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Phoenix coyotes new logo


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I think the logo is half decent.  Anything is better then the old logo.  The jerseys shocked me with their plain design.  The old school feel of the jersey doesn't mix well with the modernized logo.  Even though I knew what the logo was going to be already from some sneak previews of the site, I was far more impressed with it then the jerseys.  I thought the Jays did a better job with their logo.
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OK, for all those "Why do we rip on everything" people...

here is a compliment.

I REALLY like the jersey. I love simple. Simple works. Really attractive.

THe logo...sigh. I like what they were going for...i just think in terms of Illustration it falls way short. It looks stretched somehow, his eyes are lame, and it just looks like a first draft.  A lot of the shadow and contrast elements are VERY arbitrary.  The black triangles on the nose?  The red chin cleft?  I know they were going for scruffy...but it's poorly executed.

So...I can tolerate this...I guess.

Too bad. Coulda probably been pretty sweet.

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I like the new logo. However, I did not feel a change was absolutely necessary. The old logo and uniforms had a "southwestern" feel to them, especially the trim on the uniforms. I liked that.

I would have preferred the home uniforms to be black with tan and white trim.

My guess is that the shoulder patch has something to with either the new arena, or the state of Arizona.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Just realized something, their shoulder logo has the state outline with arizona flag on top and 'PHX' on the bottom. Scroll down the front page of their website.

And, I think it would have been cool if they wore the red jersey with the cresent moon logo on the front like the coyote on the old logo!  :D

I saw, I came, I left.

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three thumbs emphatically down on the logo.

The old third jersey logo was better. The zepher - new era cap logo still kicks ass on both.

IMO it looks completely amatuerish. A quick search on the web for free coyote clip art would be better than that thing. Never mind how well this logo fits the concept of "coyotes", from a "good looks" standpoint, this is now the worst logo in the NHL, handsdown.

And whats with the sand colour? Wheres the sand on the jersey? It clashes without sand on the jersey.

As for the sweater

I prefer the traditional look, but this jersey looks like something a tv wardobe designer would throw together when trying to acheive the no name brand-dont sue us look.

in summary

90% of all beer league teams are better outfitted than the coyotes this year.

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The logo was definitely a change for the better, but if I'm going to like these jerseys, it's going to have to be because they've grown on me.  I'm not saying it's a bad design, but it's not one of those designs that jumps up and grabs you either.  They actually kind of remind me of the UMass hockey jersey design (2001-2003), maybe I'm reading the design as a bit collegiate-looking (which may or may not be a bad thing depending on how you look at it).  I think some sand or black trim may have helped it a bit, but it can stand on its own merits for now.

One quick gripe:  Why couldn't they just be consistent and do the tie-down collar on the away jersey in addition to the home (remembering that the NHL is wearing dark jerseys for home games now :))?


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Jersey needs black.  Looks like a blend of TML and Detroit.  

 Am I to assume that the jerseys have air vents?  Because the stripes don't go all the way around, so I figure that must be the reason.

 Atleast the red jerseys don't have white cuffs.

 The font seems kind of interesting.  Not a standard block font.

 Put the state flag logo on BOTH shoulders.  About that.  I was basically close with what I said the sleeve logo would look like.  Just change the colors.  I used the real state flag colors, theirs is red, black, and cream.Check It Out


P.S.  I can't see these new Celcuis Jerseys.  Also, I'll say it again: Some of the Celcuis logos have swords with the points down.  POINTS GO DOWN WHEN REFERENCING PIRATES, UP AT ALL OTHER TIMES.

 I'd also use Pantone 280C, Pantone 142C, White, and a little black.  Don't make my Sabres look like the Predators.

 I've written JS many times on these matters, and I don't know whether he's read them, so I'll write it here, too.  Yeah, it's off topic, but it's important to me.

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I think Gretzky must have a had lot of input into this,  I know

he's a big fan of simple clean old skool jerseys. He was the reason Candian hockey has the old leaf logo and simpler jerseys.

I like the jerseys, reminds me of the old CCCP jerseys from the early 1970's. But it does look almost too plain, in this day and age without some black. But I give them props for having the 'nads to do it simple.

The logo...yawn. No not me, the logo, he's a tired Coyote.

The font choice is unimaginative also, they could have at least

made a custom font, yeesh.

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That is one snazzy looking logo, and the uniforms are just classic. They won't be outdated in 10 years.

This is a classic look that can last for a loooooooooong time.

Very nice.

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they screwed this up...not as horribly as the blue jays did, though.  this would better fit the minnesota wild, though.  i don't know how, but it would.  as pointed out, the coyote looks like it's yawning, and it doesn't have that southwestern look anymore.  Maybe something resembling the Diamondbacks or AZ Rattlers' styles would have kept some of that flavor.


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I like the logo. the jerseys I could live with but they dont blow me away. (at least they arent......ahhhh you all know by now  :D )

I would have liked to see them incorporate the black and sand somewhere on the jersey, and use black pants. Any idea what that font is called?

also, Im wondering if Todd Mcfarlane had a hand or two in this logo design.  ???

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I like the logo, but it looks like they are a minor league team for UMass. (if Umass was nhl)  They have that jersey design, and then a logo.  A classic jersey design with an aggressive, fairly modern looking logo.  They don't fit together.  They chose some great colors with the red sand and black, using primarily red, with some sand, and a tiny bit of black they could have acheived a very nice look, like the bc eagles.

still, this is still a nice looking, clean cut jersey, and the logo is great, but I think they should have gone a little more moedern in the jersey.

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