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A Yankee fan comes to terms....


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Even as a die-hard Red Sox fan, I can say that this may be the first sign of the Apocolyps.

The planets are aligning... :ninja:

There was a lunar eclipse tonight! *Twilight Zone theme*

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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Man, with posts like JQK's, it's so hard to figure out why Yankees fans are perceived as pompous jackasses... Even in defeat they're intollerable and arrogant.

If every team had the resources that the Empire has, they'd be able to buy personel, too. Yanks fans need to get over it- until the past four years, I attribute money to their success over shrewd management or fortitude from their players.

Good to see that karma is finally starting to catch up. :P

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Even as a die-hard Red Sox fan, I can say that this may be the first sign of the Apocolyps.

The planets are aligning... :ninja:

There was a lunar eclipse tonight! *Twilight Zone theme*


"If things have gone wrong, I'm talking to myself, and you've got a wet towel wrapped around your head."

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Man, with posts like JQK's, it's so hard to figure out why Yankees fans are perceived as pompous jackasses... Even in defeat they're intollerable and arrogant.

If every team had the resources that the Empire has, they'd be able to buy personel, too. Yanks fans need to get over it- until the past four years, I attribute money to their success over shrewd management or fortitude from their players.

Good to see that karma is finally starting to catch up. :P

Yankee fans have a right to be pompous and arrogant. Our owner cares more about spending to make sure our team is a winner, profit margins be damned. Other owners could do the same, but they don't want to risk losing money, so they put an awful team on the field, and they lose money anyways.

Everyone cried about money, and how the Sox have finally stuck it to the Yankees. Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending. But that's ok, because Jeffy Loria decided to put a winner on the field, and he did it.

All the "Small" *cough*BULL :censored:*cough* Market owners could do the same, but they are greedy, and don't care about the fans. Steinbrenner does. Loria does.

Karma has nothing to do with anything.

Suck on that.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

It just cracks me up that the Baseball Gods' chosen people are so pissy that someone else came up clutch. There's a lot of sour grapes coming out of NYC, and it just makes me smile on the inside. :D I don't know what's better- that my team finally won, or that the Yankees' fans are so ripped about it. ^_^

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

It just cracks me up that the Baseball Gods' chosen people are so pissy that someone else came up clutch. There's a lot of sour grapes coming out of NYC, and it just makes me smile on the inside. :D I don't know what's better- that my team finally won, or that the Yankees' fans are so ripped about it. ^_^

Your team? When the fu*k did Red Sox Nation move out to Colorado?

And there are no sour grapes here. I embrace this new twist on the rivalry. I hate the Red Sox, always will, and you will never get me to say otherwise. If that's sour grapes to you, then, whatever man.

It's just funny how winning for one year, Bostonians think they've eclipsed the Yankees somehow? It's gonna take alot more before you eclipse the Bombers.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

That's why there seriously needs to be a salary cap in baseball. Let's say $79 Million. Just my opinion though.

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

That's why there seriously needs to be a salary cap in baseball. Let's say $79 Million. Just my opinion though.

No salary cap. Why? SO the other owners who don't want to dig out of their own pocket because of their greed can finally compete?

These owners have the money, people. What don't you get. They are all billionairs, most probrally have more money than Steinbrener, but they are too cheap to risk profits for winning. The Boss has never cared, so long as he won.

No Salary cap, just better owners are needed.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

It just cracks me up that the Baseball Gods' chosen people are so pissy that someone else came up clutch. There's a lot of sour grapes coming out of NYC, and it just makes me smile on the inside. :D I don't know what's better- that my team finally won, or that the Yankees' fans are so ripped about it. ^_^

Your team? When the fu*k did Red Sox Nation move out to Colorado?

And there are no sour grapes here. I embrace this new twist on the rivalry. I hate the Red Sox, always will, and you will never get me to say otherwise. If that's sour grapes to you, then, whatever man.

It's just funny how winning for one year, Bostonians think they've eclipsed the Yankees somehow? It's gonna take alot more before you eclipse the Bombers.

Dude, most of the time I hate getting involved in this plop, but I gotta chime in.

You are god damn right that we Red Sox fans (regardles of where the fluff they're from) have every right to act like we've trumped (unintentional pun) the Yankees because we have. When it comes right down to it, the Red Sox are defending champs. The Yankees are not. Not to mention the BIGGEST CHOKE OF ALL TIME. Of course Yankee fans are going to throw the 26 thing, that's all they have left. Well you know what, the only number that matters is 2004.

