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What ever happened to free speach


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Ok there is this guy who made an insensative remark about a few SF Giants he was suspended a week by KNBR, and he appologized but now they want to get him fired. You know the suspension shoudl be enough if this guys has been on for years why should saying one thing in frustration ruin his entire career, he was punnished he appologized but thats not good enough. Im tired of things things turning into federal cases.




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What he said wasn't horrible, but the Cream of Wheat thing was over the line I think. If you call a black woman 'Aunt Jemima', she'll be offended. I know from experience. (I was little at the time, I had no idea anything would come from it...) Besides, the very sentence 'a bunch of brain dead Carribean players' doesn't sound very good at all. He could've just called them brain dead, you know. By even referencing their ethnicity, you get the feeling he's calling them brain dead because of their ethnicity.

A week's supsension seems about right for this offense. Not insanely long, but just long enough to send this guy a message that he needs to think before he speaks.

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This person should know better than to bring race/ethnicity into this? It's baseball he's talking about, not terrorism. But this guy also knows what he did is wrong, once he comes back from suspension, he should apologise on air and make an apology to Felipe and any of the players he insulted.

Now this example of "free speech" wasn't "free" now wasn't it?

I saw, I came, I left.

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What he said wasn't horrible, but the Cream of Wheat thing was over the line I think. If you call a black woman 'Aunt Jemima', she'll be offended.

But that's not the same comparison. He didn't call Alou 'the Cream of Wheat guy".

"You have a manager in Felipe [Alou] whose mind has turned to Cream of Wheat."

I suppose if he said "You have a manager in Felipe [Alou] whose mind has turned to Quaker Oats.", it would be OK, unless he was an old white guy.

And if he dropped "Carribean" from his other statement, it's just harsh criticism - which, I'm guessing, is part of his job.

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About the Cream of Wheat thing: It sounds like some people are overreading this one. It seems like he was saying that Felipe Alou's mind is turning to mush. To allege that there was some connotation to the black chef on the box of Cream of Wheat is really piling on at this point. What he said was incendiary enough.

What I would find interesting in all this is what the fallout would've been had he not made an ethnic reference in his rant. Well-known broadcasters have been cast off recently (Steve Stone) for being critical of the teams they cover. But I would rather have a little more honesty and objectivity than some of the company men who have infiltrated the broadcast booths over the last few years. So many media outlets are so afraid of angering the parent club that real opinions have been sacrificed in favor of towing the line.

I'm all for free speech, but getting ethnic was needless in this case. He could have gotten his point across without disparaging where the players he's targeting hail from.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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How about firing his ass and blackball him as well.

That was nothing more then a racial cheap shot by that guy. Brain turning into Cream of Wheat... Now, that's a cheap shot! So was the brain dead insult. If you are going to say they stink, then say 'they stink' without using that damn race card. Sheesh!

Add-On: Race is a very, very touchy subject, NJTank. When Chris Rock, or many other comedians use that kind of talk, it is regarded as part of the act. It's not like they really are racist, they are having fun. When someone says that they are 'a bunch of brain dead Caribbean players," that cannot be tolerated in society at all.


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See thats what Im talking about, he was punished and he appologized, but why shoudl he lose his livelyhood over one mistake. How about all the racial statements Chris Rock makes in his standup routine, and countless other examples where white people are put down and nothin happens.



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How about all the racial statements Chris Rock makes in his standup routine, and countless other examples where white people are put down and nothin happens.

if you find chris rock's ACT insulting, then i feel for you. it's comedy. it's all done in jest. i'm white, and chris rock is imo one of the greatest comidiens alive. if you actually LISTEN to him he makes fun of his own race as mutch as whites. have you seen his latest show "never scared"? it's the best comedy show i've seen second only to "robbin williams live." the best act:

There was a lot of accepted racism after 9/11. First everyone said "I'm an American, and fluff all these forighners" That was ok. Then it turned to "I'm American, and fluff all these Arabs" That was ok. Then it was "I'm an American, and fluff all the French"That was ok. THEN they started saying "I'm American and fluff all these illegal immigrants." Then I started listening because i know blacks and Jews are up next! That train ai'nt never late! (Chris Rock pointing to his watch, smiling)

it fall under the classic "funny because it's true." ok, mabey it's a little over the top, but thats what comedy is suppose to be. i know that the bit i posted is probablly irrelevent, but it was so funny i had to share :D

back on topic: tank, if you think chris rock is a racist, lossen up, THEN watch one of his shows. realise it's all comedy, not ment to be serious. you might be surprised to see he makes fun of blacks just as mutch as whites.

oh, and white people being put down tank? white people, especially WASP's have never had it so good in the world.

