Note the "smilie" included in the post. As if to say, "Hey... the content of this post is meant as a joke, a jape, a jest!"

Oh, and by the way... you're flattering yourself if you imagine this Red Sox fan as occupying the "same boat" as you. Not on your best day. I'll stack my maturity, civility and overall respect for other members of this community - as reflected in the content of my posts - up against your own on any day of the week.

As for the fact that you apparently find most Red Sox fans obnoxious in the way they've been going about trumpeting their pride over Boston's having captured the 2004 World Series Championship, I would say that it's a case of "the chickens coming home to roost".

You see, when your attitude has "sown the wind", you should be prepared to "reap the whirlwind".

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And i'm the one labled the Jackass.

Seems most of you Sox fans are in that same boat as i am......

Note the "smilie" included in the post. As if to say, "Hey... the content of this post is meant as a joke, a jape, a jest!"

Oh, and by the way... you're flattering yourself if you imagine this Red Sox fan as occupying the "same boat" as you. Not on your best day. I'll stack my maturity, civility and overall respect for other members of this community - as reflected in the content of my posts - up against your own on any day of the week.

As for the fact that you apparently find most Red Sox fans obnoxious in the way they've been going about trumpeting their pride over Boston's having captured the 2004 World Series Championship, I would say that it's a case of "the chickens coming home to roost".

You see, when your attitude has "sown the wind", you should be prepared to "reap the whirlwind".

Hey, i respect all on this board.... just.... at different times, depending on moods and such.

I respect you Brian.... i still think you're a elitest, liberal, Red Sox fan jerk, but you're an awesome guy.

Not to mention you were on HBO, right? I think i rmeber seeing you right before "Hotel Erotica" starring Kira Reed..... *cough* not that i watch those types of programs......

And despite what you say, Red Sox fans have always been as obnoxious as Yankee fans, sometimes even more so, just to compensate. That's how i've always seen it, and i know i'm not the only one.

Anyways, respect, kudos, and.. i dunno, other generic compliments!!! :P

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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I dont care what anyone says...You guys can have this moment..because in 2005..the Yanks will be loaded..and I mean seriously loaded. But you Sox fans are more than welcome to come to our house for cookies and juice boxes.


I've never heard that one before! It's not like the Yankees were 'loaded' going into to last season or that they were 'loaded' going into this season.

The more 'loaded' the Yankees become, the less chance they have of winning a World Series and you know this. So please Yankees, get your top free agents because you sure as hell can't trade because you don't have anybody in your minor league system that any team with half a brain or talent, for that matter, would ever want.

Budbowl, I'm honestly shocked that you haven't figured out that the Yankees won all their Championships through their system -- not through free agency. They plugged holes with small pickups, (Brosius, etc.). They'll probably get rid of Bernie in favor of Beltran, and the Red Sox don't fear Rivera at all -- and with as many blown saves and bad outtings he's had against them this year, I don't blame them. And then what link do they have from their Championship years? Derek Jeter, and all this talk about how 'clutch' he is makes me sick. His 'Close and Late' batting average his worse than his regular average and outside of one triple, he was non-existant in the ALCS.

So please, Yankees -- the more you load up, the less chance you have of winning the World Series.


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i still think you're a elitest, liberal, Red Sox fan jerk, but you're an awesome guy.

I'll cop to always being a Red Sox fan, fairly often being as awesome a guy as I can manage to be, occassionally being an elitist, sometimes being a jerk, but never being a liberal.

I'm actually far more moderate than most people give me credit for. In point of fact, I've never voted across-the-board along party lines in an election in my life. I can honestly say that I am the bane of existance for both "traditionally conservative" Republicans and "traditionally liberal" Democrats, precisely because I am so "middle of the road". I'm the "independent/moderate voter" that both party's candidates have become "centrist" in an attempt to lure.

Hey! I may just be the guy who brings down the traditional, two-party political system in America. Woo-hoo!!!!

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Not to mention you were on HBO, right? I think i rmeber seeing you right before "Hotel Erotica" starring Kira Reed..... *cough* not that i watch those types of programs......

I was reading up until I saw "Kira Reed", then I lost the jist of this discussion.

How often should I change the oil in my car again?

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Not to mention you were on HBO, right? I think i rmeber seeing you right before "Hotel Erotica" starring Kira Reed..... *cough* not that i watch those types of programs......

I was reading up until I saw "Kira Reed", then I lost the jist of this discussion.

How often should I change the oil in my car again?

I think the comet theory is the one to go with.

Wait, huh?

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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If only I beleived this. If only it were true.

McCarver and Jim Grey need to be in a horrible cross-dressing, syphillus, train-car headon crash and die form not the crash, but the fire.

Oh, and Paul Schaeffer and Paul ONeil, too.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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