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"Saints, Please Don't Go"


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Opinion: Please don't go, Mr. Benson

Posted at nola.com

The people of the New Orleans area "battered, grieving and homeless" are in desperate need of something to hold onto. Something to ease their broken hearts and nourish their spirits.

Saints owner Tom Benson can give them that something. He can choose, and we fervently hope he will, to play this fall's home games at LSU's Tiger Stadium.

Saints fans are among the most loyal in the NFL. For 38 years, they have embraced this team whether it won or lost, and the losses almost always outnumbered the wins. Mr. Benson owns this team, and it is his business. But this is our team, too, at least in spirit. What other fans would pack the Superdome year after year despite lackluster win/loss records? Don't these devoted people deserve that sort of dedication in return?

This metro area has suffered the worst natural catastrophe in the nation's history. People who were helpless to get out of the way of the storm died in our beloved Superdome. The Dome is wrecked, and it is a place known for misery right now. But it can be refurbished. Its rebuilding can be a hopeful sign to the hundreds of thousands of residents who have been scattered across the region by Hurricane Katrina - people who have lost not only loved ones and homes, but their entire community.

The Saints have been a source of that sense of community since the day they first walked on the field. They bring us together in a way nothing else does.

The NFL doesn't want the Saints to leave. As after the Sept. 11 attacks, when the New York Giants chose to stay in their ravaged city, the league sees the Saints as a balm for wounded souls.

Surely the players don't want to leave. Receiver Joe Horn spent three hours touring the Astrodome on Saturday, signing autographs for children and giving the 15,000 displaced storm survivors something to smile about.

And it is difficult to believe Mr. Benson would want to leave, despite reports to the contrary. He has talked in recent months about how much he loves New Orleans, about his desire to stay here, and we take him at his word.

Before Katrina, Saints fans wanted their team to stay. Now they need it to stay.


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This is kind of a case of wishful thinking. If the rumors of the Superdome being demolished are true, then how does the city expect the team to stay without a stadium, let alone stay in a city that will be rebuilding for possibly a decade. San Antonio is certainly an option for a team, because they can certainly support a championship-caliber basketball team, plus Texans in general breathe football. What people have to remember is that football is a business, so New Orleans can't expect the team to lose money like crazy while operating in refugee mode. Besides, I doubt any team will move to Los Angeles anytime soon, with the stadium situation the way it is (that being the Coliseum, which still hasn't had a lot of the 1994 quake damage fixed and the Rose Bowl, which really can't be renovated with all the conservationists). Yeah, let the Saints move to San Antonio, because LA has become the NFL's "build a new stadium or else" trump card. But, back on topic, disaster or not, you can't expect the Saints to become a traveling team, because sooner or later, they'll have no choice but to relocate unless they lay the foundation for a new stadium as soon as the city is drained.


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Nothing compares to the suffering that the people of New Orleans have endured over the past week, but the Saints leaving for good would be just another blow to a city that is already down. I hope they decide to stay and build a new stadium as a step towards the "new" New Orleans.

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Nothing compares to the suffering that the people of New Orleans have endured over the past week, but the Saints leaving for good would be just another blow to a city that is already down. I hope they decide to stay and build a new stadium as a step towards the "new" New Orleans.

I absolutely agree, and echo everything you said.

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With credit to Wikipedia and the Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens fiasco:

The NFL should "deactivate" the Saints and once New Orleans has recovered the franchise would be reborn with a new owner, stadium, and players. Benson would in turn be granted a new franchise for San Antonio, Los Angeles, etc. and the Saints' history, records, awards and archives would remain in New Orleans.


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With credit to Wikipedia and the Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens fiasco:

The NFL should "deactivate" the Saints and once New Orleans has recovered the franchise would be reborn with a new owner, stadium, and players. Benson would in turn be granted a new franchise for San Antonio, Los Angeles, etc. and the Saints' history, records, awards and archives would remain in New Orleans.

