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Standing on the Soap Box


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I am sick and tired of World Series Games that start after 8, each and every night the game ends close to midnight Eastern Time, and now we sit as this game goes deep into extra innings.

This is not fair for those on the East and for kids who need to be in bed at 11 on a school night.

This is the same thing for MNF games that start at 9 they are ending closer and closer to 1AM each week.

I am sick of this, with all the commercials and all the pre-game stuff first pitch sometimes is not until 9.

Why should we miss out on the East Coast of a good game? its time that MNF starts at 8 and World Series games start no later then 7:30, extra inning games will happen but there is no reason a 9 inning game should not be over by 11.

Sometimes I hear West Coast People complain if you start a game at 8 they will miss it getting home from work.


I rather miss the first few innings or the first quarter then miss the end of the game when the winner is ultimately decided.



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What would you rather miss 1st Quarter or 4th Quarter? 1st Inning or 14th Inning?

The West Coast can del with missing the start of teh game its the end thats more important



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You mean like Fox starting their pregame show at either 6:30 or 7:00 (Central) and then not having first pitch until an hour later? Is that what you're referring to? I understand wanting to have the pregame show so you can have your whole primetime block as the World Series, but at least promote it that way, don't say "Coverage starts at 7:30 ET" when you really mean first pitch isn't until 8:19, or whatever. I know, here's a novel idea, how about for games in different time zones, you play at an appropriate time for that area. Let's say 7 pm. Move it up to 6 for the West Coast, so you can get some semblance of TV ratings on the other coast, that way it starts the same time as MNF. Sorry for getting on your soapbox Tank, you can have it back now.

EDIT:As far as programming issues go, it's Fox...either show The Simpsons or regular programming, nobody will notice the difference.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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Oh my god lol...stop whining about this. If you want to watch the game that badly, you'll stay up and watch it and sacrifice the extra hour or so of sleep. I have work early in the morning, but it's the World Series, so I toughed it out. I did it last year for the Red Sox, and I'll do it again next year regardless of who's playing. The game starts when the game starts, and if you want to watch it bad enough, you'll stay up. Lets not alter the schedules just to please the kiddies who have to wake up for school.

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oh the plight of the East Coast citizens.

Eh, don't be so though on him.

Not everyone is as fortunate as I am to have a 9 month old daughter with an ear infection to guarantee one's being awake plenty long enough to see the end of marathon baseball games.

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I agree. During my 2.5 years in the eastern time zone, sports were tough to watch.

I watched a T-Wolves playoff game that ended at 2:00 am (1:00 in Minny, home of the T-Wolves).

I know it's tough to work with four time zones, but I think one thing they can do is actually start the games close to when they imply they are going to. If it says 7:00, do it at 7:00, not 7:35. Have a 6:30 "pregame show" if you must. Nine innings provide plenty of commercial opportunities.

Games definately go later than they did only a few years ago and I admit it, I went to bed during the 13th inning last night. I did not know when it was going to end. (of course a 9-inning game would have been no problem).

I think it should be dependent on the two teams in it. This year, they are both in Central time, so 7:05 central would be a good time. In 2002 with Angels and Giants, then the late start is OK with me. If you have NY vs. LA, you'd have the same dillema I guess.

But if nothing else, stop with the pre-game hype and just get to the game.

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Games should be scheduled with the home fans in mind.

That's it.

The game's on the east coast? Well, sorry, west coast, it's gonna start kind of early for ya.

The game's on the west coast? Well, sory, east coast, it's gonna start pretty late for ya.

The game's in the Midwest? Screw both coasts.

In my book, attending home fans should come first. Screw the coastal whining, especially the idea that the east coast is the end-all, be-all.

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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It's not about slighting East Coast fans for West Coast fans.

It's about playing the games (or at least starting them) in prime time.

I agree, though. There's absolutely no reason why they can't start earlier. In fact, I've never understood why prime time starts at 8 p.m. on the East Coast. I could understand why prime time would start at 7 p.m., but 8 p.m. seems way too late.

But I guess you have to love it if you're living in, say, Hawaii.

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I'm sick of the west coast. It's the main reason for the late start to all of these games. MLB has given up on it's east coast viewers so that the west coast can see the games at 5pm. It's not smart.

MLB has to realize that having games start at 8pmET means half the country will be in bed by the 5th...

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What about the Atlantic Time Zone?

IMO, I love it here. It means getting to sleep in on Sundays and not missing any football AND you get to squeeze every ounce out of the day before settling in for some night-time sports.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

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My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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I'd say 7:05 local time for the first pitch is a fair idea, but why not allow for day games in the World Series (starting at 1:05 local time)

Matinee WS games is the traditional route, but we will NEVER see another day game in the Series. Why? Well, TV is all about ad revenue. What we watch on TV is the program, right? We think it is, but that's not it. What networks really want viewers for are the commercials. They don't give a damn about the show. It's just the filler between the ads. Thus, ratings rule, because advertisers value high ratings to maximize profits...and networks can charge more for ad time with high ratings.

That said, if people think 8 ET starts create bad ratings towards the later innings, it'd be nothing compared to the paltry ratings they'd get in the afternoon. Sure, there'd be some people playing hookey from work/school to watch the day game, but the only way for everyone to make money is to show the games when everyone is home....which is most commonly in the mid-to-late evening (8 to 11; prime time).

1:05 would be nice and warm and fuzzy ("Ah, the good ol' days"), but it is highly impractical for money-hungry networks and advertisers. That's just the way it is.

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