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New ESPN Graphic Package


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why is it like dead center in the bottom of the screen and overly large. seems like it can be just in the way a lot easier than the side box CBS uses or the top bar FOX uses. Just kinda hovering there

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It looks like a cross between a robot from a Sonic the Hedgehog game and one of those vacuum tube canisters you put your money in at the bank. Except worse, because it has annoying lights and sound effects.

ESPN had a really nice, coherent graphics package (somewhat; the Bottomline has never caught up with the new bold-colored angular scheme) going, and I even gave them a pass on the scorebox, whereas usually I'm a scorebar-all-the-way guy. All blasted to hell with this slipping, sliding, flipping, flashing monstrosity of a graphics scheme.


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I don't like it at all...like someone just said, it just kinda floats there. Ugh.

FOX and CBS got it right - upper left hand corner, thanks.

Also, one thing I really can't stand about MNF is the damn sideline reports every 50 seconds. I like Michelle Tafoya and all, but c'mon, I don't give a crap what Brad Johnson thinks about Daunte Culpepper being in Miami. That and the stupid questions for Tony Kornheiser (who I like, his observations are almost Cosell-like, if I do say so myself) just make the whole production almost unbearable.

I'm trying to watch a game here! :cursing:

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At least it's readable...but it's terrible. I understand they want to try to center things, or at least give them the bar along the top because of the HD broadcasts, but this instability with all of the graphics packages just doesn't make any of it look good.

I mean, I understand that the box floats about a quarter of the way through the screen on the HD broadcasts, but what they don't seem to realize is that either way, the picture is centered on the screen. Whether or not a bit of the peripheral area is cut off for the HD broadcasts doesn't matter to me; the action will be centered anyways.

Sigh...how I long for the days with boxes in the upper corners.

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I like it. It's simple and everything that you need is there. It may be a bit high, but overall I give it an "A". I've never understood why you need a bar all the way across the screen. Just put up the teams, the score, the quarter and time left. For those of us on a smaller television this is a welcome site. I can actually see that there's a game and not graphics across the screen.



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