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CONCEPT: Baltimore Ravens (Home/Alternate Combo)


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Okay here we go! A while back I got an idea to do this jersey after messin' around on the old pad and pencil and since now

I have the ability to do it via computer this is what I've created. To some it might be a little extreme but after looking at other

teams of the flying kind like Arizona and Atlanta, this doesn't seem too far off to me. Part of my inspiration actually came from

an old NFL fashion jersey that was out a couple of years ago where the front or back was either the team's home or away color.

But since ravens naturally have no color to their body other than black, I can't find fault in the team for using it. I darkened

up the purple a bit more though and kept the gold metallic. I replaced the helmet logo and swapped the bars for purple

instead of black and outlined the stripe in gold. C&C - Thanks :D


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Mmmm too dark. I had to brighten my screen a ton to see just what was going on. The raven on the jersey is too dorky 90's, but the wings alone on the shoulders might work. I don't like the helmet decal, too big. Good work tho.

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Very nice dub :D







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I like the darker purple alot and the helmet logo. I think that it's the best logo associated with the Ravens. I've never really gotten into the current helmet logo; the raven always looked like it has whiskers to me. I like the jersey as well, although it remind a little of MLB's "Back to the Future" promotion that they did. Not from a dorkiness factor, because I like the jersey, but just the idea in general. Very nicely done.

What would the white uni's look like? Being a Ravens fan, I dig the black alts that they use. I think it looks best at night though. It doesn't quite have the same effect during the day.

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That is a kickin' design! It is a bit low-contrast, but doable. When realizing the design in fabric I'd make the gold outlines into raised seams, like those seen on the current Atlanta Falcons' jerseys, and make them in a bright gold.

I still think the Ravens' first helmet is the best I've seen for them. I'd use it.

I really love this idea. It's a great concept.

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This is a pretty cool concept. One change id like to suggest is the number font. I really just cant bring myself to like it. The pants are really neat. Loose the BR though, it clusters the pants to much. The wings do a great job on their own

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I like outside the box! I like were you are going with this. I was always a fan of those NFL Europe jerseys a few years back with the large logo on the front. The purple is to dark though as many have already said. You are not the first person to post here to say that the raven bird is all black. Well I guess many have never seen a real Raven but in the sunlight their feathers refract/reflect purple hues.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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I would be scared with that running at me.. the raven on the front is scary looking, but I dont think it would fly(stupid pun.. not intended) The pant striping on the bottom, that is very tight.


The World Basketball Championship, the Davis Cup, Ryder Cup, Iraq: Every day there's further proof that we, as a nation, are not very good at international competition.

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I wonder if it is even possible to do that uni, given how jerseys and pants are templated and then customized. Interesting, very interesting, albeit too dark.

Side note: EVAN, you son of a gun. You have found yet ANOTHER of my favorite 80s artists, Thomas Dolby. I don't have signatures activated, and I STILL instantly recognized "People never read the airwaves." I put Hyperactive as my favorite of TDs, next is I Love You Goodbye.

Sorry for the side note! Anyway, a simplified version of this uni would be delightful.

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love the pants and top,

i think if there was any suggestions i would offer, is that you need to get rid of the eyes on the tops. I know it is minor but i would replace it would a chest logo.

i love the helmet!

now, please i want to see the away white unis. :D

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I'll try to post an updated version of the home plus a white one before I get back home to New Orleans. I gotta' start gutting out my house so I can treat the wood and let the contractors start there work so I'll be away for about 2 1/2 weeks at

the most (man this 229690.gif is gonna' be a hassle)! But anyway, I didn't put a wordmark on the front cause I wanted the raven's eyes to carry over to the jerseys theme and also cause' I thought that it looked more vicious. I also agree that I made the purple too dark and yes the jersey would be intended to have raised seams if dreams did come true! As for the font...I don't know what font that the Ravens, use exactly but honestly I never did like it. To me it wasn't masculine enough if I guess! I thought fatter numbers would look better but if any of ya'll know of a font that you think might look good let me know. I go to dafont.com to get all of mine so I might be able to snatch one just let me know - Thanks

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uhhh!!!! Thats cool. its perfect with the dark colors. It sticks out as a raven while being somewaht subtle. thumbs up dude


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Since I requested Dub's Ravens uniform, I am duty bound to comment.

What I like:

1. Wings on the pants.

2. Number font (however, I really love the current number font, which is one of my favorites in football and definitely my favorite part of the current set).

3. Helmet logo (except it is a little dark for a black helmet).

What I don't like:

1. I will join the "the purple is too dark" chorus. Ravens actually look purple in certain light (see below -- sorry it is so big), so I don't think it is critical/necessary to darken the purple.

2. To quote/paraphrase someone else, where are the helmet spikes? I love the helmet spikes.

3. I don't generally like the monochromes, but I know white pants defeat the purpose of the concept. Therefore, I guess the black pants actually DON'T belong in the "what I don't like" category.

Overall, this is an interesting concept, but maybe a little TOO outside the box for the NFL. Thanks for putting it together per my request. :D

EDIT: Sorry. The "helmet spikes" quote was in the thread for Beatnik's concept. Upon closer inspection, I see them now, but I don't like the gold outline.

I've never really gotten into the current helmet logo; the raven always looked like it has whiskers to me.

The reason it looks like the raven has whiskers is because the real birds have feathers that resemble whiskers on the top and bottom of their beaks (see below). They really aren't the most attractive birds in the world.

P.S. rtrich11, let's not forget "Europa and the Pirate Twins" and "One of Our Submarines is Missing" (I'm drawing a blank on whether that is actually the name of the song, but you know what I mean).


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> Swapped the outline of the raven on the helmet and took away the gold outline on the short stripe

> Lightened the purple just a bit, changed the gold and made the inner outline on the numbers black.

> Changed the font

> Added a second pair of pants without the "BR" by suggestion to see how it would look (personally I like the "BR" better)

Note: I know the NFL, does not allow teams to wear solid color socks pass halfway down the calf (for whatever reason I don't know) unless your Clinton Portis....but I made them black on my concept cause' I thought it brought something to the design. What it is I don't know but that's why you all are here! - Thanks C&C :D



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The white is definatly cool.. but there is just soo much dark of the front... maybe if the pants main part was white also, that would add more white. Kinda reminds me of those BYU jerseys, with the white midsection, and blue shoulders and side panels, which were their home uniforms.


The World Basketball Championship, the Davis Cup, Ryder Cup, Iraq: Every day there's further proof that we, as a nation, are not very good at international competition.

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