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OJ: IF I did It


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No its cant be tried twice for the same crime, if he's found Not Guilty which he was by that dunce cap wearing jury, he can not be retired in CRIMINAL COURT. Though he can be tried in civil court and he was, and was found Guilty and owes S30 million.

Okay, I wasn't sure. Anyone remember the movie Ghosts Of Mississippi? In that movie (based on a true story) the guy killed a black man in the 60's. He was tried back then and found not guilty, but in the 90's they found more evidence against him and tried him again and he was found guilty.

That's why I thought it was convicted.

He was not retried on the murder charge, but was convicted of violating the man's Civil Rights.

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I pray to whoever will listen that he puts something stupid in there that they can convict him on. But I think Jim Rome put it best. "I'll see you in hell, OJ Simpson."

I thought if they found evidence that could be used to convict them it could be brought back to court. But I was wrong.



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I pray to whoever will listen that he puts something stupid in there that they can convict him on. But I think Jim Rome put it best. "I'll see you in hell, OJ Simpson."

I thought if they found evidence that could be used to convict them it could be brought back to court. But I was wrong.

An example of this is the men who murdered teenager Emmett Till back in the 50s. After be acquitted by an all-white jury, they basically sold their story to a magazine and told how they did it.

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Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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Ginger Rogers didn't do this much tap-dancing. Okay first it sounds like she's saying she was tricked into publishing it, then she seems to be saying she was doing it for justice and getting a confession, and then finally she seems to think she's doing us some kind of public service by getting the words of a sociopath in much the same way "Mein Kampf" is still published.

I'd like to point out "Mein Kampf" was written and published before the Holocaust, not afterwards. I don't care why she agreed to publish this abomination. It seems to me this is a sad attempt to justify someone's greedy effort to make money off of Simpson's name and crime. If she really was interested in getting a confession out of him, she should have either demanded for it from the beginning or refused to publish what it was he turned in. Whatever her alleged motivations are behind it are irrelevant.

* What's next? James "Whitey" Bulger coming out of hiding to publish, "I'm not a mobster: But if I were..."?


Simpson publisher says why she did it

NEW YORK - Under a barrage of criticism, Judith Regan says she published O.J. Simpson's book "If I Did It" because she was a victim of domestic violence and thought the proceeds would go to Simpson's children.

In an eight-page statement released Friday, Regan said Simpson approached her with the idea for the book, in which he hypothesizes how he would have committed the killings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman.

"I didn't know what to expect when I got the call that the killer wanted to confess," Regan said in the statement titled "Why I Did It." "But I knew one thing. I wanted the confession for my own selfish reasons and for the symbolism of that act. For me, it was personal."

Although Regan has acknowledged that Simpson does not directly say he killed the pair, she said she considers the book to be his confession.

"My son is now 25 years old, my daughter 15," said Regan's statement. "I wanted them, and everyone else, to have a chance to see that there are consequences to grievous acts. ... And I wanted, as so many victims do, to hear him say, 'I did it and I am sorry.'"

"I didn't know if he would," she wrote. "But I wanted to try. I wanted his confession."

Regan said she did not pay Simpson for the book. "I contracted through a third party who owns the rights, and I was told the money would go to his children. That much I could live with."

"What I wanted was closure, not money," she wrote.

Simpson was acquitted in 1995 of murder in the 1994 slayings after a highly charged trial. The former National Football League star was later found liable in a wrongful-death suit filed by the Goldman family but has failed to pay the $33.5 million judgment.

Regan said the book was a way to undo the "criminal injustice system" that let her own abuser go free.

She said she was abused while in her 20s by a man "who could charm anyone" and with whom she had a child. "And then he knocked me out, with a blow to my head and sent me to the hospital," she said. She said police initially didn't believe her story.

"I made the decision to publish this book, and to sit face to face with the killer, because I wanted him, and the men who broke my heart and your hearts, to tell the truth, to confess their sins, to do penance and to amend their lives," she said.

"If I Did It," published by ReganBooks ? an imprint to Harper Collins, is scheduled for release Nov. 30. Fox is airing a two-part TV interview of Simpson on Nov. 27 and 29. Harper Collins and Fox are owned by News Corp.

After word of the book emerged, Regan wrote, she's watched as the media "have all but called for my death for publishing his book and for interviewing him."

"To publish does not mean 'to endorse'; it means 'to make public,'" she said.

"If you doubt that, ask the mainstream publishers who keep Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' in print to this day. ... There is historical value in such work ... for anyone who wants to gain insight into the mind of a sociopath."