This money issue is crap anyway. Money has NOTHING to do with winning. It's all about the scouting department and General Manager (and in the Yankees case, their owner). Sure the Yankees have money to throw around, but George Steinbrenner is holding them down. The Red Sox spent a ton of money too, but they did it more effectively. That's why we won.

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The Yankees outspent the Sox by one Sandiego Pardres. (17th highest payroll)

Yes, the Sox spent money to win. Thats how the game works. The problem is that the Yankees do it year after year.

Your team gets a good player? Guess what, Steinbrenner is gonna steal him by spending more. THATS why everyone but Yankees fans hate the Yankees. That is what is so horrible about the Yanks.

Why are the Sox fans acting like they've outdone the yankoffs? because we BEAT THE YANKEES in the playoffs! That is the definition of winning.. beating someone head to head! Moron.

Did the Red Sox Nation move out to Colorado? Yep. It moved to Atlanta for me, too. Face it, King... EVERYONE EVERYWHERE, (even swiss has red sox in his avatar now) hates the Yankees. Universally hated everywhere but the boroughs.

Fuxk the Yankees.

They havent won a World Series in four years. Losers. I dont care how many they had before. Right now, the World Champions are the Red Sox. Awesome.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Looking at that site, it amazes me that Selig's own team spent a little more than what A-Rod is getting by himself all year. Just a thought. Forget a cap to limit teams, how about a minimum cap amount, to keep those Brewers, Orioles, Devil Rays somewhat of a chance to look semi-respectable, otherwise get the fudge out of MLB.

Back to the topic...

JQK, hang in there. For Beantown, their shining moment has arrived, at the expense of your Yankees. I agree, when the Yanks and Sox get together, the rivalry has a whole new twist.

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

It just cracks me up that the Baseball Gods' chosen people are so pissy that someone else came up clutch. There's a lot of sour grapes coming out of NYC, and it just makes me smile on the inside. :D I don't know what's better- that my team finally won, or that the Yankees' fans are so ripped about it. ^_^

Your team? When the fu*k did Red Sox Nation move out to Colorado?

And there are no sour grapes here. I embrace this new twist on the rivalry. I hate the Red Sox, always will, and you will never get me to say otherwise. If that's sour grapes to you, then, whatever man.

It's just funny how winning for one year, Bostonians think they've eclipsed the Yankees somehow? It's gonna take alot more before you eclipse the Bombers.

Somebody get the Vagisil, STAT! You're so sensitive! ^_^

By the by, I've always been a Red Sox fan. Before Colorado had a MLB team, we were allowed to root for teams that weren't within walking distance of our homes, believe it or not. My Dad was a lifelong Red Sox fan, and I grew up watching them with him. I enjoyed watching Bob Stanley, Wade Boggs, Mo Vaughn, and Dwight Evans. I appreciated the history of the club and the great players who passed through over the years, and I loved how passionate the fans where who rallied around the team, no matter what. I loved how the fans didn't expect wins, but hoped for it year in and year out, and always appreciated when good things came, as opposed to the majority of Yankees fans, IMO, who take winning for granted.

There's a reason that they call it Red Sox NATION, and I'm not any less of a Red Sox fan than someone who lives across the street of Fenway- And it's our time to rib you guys, because all we've heard over the past several years is the crap that you guys have been shoveling our way. Not anymore. Our team's aren't on equal footing- we're currently two steps above you guys. :D

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

It just cracks me up that the Baseball Gods' chosen people are so pissy that someone else came up clutch. There's a lot of sour grapes coming out of NYC, and it just makes me smile on the inside. :D I don't know what's better- that my team finally won, or that the Yankees' fans are so ripped about it. ^_^

Your team? When the fu*k did Red Sox Nation move out to Colorado?

And there are no sour grapes here. I embrace this new twist on the rivalry. I hate the Red Sox, always will, and you will never get me to say otherwise. If that's sour grapes to you, then, whatever man.

It's just funny how winning for one year, Bostonians think they've eclipsed the Yankees somehow? It's gonna take alot more before you eclipse the Bombers.

