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:P This is my first time in the forum and I have a few suggestions to make for a few teams. I'm a devoted angels fan and I even wear my red angel cap with my red dress and they should keep that look forever. Here are the top five teams that need a makeover.

1. Oakland Athletics Their unis are too dull and outdated, needless to say those cheesy golden yellow sock and white shoes. Why not go with forsest green cleats.

It's been almost nineteen years since they made a change, though they did make

a minor one with their lettering prior to the 1993 season. I would like to see the

Athletics go back to the "A's" logo on their jerseys and a sleeveless pattern.

It would be cool to see them in white with green pinstripes at home with a sleeveless look. How about some silver around their lettering, that would stand out.

2.Houston Astros, okay, there uniforms are fine, except for their pinstripe home jerseys which should have been retired a couple years ago, or at least have the lettering written in brick red like their road and white alternates.

3.Toronto Blue Jays ; they are the blue jays not the black jays!! need I say more.

4.Texas Rangers If they would just drop the black on all jerseys,I would vote them the best looking uniforms in baseball. keep it red, white, and blue, since that

is also the color of the Texas Flag.

5.Phillies "it's about time they changed their unis!!!! I'm surprised they did not do that when they went to their new ballpark. Keep the beautiful color red on their

pinstripe homes, but why don't they underline the "phillies" on their jerseys like they do with their primary logos?? That doesn't make sense!!!! I would like to see them wear a royal blue alternate jersey at home and it would be cool if they had a blue and red cap with the Liberty Bell in the center. God forbid if they go to a sleeveless jersey at home!! UGH!! I would throw up if they did.

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First off, welcome to the forum.

I agree on the Blue Jays. But that's about it. The A's have great jerseys. I dig the green and yellow look they have now. I think the Astros need a recoloring at least. I never really have had a problem with the Rangers or Phillies. A Liberty Bell hat might be cool though.

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I think the Astros' old navy hat with the orange star and white H was their best. Everybody makes fun of the creamsicle rainbow uniforms from the 70s and 80s, and justly so (although I thought they looked really cool when I was about 9 or 10), but the hat itself, the blue variety, looked better than what they have done since. The first H-less hat, the slanted gold star, looked awful in use and even worse now when you see it somewhere. The new one, for some reason, hasn't grown on me either. Brick, sand and black is different, for sure, and I don't really hate it, but it isn't the Astros. Blue and orange is.

Plus, I'm big on having most teams having their city's name on their hats. Right now only the 'stros, the O's, the Graphite Jays, the Tribe, the Pale Hose, the Halos and the A's don't have their city on one of their caps. I can live with those teams not having them, because for the most part they haven't had them much in the past 30 years or so, with a couple of exceptions, or they've built an identity that is strongly shown by whatever they have on that cap.

Another thing, does anyone know how sales have gone the past couple of years for the pitiful New Jays caps and merchandise, compared to their previous logos? The dollar drives all of this, anyhow, so I'd be curious to see if their new look is bombing as much as it deserves to be.

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Technically, only the bird on the Jays uniforms NEEDS to be blue. Blue is the adjective used to describe the bird, not the team. Like the Sox on the Red Sox uniforms. Or the Sox on the White Sox uniforms. No one complains about how the Cleveland Browns not being brown or how the Winnipeg Blue Bombers use more gold than blue.

As far as sleeveless looks, the current Indians home alt is one of the nicest uniforms in the entire MLB.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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I'm a devoted angels fan and I even wear my red angel cap with my red dress and they should keep that look forever.

Welcome. from this statement right here, I assume your a girl which is good because women here are like snow in san diego.

I agree with pretty much everything you said except the A's. If the A's lose the white shoes then they lose the part where they are the only team with a long history of wearing white shoes.



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Phew...When I saw the topic I thought she would surely throw the Browns in there somewhere. Thank goodness she limited it to baseball.

Welcome aboard Angelcat.

I agree with Houston and Toronto. Especially Toronto. I would love to see Houston go back to the Navy Blue/Orange scheme of the old .45's and early Astros. Great color combo for baseball.

Toronto needs to find their way back to something resembling their world series days.

my 2 cents :D




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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I'm a devoted angels fan and I even wear my red angel cap with my red dress and they should keep that look forever.

Welcome. from this statement right here, I assume your a girl which is good because women here are like snow in san diego.

does this mean we can't walk around naked anymore? Somewhere better tell Roger....

{puts robe on}

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I'm a devoted angels fan and I even wear my red angel cap with my red dress and they should keep that look forever.

Welcome. from this statement right here, I assume your a girl which is good because women here are like snow in san diego.

does this mean we can't walk around naked anymore? Somewhere better tell Roger....

{puts robe on}

I think its a reason to walk around naked B) .


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Or the Sox on the White Sox uniforms. No one complains about how the Cleveland Browns not being brown

i complain about the white sox wearing black socks all the time...

and actually, i also complain about the browns wearing too much orange... that's why my browns concepts always include a pair of brown pants :)

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I think its a reason to walk around naked

Hey, we don't want Roger to walk around naked.

Besides, phayze, you don't walk around naked in Minnesota. Even when it's warm enough to do that, you don't dare lest you get bit by a Minnesota mosquito right where you don't want to get bit.

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