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My gripe about the Washington "W"


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I know we have a ton of these Nats "W" bashing threads but im accually a fan. I think on the red hat it is a great tribute to the washington teams of the past and just plain looks good. My gripe is that on the blue hat the red outline is almost completely invisible. Im watching the game and either its almost impossible to see the red outline, or tha red outline just plain isnt there. If you want to know what im talking about turn on ESPN and watch the Nats-Dodgers game and try to see that red outline when they show a closeup of the pitcher


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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The mis-matched "W" wouldn't bother me if every single other element on their uniforms wasn't so completely of a kind.

Had they used a script on the home and block letters on the road, for example, the Walgreens "W" would look fine. As it is, it looks like they left their real caps at home and had to make do.

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Someone posted here a couple of days ago or so that there is no red outline on the W on the helmets. I can't find that post now, though.

I agree on both counts, though: I love the W and I can't see the red outline on the cap or helmet.

Someone that knows for sure: Is there a red outline on the helmet or not?

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I like the 'W' too. It just doesn't go with the rest of the unis.

i hate it for that reason.

Just out of curiosity, do you also hate the caps worn by the Dodgers, Twins, Yankees, and the other teams that caps that don't match their shirts? It seems to me that if what you really like is the non-matching, as opposed to just not liking the W itself, then you'll dislike a lot of "classic" uniforms.

The obverse is that the Brewers, Marlins, and Pirates are just about the most integrated and matching team uniforms in baseball. Are they your favorite uniforms?

I used to think that the W was bad because it didn't match the block lettering on the jerseys, but then I realized that most of my favorite uniforms have non-matching caps, and most of my least favorite uniforms are totally matching. With exceptions, of course; I love the Brewers' current super-matched uniforms and don't like the Mets' non-matching mishmash. But that demonstrated to me that my problem with the W is the shape of the W, not any broader aesthetic preference for matching caps.

I'd rather see the DC logo on the blue road caps. If your shirt says Washington, then your hat might as well say DC. And for the home cap, I'd rather see a script W that looks like the first letter of the Constitution ("We the people ..."). But after seeing the uniforms in play, I actually think the pretzel W works just fine with the rest of the uniform.

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Yes, the W is historical... but it's from a past that I don't think should be remembered or commemorated at all. They have a fresh new identity that's unique with the Gold beveling, and I think that the DC logo is an amazing cap logo... just check out their BPs!


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