Somebody get the Vagisil, STAT! You're so sensitive! ^_^

By the by, I've always been a Red Sox fan. Before Colorado had a MLB team, we were allowed to root for teams that weren't within walking distance of our homes, believe it or not. My Dad was a lifelong Red Sox fan, and I grew up watching them with him. I enjoyed watching Bob Stanley, Wade Boggs, Mo Vaughn, and Dwight Evans. I appreciated the history of the club and the great players who passed through over the years, and I loved how passionate the fans where who rallied around the team, no matter what. I loved how the fans didn't expect wins, but hoped for it year in and year out, and always appreciated when good things came, as opposed to the majority of Yankees fans, IMO, who take winning for granted.

There's a reason that they call it Red Sox NATION, and I'm not any less of a Red Sox fan than someone who lives across the street of Fenway- And it's our time to rib you guys, because all we've heard over the past several years is the crap that you guys have been shoveling our way. Not anymore. Our team's aren't on equal footing- we're currently two steps above you guys. :D

I agree with you there. I am a Red Sox fan too. I've actually been a fan of baseball before we had the Rockies. I have a short list of teams that I am a fan of and the Red Sox happen to be on that list. That's the beauty of sports, anyone anywhere can like whomever they choose to.

The ONLY reason I was pulling for the Cards in this year's Series was because of Larry Walker, no other reason. I am not a Cards fan, in fact I've never really liked them.

The Red Sox won this year and I think it's totally awesome. Now Sox fans can dig at Yankees fans because the Yanks haven't won since '00.

I will always be rooting for the Mariners #1, the Rockies #2 and the Red Sox #3, that's just they way fans work in this great country. Get used to it.

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1) Last time i checked, 26 is more than 6.

2) Last time i checked, the Yankees won 4 World Series in 5 years.

3) You feel that? That feeling of being the best? On top of the world? Welcome to everyday for a Yankees fan.

1) Wow. A Yankees fan who actually has the ability to count. Who'd have thought it would still be possible to engage in mathematical reasoning after pounding your heads against the wall in frustration following the ALCS?

2) Last time I checked, the Yankees had lost 2 World Series in the last 4 years.

3) Really? EVERY day? After Game 4 of this year's American League Championship Series? And Game 5 of this year's ALCS? And Game 6? Surely not Game 7? What about following the 2003 World Series? The 2001 World Series? In the wake of the 13 World Series that the Yankees have lost? If so, "bully" for you. "Whistling past the graveyard", "keeping your chin up", "maintaining a stiff upper lip"... it's an admirable quality to have. A bit self-delusional for you guys as of late, but admirable.

Look, the New York Yankees are 26-time World Series Champions. They're 39-time American League Champions. Very impressive. Nobody's taking that away from them. It's just that those numbers signify the PAST. Hell, Red Sox fans could crow about winning 5 of the first 15 World Series... 3 of those within 4 years... 5 of the 10 that they'd played in. It's all part of Major League Baseball's rich and storied HISTORY.

It's just that the CURRENT Yankees team didn't earn either title THIS YEAR, at the expense of THIS Boston Red Sox squad. And it galls you.

So, if Yankees' fans are forced to resort to pissing all over the BOSTON RED SOX WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP in the Year of Our Lord 2004 in order to generate some sense of accomplishment in the HERE AND NOW... hey, knock yourselves out! It's understandable. You were fans of "just another team" this season. Me? I'll be thinking about this...

Approximate combined value of the contracts of the 2004 Boston Red Sox: $130 million.

Two Field Level tickets for all four of the 2004 World Series Games: $20,000

A Boston Red Sox 2004 World Series Champions Grey Clubhouse Long Sleeve T-Shirt: $28.95

Knowing that your beloved Boston Red Sox are the World Series Champions (and that Yankees' fans will spend their Winter coming to grips with the reality that there is no "Curse" and their vaunted team blew a 3-games-to-None lead in the ALCS): PRICELESS.

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...Guys, hate to tell ya, but the Red Sox are just as bad with the spending...

Not by a long shot, man. Are the Red Sox second in spending? Yeah, but when the Yankees spend that much ahead of the rest of the league, it gives them a huge advantage. An unfair one? Not neccessarily, but it does put everyone else in a hole. Here's some figures for you: http://www.onestopbaseball.com/TeamPayroll.asp

It just cracks me up that the Baseball Gods' chosen people are so pissy that someone else came up clutch. There's a lot of sour grapes coming out of NYC, and it just makes me smile on the inside. :D I don't know what's better- that my team finally won, or that the Yankees' fans are so ripped about it. ^_^

Your team? When the fu*k did Red Sox Nation move out to Colorado?

