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Favorite MLB Uniforms

Rocky Raccoon

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Are alternates included? Cause if so I love the Marlins black alt but do wish (like many other members here) that they would utilize the teal more.

I like Houston's uniforms but wish they'd use the red cap more.

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Are alternates included? Cause if so I love the Marlins black alt but do wish (like many other members here) that they would utilize the teal more.

I like Houston's uniforms but wish they'd use the red cap more.

sure, any unifrom you like, being home, road, or alternate.

wow can't believe I forgot to mention the Indians uniforms. Definitely one of my favorites (home, road, and alternate) I love the silver that they added a few years ago. Really makes it stand out.

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Every team's 2006 uniforms on one page.

Another way to think about this question might be to ask, "Are there any MLB teams you'd go see just for the uniforms?" Looking at the Nationals 2007 schedule, I can name a couple of teams I'm going to go see just for the uniforms: Padres, because they have my favorite road uniforms in the NL, and the D-Backs, just to see the new uniforms up close.

I'm not sure there is any one team whose entire uniform set I'd call "perfect." For a number of teams, I'd call home or away perfect, but both? Back before the Twins started screwing with their uniforms and adding non-matching alt jerseys and TC caps and whatnot, I'd have called their post-1986 uniform set perfect. But now? They're the freakin' Mets on the cheap. Nowadays, the two teams that come closest to all-around perfection for me, considering just standard home and away uniforms, are the Giants and the Rangers, but for me both are more examples of not doing anything wrong rather than getting everything right, if that makes any sense.

So as far as individual uniforms go, I'd make a desert island list along these lines.

Home Uniforms

1. Dodgers home. Best baseball uniform ever? Yes.

2. Brewers home. The current one, thank you, the one that doesn't have the single most generic cap logo in the history of the major leagues. They wear that one on Sundays now anyway. The other six days of the week, the Brewers look exactly like a team named the "Brewers" ought to look -- like a good beer label.

3. Angels home. I'm not a big fan of red, but the Angels home uniform almost makes a believer of me.

Road Uniforms

1. Twins road with the m cap.

2. Padres road. Yes, the khaki. Not my favorite color of uniform fabric either, but perfect for a team from a major U.S. Navy port city and objectively speaking one of the best road uniforms in baseball, in that it cannot be mistaken for white, unlike most teams' "gray" uniforms.

Alternate Uniforms

1. Astros home alt, the all-white with no pinstripes and the dark red cap. The only "alt" uniform in any sport that makes me wish it was the team's regular home uniform.

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