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Where Does T.O. Go Frome Here?


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New Orleans wants him?!? Oh no... It's not like the Saints have enough issues to deal with thanks to Katrina tearing their home a new one and their owner having a hard on for Los Angeles.

I say T.O. heads north... To Canada. Isn't there a certain owner of a certain Ottawa team that would use him?


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Mark my words

T.O. goes to New England

I think you're correct. And the reason I believe that is because the rehabilitation of Terrell Owens's attitude and sense of teamwork is a job far too big for a mere mortal and must be undertaken by Tedy Bruschi. :D

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Last night on Comcast, they were showing clips from the 24/7 stakeout that is going on outside of TO's house in NJ.

TO ordered a pizza from Dominos, and they had the delivery guy on camera trying to refuse a $5 tip. When TO closed the door, the delivery guy left the money on the doorstep.

When asked by reporters, he stated "TO needs the money more than me. He's got a family to feed. I'll be alright. If anyone wants $5 from Terrell Owens, it's laying on the ground right over there."

True story.

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I can't see the Broncos signing him -- not after the experience with Daryl Gardner. Unless Shanahan's ego allows him to believe that he can keep problematic players under control after what he's done with the Browns' Defensive Line.

... If the Broncos do end up signing him, ask me then how I feel about it because right now, I'm not entirely sure how I would. They'd be amazing with T.O., Rod Smith, Ashley Lelie, and that running game -- plus, of course, possible MVP candidate Jake Plummer. But I'm not sure his talent is worth it... Eagles fans?

I was saying during the contract dispute that they should've tried to trade him to the Raiders -- straight up for Jerry Porter.

How about the Falcons? He's got a good relationship with one of the Falcons coaches (WR coach, maybe?) who they say may be one of the few people capable of keeping him under control.


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Arthur Blank has already stated several times that he wants no part of TO because of many factors (money, attitude, influence on Vick, Greg Knapp, offensive philosophy, etc.), so the "hometown" angle is out...

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I've been thinking about it because, well, what else am I supposed to do in class?

I want Terrell Owens on the Denver Broncos.

What's the worst he could do? Throw Jake Plummer under the bus? The entire city has already done that, at some point in time, and he's playing MVP Caliber football right now. Maybe I'm not thinking it completely through, but Terrell Owens, Rod Smith, and Ashley Lelie looks like a damn appealing group of recievers. Especially with that backfield the Broncos got (Tatum Bell and Mike Anderson). Perhaps this whole experience may have humbled him, even... nah.


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honestly, some NFL team will pick him up if they can afford him. I can see the Raiders, Bears, or Falcons trying to court Sir Jerkoff

the Falocns would never do ti. TO may be great talent wise but the falcosn higher ups (Blank, McKay, Mora) All have a distaste for people who are not team players and people who are cancers i nthe locker room like TO. the worst problem behavioor wise was rod colemans drinking which has has since stopped.

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I can't see the Broncos signing him -- not after the experience with Daryl Gardner. Unless Shanahan's ego allows him to believe that he can keep problematic players under control after what he's done with the Browns' Defensive Line.

... If the Broncos do end up signing him, ask me then how I feel about it because right now, I'm not entirely sure how I would.  They'd be amazing with T.O., Rod Smith, Ashley Lelie, and that running game -- plus, of course, possible MVP candidate Jake Plummer.  But I'm not sure his talent is worth it...  Eagles fans?

I was saying during the contract dispute that they should've tried to trade him to the Raiders -- straight up for Jerry Porter.

How about the Falcons?  He's got a good relationship with one of the Falcons coaches (WR coach, maybe?) who they say may be one of the few people capable of keeping him under control.

TO doesn't have a good relationship with any Falcosn coach. Mora hates him, Knapp hates him, the WR coach is looking to get fired, our Owner wants nothing to do with him and McKay isn't stupid enoguh to sign him. this is just ESPN not doign their research.

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Yeah, you're a rare breed..you care more about a stadium than a person.

I don't want to see him in a Falcons jersey. Unfortunately, Jim Mora will probably get him so that Vick has to throw, like he's been trying to do.

too bad Mora hates TO. people are so stupid at times it amazes me. if the Falcons wouldn't even take a run at Plaxico Burress why woudl we take a run at TO? Burress wasn't nearly as bad as TO.

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Arthur Blank has already stated several times that he wants no part of TO because of many factors (money, attitude, influence on Vick, Greg Knapp, offensive philosophy, etc.), so the "hometown" angle is out...

Exactly. I heard on ESPN (All T.O., All The Time) that they were looking at Atlanta as a possibility. Well Atlanta isn't, everybody shares the sentiment with Mr. Blank here, NOBODY wants any part of him here in Atlanta. The first thing Blank, Mora, and Jim McKay did when they got here was get rid of the locker room cancer, and look what it did. Adding T.O. would be a major step back for a franchise that has taken so many steps foward since the days before Blank.



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Well, speculation is rife around these parts that the Jets could even be interested...someone even floated the idea that Herm might be the kind of coach to keep TO in line...

Personally, that would be a disaster waiting to happen...if you think TO's dissatisfied with a GOOD QB like McNabb, how do you think he'd react to dealing with the likes of Chad "Ragarm" Pennington, Vinny "The 10,000 Year Old Interception Machine" Testaverde, or The Brooks Bollinger Experience!? ?...

Besides, we Jets fans already saw that act...it's name was ME-SHAWN JOHNSON. It sucked the first time around...and I don't wanna see a fluffing repeat.


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Well, speculation is rife around these parts that the Jets could even be interested...someone even floated the idea that Herm might be the kind of coach to keep TO in line...

Powder keg, meet spark. Spark, powder keg.

Let's see if we can map this out.

TO's volatility + QB with no throwing arm + Laveranues Coles + poor record + Patriots in the same division + New York City's the biggest market in the US, which means more microphones, more talk shows, more newspapers =


And there's isn't such a thing as a coach who could keep him in line. Andy Reid is as much of a disciplinarian as they come, and he couldn't do it. He even broke his precious philosophy about team-building and system-managing to bring this fool in. And he washed his hands of him after 1 1/2 seasons. What's Herm Edwards going to do with him? What resume has he accumulated that gives him cachet more than Andy Reid has?

Hell, the Jets took Rich Kotite off our hands. Do us another favor. CAVEAT EMPTOR.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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