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Second NFL team in Chicago


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The Chicago Tribune reported today that the Mayor is considering building a 80,000 seat domed stadium in Chicago for a potential olympic bid and a possibility of luring a second NFL team. What are your guys thoughts of the unlikely chance of a second NFL team? What would there nickname be?

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I highly doubt that would happen. The Bears own Chicago's football legacy and I doubt any other team would be successful.

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Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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Yeah, and didn't they just renovate Soldier Field on top of it? Methinks the mayor of Chicago has been diving in the good stuff again... :mojoto:


Sodboy13 said:
As you watch more basketball, you will learn to appreciate the difference between "defense" and "couldn't find the rim with a pair of bloodhounds and a Garmin."

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The City held two teams for quite a while, the south side Cardinals and the north side Bears. The cardinals moved to St. Louis and the Bears moved to Soilder Field right in the litteral dead center of town to compensate. Many south siders found new teams, most hated the bears as the sox hate the cubs (each football team played at the respective baseball statium) so they opted to like the archrival of the bears, the Packers. Few are still Cardinals fans, but there are some. I personally have always been a Kansas City Chiefs fan, as it was the first game that I ever saw, ( my parents grew up in Kansas City.) Just a little history. I doubt they would give the city a new statium, and it would be on the southside anyway, so it would be used for baseball possibly after the olympics. Daley (the mayor) is a die hard sox fan.

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Not gonna happen. When Chicago had 2 teams things were alot different in the football world. For starters there were no teams in Indianapolis, Cincinnati, St.Louis, or Minnesota. The Bears are Chicago's team period. What's more, while the city has supported their team, they have been known to turn their backs on them when they're not doing so well (as opposed to say Green Bay who would probably sell-out if they fielded a JV squad every year).

Chicago has good fans, but they are not so numerous and fanatical that they wanted to travel to Champaigne, IL during their stadium's refit, granted it was a hell of a haul but even so. This is not a dig on the fans but rather to say that the city can fully support one team, and only one team. There are plenty of other deserving markets out there without a team that should be considered before Chicago should be considered for a second team. For that matter there are probably a few other cities out there that could support a second team over Chicago, but personally I really don't think it's needed.

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This is nothing more than another attempt on Daley's part to draw attention away from the corruption allegations he's getting. The whole Olympic bid should be treated the same way. IMO Peoria has a better shot at a NFL team than Chicago has at getting another.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

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Not gonna happen. When Chicago had 2 teams things were alot different in the football world. For starters there were no teams in Indianapolis, Cincinnati, St.Louis, or Minnesota. The Bears are Chicago's team period. What's more, while the city has supported their team, they have been known to turn their backs on them when they're not doing so well (as opposed to say Green Bay who would probably sell-out if they fielded a JV squad every year).

Chicago has good fans, but they are not so numerous and fanatical that they wanted to travel to Champaigne, IL during their stadium's refit, granted it was a hell of a haul but even so. This is not a dig on the fans but rather to say that the city can fully support one team, and only one team. There are plenty of other deserving markets out there without a team that should be considered before Chicago should be considered for a second team. For that matter there are probably a few other cities out there that could support a second team over Chicago, but personally I really don't think it's needed.

The Bears have sold out every game since 1984. I think they've had some bad seasons in there. I think they've had more QBs than games since then actually.

As for the Champaign thing, I'm sure it was rough for Chicago folks to travel down there. I'm from the Champaign area, and although its largely pro-bears, its not close to 100%. Alot of Packers and Rams fans in the area. Add to that we are used to cheap(er) college games instead of the expensive NFL tickets, its kind of surprising they did as well as they did. Don't forget as well, they were playing in a bigger venue than they did in old Soldier Field.

That being said, no second NFL team in Chicago. Stupid. Just as dumb as putting the USA version of America Jrs in Chicago when you already have the Fire.

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That being said, no second NFL team in Chicago. Stupid. Just as dumb as putting the USA version of America Jrs in Chicago when you already have the Fire.

Yeah... when I first read the title of this topic, I thought the same... that's unreal, unnecessary... it's like bringing a second MLB team to Boston.


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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I'm gonna go on record as saying that it would be a good thing. A second Chicago team would doubtlessly be well supported. The Bears sell out, so why wuoldnt a new team also attract fans?

My only issue is football in a Dome. I dont dig that.

Though, I dont really see the NFL expanding for a long time, and there are several locations ahead of Chitown for a moved franchise.

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the mayor wants a dome so it could be used for conventions. chicago used to be the convention capital of the us. chicago cant draw some of the big machinary conventions because it doesnt have a big enough space for it. those conventions are going to places like atlanta, houston, st. louis, and even indianapolis. mccormick place is being exanded for the 4th time now, however the city still wont be able to draw those conventions that need a dome.

if the stadium was built, knowing how passionate chicago fans are about their teams, i dont think any nfl owner would jump to the chance to relocate here. the mayor isnt probably too worried about not having another nfl team come to the city, hes just worried about making money in the long run. and this could be one of his arguements for wanting to host the olympics. a dome stadium would be built for the games, and the city would make money off of the conventions that use the facilty after the games.

ive been a bears fan since birth, and ive always thought about what it would be like if the cardinals were still in town.

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Does anybody really want to play the Summer Olympics in a dome? I'm those kinda people that say real athletes play outdoors in the elements.

The Colts aren't moving to Chicago. You should see the Dome on gameday, people walking all around the area in bars and hotels, and the sold out crowd in the Dome for kickoff all wearing their blue. The fans are devoted too. In week 2 when they showed the scores from around the league, when it showed Carolina crushing the Patriots, the Dome went into a frenzy of cheers.

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Well, I would assume it would be a retractable roof.

Second, I doubt the NFL would let a second team move to Chicago. Most owners will not invade the territory of another owner. So unless Al Davis moves the Raiders there, Chicago isn't getting a second team.

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Good... let's talk about adding a third baseball team in NYC, a second NHL team in Montréal and a second NBA team in Chicago...

All Chicago now needs is a second NFL team!!! Yeaaaaaaaaaah.


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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If a second baseball team came to Phila, I guarantee they'd outdraw the Phillies.

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