That would be a great option, except that making a Saints expansion team would screw up the current alignment.


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The Saints IMO should pull a Browns. Move to LA or San Anotnio. Permanently. Treat them as an expansion team, and give them a new identity. The NFL will promise that if New Orleans can build a new stadium and the city is inhabitable they promise a new team and they will again be the Saints.

Proud owner of the Utah Pioneers of the Continnental Baseball League.



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The Saints IMO should pull a Browns. Move to LA or San Anotnio. Permanently. Treat them as an expansion team, and give them a new identity. The NFL will promise that if New Orleans can build a new stadium and the city is inhabitable they promise a new team and they will again be the Saints.

That's what's likely going to happen here. I can see the Saints moving to San Antonio (provided it's possible to upgrade the Alamodome to NFL-caliber luxury seating) and the league giving New Orleans and L.A. franchises in 3-4 years.

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I think I disagree with both of the current topics...first, New Orleans was already subsidizing the team. You cannot realistically use one red public cent for that damn team when the damn near the entire city needs to be rebuilt. We need to remember that it's going to take YEARS to rebuild! The twin towers fell almost 4 years ago, and I don't think a single brick has been laid on whatever structure will replace it. New Orleans was not a big time major sports city and for the forseable future they should not be. Move the Saints and Hornets asap. Let the city heal and grow before revisiting the future of pro sports in New Orleans.

I think the whole Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens situation is one of the stupidest things the NFL has ever done. Expansion means started from scratch, so how can you take an existing team's roster, front office, and ownership group and just call them a completely new team? It's illogical and to do something illogical twice is just idiotic. If the Saints move, then the Saints move, and the identity goes with them.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I think the whole Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens situation is one of the stupidest things the NFL has ever done. Expansion means started from scratch, so how can you take an existing team's roster, front office, and ownership group and just call them a completely new team? It's illogical and to do something illogical twice is just idiotic. If the Saints move, then the Saints move, and the identity goes with them.

It's done quite frequently in business. Do some research on the laws of franchising and d/b/a's and you'll see that transactions of this nature can be done and often are.

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This might be far-fetched, but...

Move the Saints from New Orleans for 3-4 years, let the city get back on its feet. They can test out new markets while they're at it. Play in San Antonio for a year. Play in Las Vegas for a year. Play in Los Angeles for a year. Play in Portland or Birmingham or something for a year. Hopefully, by then, the Saints should be able to move back to N.O.

Same thing with the Hornets. Play in St. Louis for a year. Vegas for a year. Kansas City. And hopefully after a few years, move back to N.O.

Probably wouldn't work, but hey...just an idea.


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I've stated this in the other thread, but I believe after all that needs to be done to make New Orleans a safe and viable city, the evacuees will have established lives elsewhere.

I really don't believe it will be able to support a major sports franchise any time soon.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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What people have to remember is that football is a business, so New Orleans can't expect the team to lose money like crazy while operating in refugee mode.

The Saints won't lose too much money while operating in refugee mode, thanks to the NFL's revenue-sharing plan. When you have, literally, tens and possibly into the hundreds of multi-billion dollar and multi-million dollar deals with corporations, revenue really isn't a problem for these owners.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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It's done quite frequently in business. Do some research on the laws of franchising and d/b/a's and you'll see that transactions of this nature can be done and often are.

I'm not talking about business in general, I'm talking about this one particular situation. I'm sure in many companies it's happened, and that's great for them, but when it comes to football franchises, I don't see the logic. I don't care enough about it to do research, so gimme the cliffs notes version... :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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How about calling them the New Orleans Saints of San Antonio until they are able to got back?

Mmmhhh... I'd call them as "New Orléans Saints at San Antonio". ;)

BTW, how nice is your sig.


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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I've stated this in the other thread, but I believe after all that needs to be done to make New Orleans a safe and viable city, the evacuees will have established lives elsewhere.

I really don't believe it will be able to support a major sports franchise any time soon.

This may be true sad to say.



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