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Is it wrong?


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Okay, I'm from Northern New Jersey in the NYC area. College sports there aren't big at all and barely get a mention. There are 9 Major Pro Teams in the area so College Sports aren't big. I have never been a huge college fan but on the occasional time I have watched I have tended to root for Penn. State, which is the big school to root for from where I am from.

So I am now in Florida and am going to USF. Mainly because I completely procrastinated on my college apps and f'ed them up. I turn on the football game and they are playing Penn. State. I find myself rooting for Penn. State. Is this wrong?

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that's not wrong, I'm going to Ohio State and I still root for Penn State unless of course they play the buckeyes. I like them Mainly because I like JoPa and I lived in Harrisburg for awhile



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It's a tough call. If it was pro teams, I'd say that it is 100% fine. I think that what makes it tough in this case is that these are college teams, and you have a direct connection with one of the teams. In theory, USF's success directly benefits you (I know it is a stretch, but the more successful a program is, higher profile the school attains, the more money comes in, etc.) Personally, I rooted against my college team, so I have to say that you are OK, but I just wanted to point out why some may say you are wrong.

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Unless the college is paying you to attend their classes, you cheer for whoever the hell you want to.

I have no problem with that philosophy. Part of why I rooted against my college team was because of all of the extra privileges afforded the players, and their "smugness" towards regular students (mainly how they expected to be able to do whatever they wanted wherever they wanted with whoever they wanted, including busting up closed door parties.) I was busting my ass to pay for and pass my classes, so F them.

Now that I'm in graduate school, I find myself wanting to root for a team I otherwise have no real feelings for (Villanova) strictly because I think it would be cool to see them make the Final Four again and get national recognition so that when I meet people from outside my area and say "I go to Villanova", they will instantly know what / where I'm talking about.

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Also growing up in New Jersey, I intentionally chose not to root for any particular college teams. I figured I'd root for the school I went to. I loosely rooted for my parents' schools (Rutgers and Villanova), but never developed a deep affiliation for either one like I did for my alma mater (UNC). I liked UNC but not any more than any other school. When I applied to colleges, I started following those schools more closely. Since I accepted my admission, it's been UNC first - I BLEED blue - my family's schools second (Villanova... grandpa, Dad, sister, brother-in-law, and I almost disowned 'em all last Easter; William & Mary (wife), Rutgers, LaSalle, St. Joe's, Penn, Temple [Yes, BBTV, we cover the entire Big 5 - what's up with that?]). It's just easier that way.

But I'd say root for who you want. You'll probably develop an affinity for USF with time and getting exposed to them and their teams and traditions. Penn State probably won't play USF in too much else while you're down there, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Just don't give up your pro teams - root for who you grew up with. That's different.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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San Jose States not a big football school, so everyone there roots for other teams. But I can say that when we play a big team, Wisconson (whom we beat), we show up and root for the home team. Beat undefeated TCU too. BUT dont root for Stanford :cursing:

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You can take the boy out of New Jersey, but you can't take New Jersey out of the boy. Don't sweat it.

Kindof like a disease, eh? ;)

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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typically, college kids don't give a crap about their sports teams. I never did. Yeah I went to a few football games, because they were free. I personally don't see a problem with rooting for the other team. Besides, especially since you are paying out of state tuition, you can root for whomever you want.

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typically, college kids don't give a crap about their sports teams. I never did.

Depends on the school you went to. I had no ties to my school when I started there, but I bleed Carolina Blue through and through. I grew up rooting for my local pro teams as a boy, but I never had a college team until I got to college.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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