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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No its cant be tried twice for the same crime, if he's found Not Guilty which he was by that dunce cap wearing jury, he can not be retired in CRIMINAL COURT. Though he can be tried in civil court and he was, and was found Guilty and owes S30 million.

Okay, I wasn't sure. Anyone remember the movie Ghosts Of Mississippi? In that movie (based on a true story) the guy killed a black man in the 60's. He was tried back then and found not guilty, but in the 90's they found more evidence against him and tried him again and he was found guilty.

That's why I thought it was convicted.

He was not retried on the murder charge, but was convicted of violating the man's Civil Rights.

It has been a while since I've seen the movie, so I checked this Wikipedia link:


Beckwith was actually convicted of the murder, not violating Ever's Civil Rights. Beckwith's two previous trials in the 1960s had ended with hung juries, so there was no Double Jeopardy in his case, it was just never retried until 1994.

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No its cant be tried twice for the same crime, if he's found Not Guilty which he was by that dunce cap wearing jury, he can not be retired in CRIMINAL COURT. Though he can be tried in civil court and he was, and was found Guilty and owes S30 million.

Okay, I wasn't sure. Anyone remember the movie Ghosts Of Mississippi? In that movie (based on a true story) the guy killed a black man in the 60's. He was tried back then and found not guilty, but in the 90's they found more evidence against him and tried him again and he was found guilty.

That's why I thought it was convicted.

He was not retried on the murder charge, but was convicted of violating the man's Civil Rights.

It has been a while since I've seen the movie, so I checked this Wikipedia link:


Beckwith was actually convicted of the murder, not violating Ever's Civil Rights. Beckwith's two previous trials in the 1960s had ended with hung juries, so there was no Double Jeopardy in his case, it was just never retried until 1994.

Since Beckwith was basically acting alone, it would have been difficult to impossible to convict him of a civil rights violation, because that type of conviction requires state action. That situation was different from the murder of the Freedom Riders depicted in "Mississippi Burning", as the police/sheriff's deputies (I don't remember which) were involved in the planning and execution of that crime, thus establishing "state" action.

Most Liked Content of the Day -- February 15, 2017, August 21, 2017, August 22, 2017     /////      Proud Winner of the CCSLC Post of the Day Award -- April 8, 2008

Originator of the Upside Down Sarcasm Smilie -- November 1, 2005  🙃

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Bill O'Reilly was ripping Fox for showing it, so if he gets fired you will know why.

That won't be the reason O'Reilly gets fired. It'd be a good excuse to use, though.



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Bill O'Reilly was ripping Fox for showing it, so if he gets fired you will know why.

That won't be the reason O'Reilly gets fired. It'd be a good excuse to use, though.

they really could do with out that right wing extremist and hire a more fair minded commentator like Connie Chung.



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This is trash TV at its trashiest this is the low point I don't think it can get lower, and this book is the pure trash, I hope nobody buys it.



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What I like to see is

NOW and Victim Right s Groups and Women Groups get behind this boycott if they do Fox may have no other choice but to shelve it.

As for the Book its a book he has the right to write it, but if nobody buys it every one losses money and thats the greatest punishment of all.



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If you local TV station is still going to air it, DON'T watch it. Not even flipping through, not even for just a moment out of curiosity.

Discourage any from buying the book, flipping through it in a bookstore, or even inquiring about it in a search engine. For that matter maybe we should discourage store from carrying it. (Although its been my experience that discouraging a book seems to boost sales.)

I'm tired of hearing about OJ Simpson in the news. Especially now. Whether it's him smacking his daughter, hitting a motorist, who his latest tramp-of-the-month is, or what golf courses he still plays at. I think Simpson still wants attention, and quite frankly I really cannot think of anything newsworthy he's done since his acquittal. This is no exception. Turn away. Ignore him. That I think is worse than him being convicted. This is already proof. He's willing to all but say he did just so he can have attention again. Don't give into this.

Go away OJ. Seriously. You've lived the life of Riley long enough. You've had a life most people could only dream of, had anything you could have wanted, and on many occasions you got away with acts that would have destroyed other people (and come to think of it- DID destroy other people) . Be thankful of your luck and pray that you have no consequence to pay for after this life is over, because if you do... well....Cochran & Shapiro won't be able to talk the next judge out of it.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Be thankful of your luck and pray that you have no consequence to pay for after this life is over, because if you do... well....Cochran & Shapiro won't be able to talk the next judge out of it.

Well, Cochran is dead so you won't have to worry about that....

I saw, I came, I left.

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