And there are no sour grapes here. I embrace this new twist on the rivalry. I hate the Red Sox, always will, and you will never get me to say otherwise. If that's sour grapes to you, then, whatever man.

It's just funny how winning for one year, Bostonians think they've eclipsed the Yankees somehow? It's gonna take alot more before you eclipse the Bombers.

Somebody get the Vagisil, STAT! You're so sensitive! ^_^

By the by, I've always been a Red Sox fan. Before Colorado had a MLB team, we were allowed to root for teams that weren't within walking distance of our homes, believe it or not. My Dad was a lifelong Red Sox fan, and I grew up watching them with him. I enjoyed watching Bob Stanley, Wade Boggs, Mo Vaughn, and Dwight Evans. I appreciated the history of the club and the great players who passed through over the years, and I loved how passionate the fans where who rallied around the team, no matter what. I loved how the fans didn't expect wins, but hoped for it year in and year out, and always appreciated when good things came, as opposed to the majority of Yankees fans, IMO, who take winning for granted.

There's a reason that they call it Red Sox NATION, and I'm not any less of a Red Sox fan than someone who lives across the street of Fenway- And it's our time to rib you guys, because all we've heard over the past several years is the crap that you guys have been shoveling our way. Not anymore. Our team's aren't on equal footing- we're currently two steps above you guys. :D

Avenger, from someone who lives 20 minutes from Fenway, we love you guys too. It's not just the citizens of New England, it's all about the passion the Sox get from everyone all over the country. Wish you could come to Boston to watch a game a the Fens.

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Avenger, from someone who lives 20 minutes from Fenway, we love you guys too. It's not just the citizens of New England, it's all about the passion the Sox get from everyone all over the country. Wish you could come to Boston to watch a game a the Fens.

I got to see my first live Red Sox games this year when they played the Rockies at Coors Field... it was a crack up walking through the concourses while me and half the people I saw were wearing the colors. I don't dislike the Rockies, but it killed me that the amount of purple and black inside the team's home stadium was inconsequential to the amount of red and navy that I saw.

And as for Fenway, that's next, with any luck. I'm going to Foxboro next August for the Drum Corps World Championships, so hopefully the Sox will be in town around the same time and I can snag some tickets. Regardless, I'm gonna enjoy visiting Boston again. I went there in 2000 and I had a blast. The tall ships came into town at the same time and the whole atmosphere was awesome.

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Here's a question: Shouldn't "Red Sox" really have 5 World Series titles since they were known as the Pilgrims when they won in 1903?

This from soxsuck.com

An open message to Boston Red Sox Fans


Congratulations, from a Yankees Fan...

While it hasn't always been easy being a Yankees fan, as of late it certainly has been quite fun (not counting, of course, this past three weeks). You, on the other hand, have been through a rough three generations. Yet, you fill Fenway to the point where it is bursting at its' seams -- day in and day out. You have stuck with your team no matter what. One cannot help but admire and respect your loyalty and devotion.

It is harder than ever to win; it is only in recent history that teams have had to battle their way through one five-game series, and then two seven-game series to win a championship. To root for your team through the ups and downs of a 162-game season, and then to feel the pressure, the pain, the fear, and hopefully the joy that October brings is unlike anything else.

When the Yankees beat Atlanta eight years ago, it seemed like eons since we Yankee fans had tasted victory -- but it was "only" eighteen years. While Pedro, Johnny Damon, David Ortiz, Jason Varitek, Curt Schilling, Terry Francona and the rest of the cast earned the victory on the field, nobody deserves this more than you do.

Wait 'til next year! "Next year," the World Series Pennant will call Fenway Park home. To watch that flag get raised over your park on opening day (by Johnny Pesky I would suspect) will be a priceless moment; one for which many of you have waited a lifetime. Watching the pennant fly over your field will put smiles on your faces throughout next season.

Revel in it. You have earned it, and you certainly deserve it.

- Dan Smith, soxsuck.com

Guess what? The Red Sox home opener features: The New York Yankees.

I saw, I came, I left.

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