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Packers jersey question


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Yeah, I was wondering this too.  This weeks Sports Illustrated shows a picture of Reggie White in uniform with the G logo on the sleeve striping.

when he got to GB they were using those oldies as practice jerseys. my earliest Reggie card as a Packer has him in that jersey as well.

and to answer when they discarded teh Gs, it was the 89 season.


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Yeah they did from like the mid-80's until I wanna say maybe '91 or 92. Sure glad they got rid of it. Now if only San Fran would follow suit.......

I actually like the fact that the niners have the logo on the sleeves. My only complaint about it is that its a screened on logo. I feel it should be an embroidered patch

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I like the SF on there too.

As for Green Bay, I also noticed reversed striping on some Reggie White clips as well. What I mean is I saw the home striping on the away jersey.

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i dislike having the same logo on the sleeve as is on the helmet. looks redundant to me. 49ers old look was great. i think they could have updated it better if they had to update it, although everyone and his/her respective brother will disagree with me.

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its not redundant at all. the main part of the football uni that features the logo is the helmet. if a fan buys his team's jersey, and it has the logo on it, i think its cool, because it means that the fan can buy fied apperal (jerseys, helmets) and still have a piece of merch. that features the team crest. in hockey fans take it for granted because the jerseys ARE the focal point of the logo. however in football its kind of special for a team to feature at least a secondary logo on the jerseys. imo the pakers should go back to the logo on the sleaves. leave the #'s off the pants though.

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The Seahawks do, but it's so small that you can't really see it on the field. It's about the same size as the little Reebok logo - like the wordmarks on the collar, it seems intended more for replica jerseys.

The Packers considered bringing back the G on the sleeves as part of Ron Wolf's proposed uniform overhaul in the early 1990s.

I myself hate it on the 49ers - just redundant. Obviously made for merchandising, which I think is backwards.

Create a great football uniform, and let the merchandising take care of itself. The Packers aren't exactly hurting for jerseys sales, and they don't have their logo anywhere on the jersey.

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I think it really depends on the jersey. Most jerseys need the logo on the shoulder, whether it be a primary or secondary. The 49ers are a team that could do without, but I don't mind it.

Gothamite is right. Everyone knows the Packers jersey, whethey you're into football or not. Same goes for the Raiders. But other teams are nowhere near established when it comes to an established identity. Most teams in the NFL have changed uniforms in the past 10 years.


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however in football its kind of special for a team to feature at least a secondary logo on the jerseys.

exactly. its only unneeded if its the same logo as the helmet. a secondary is fine. there are SIX panther heads on carolinas uniforms. it gets redundant.

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