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Its a actually a tough topic. On one hand I'd like for him to lose his job over it....on the other I'm sure he REALLY didnt mean any harm by it. People get offended. You cant tell them what they are and arent offended over. You just hope that it doesnt HURT. Offending happens (I know, I do it all the time on these boards :D) BUT when it hurts, when it leads to violence then its a problem. IMO arepremend is in order and then if he slips up again hes done. BUT there are fans out there that might not listen again just because of that guy, and losing listeners equals losing dollars. Tough call for the owners of the sation I say. But people have a right to be offended and call for his resignation....that is also free speech.

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The suspension is enough IMO. I would also add an apology, which the broadcaster has apparently offered to do. If this was something he did often. He's probably a little over the edge because this is the Giants' first losing season since what? 96? It's not an excuse for what he said, but it may offer some insight into why he's so fed up with the team.

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I know the whole free speech thing is cool but that really was a stupid remark. i was sitting there listening and i said, WTF!!!! What did he just say?!?!?!?!?! Not smart.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Greetings Guys,

Just wanted to add my two cents, but since I am a newbie, I guess it only equates to about 1 1/2 cents...

When it comes to racist/ethnically insensitive remarks, I think that society gets our collective panties in a bunch a bit too quickly. Everyone will scream against this broadcaster in outrage. While, I agree that what he said was not only stupid, but also completely unnecessary, I just do not think this guy should lose his job. Public embarrassment is one hell of a punishment, whether a sportscaster, politician, or athlete.

I think people carry all kinds of prejudicial baggage with them. Actually, everyone does, it comes out at some point for each one of us, just not publicly. We cannot expect everyone to agree, but we have to let stupid people remind us that things like racism still exist. Besides, I would rather know who my enemies are than to wonder.

Now this guy probably will lose his job, and I will not shed a tear, but I think free speech is a myth, at least in the United States. I hope it is better for my friends in Canada!

P.S. I thank whomever created this thread, I would have hated for my first post to be a request... :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Greetings Guys,

Just wanted to add my two cents, but since I am a newbie, I guess it only equates to about 1 1/2 cents...

When it comes to racist/ethnically insensitive remarks, I think that society gets our collective panties in a bunch a bit too quickly.  Everyone will scream against this broadcaster in outrage.  While, I agree that what he said was not only stupid, but also completely unnecessary, I just do not think this guy should lose his job.  Public embarrassment is one hell of a punishment, whether a sportscaster, politician, or athlete. 

I think people carry all kinds of prejudicial baggage with them.  Actually, everyone does, it comes out at some point for each one of us, just not publicly.  We cannot expect everyone to agree, but we have to let stupid people remind us that things like racism still exist.  Besides, I would rather know who my enemies are than to wonder.

Now this guy probably will lose his job, and I will not shed a tear, but I think free speech is a myth, at least in the United States.  I hope it is better for my friends in Canada!

P.S.  I thank whomever created this thread, I would have hated for my first post to be a request... :P

First of all :welcome:

This is a very well thoughtout first post. And I agree with you "Free Speech" is a myth, much like freedom itself and happiness. Sure we can say whatever we want, but it doesn't mean we should always get away with what is on our mind. Believe me, I don't think it's any better in Canada than it is in the United States, we just have different outloks on life.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Thanks for the welcome!

I just wanted to add that Chris Rock offends Black and White people equally. However, there is quite a double standard when it comes to comments that we minorities make, I mean Charles Barkley has said enough by himself to fill a book (it's called Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man). IMHO, that is the gift and curse aspect of our rights and freedoms, someone will always go too far, but the ability to go too far was something that people have fought and died for. Besides, next week someone will say something else stupid and offensive and everyone will have forgotten about the bigoted Giants' paid cheerleader with a microphone...I mean broadcaster.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Greetings Guys,

Just wanted to add my two cents, but since I am a newbie, I guess it only equates to about 1 1/2 cents...

When it comes to racist/ethnically insensitive remarks, I think that society gets our collective panties in a bunch a bit too quickly. Everyone will scream against this broadcaster in outrage. While, I agree that what he said was not only stupid, but also completely unnecessary, I just do not think this guy should lose his job. Public embarrassment is one hell of a punishment, whether a sportscaster, politician, or athlete.

I think people carry all kinds of prejudicial baggage with them. Actually, everyone does, it comes out at some point for each one of us, just not publicly. We cannot expect everyone to agree, but we have to let stupid people remind us that things like racism still exist. Besides, I would rather know who my enemies are than to wonder.

Now this guy probably will lose his job, and I will not shed a tear, but I think free speech is a myth, at least in the United States. I hope it is better for my friends in Canada!

P.S. I thank whomever created this thread, I would have hated for my first post to be a request... :P

:welcome: nice way to post a thought out statement rather than a request.

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